12 research outputs found

    The set of super-stable marriages forms a distributive lattice

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    Relaxing the total orders of the preference lists of an instance of the stable marriage problem to arbitrary posets, we show after adjusting the notion of stability to the new problem that the set of stable marriages still forms a distributive lattice

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    Jointly Stable Matchings

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    In the stable marriage problem, we are given a set of men, a set of women, and each person\u27s preference list. Our task is to find a stable matching, that is, a matching admitting no unmatched (man, woman)-pair each of which improves the situation by being matched together. It is known that any instance admits at least one stable matching. In this paper, we consider a natural extension where k (>= 2) sets of preference lists L_i (1 <= i <= k) over the same set of people are given, and the aim is to find a jointly stable matching, a matching that is stable with respect to all L_i. We show that the decision problem is NP-complete already for k=2, even if each person\u27s preference list is of length at most four, while it is solvable in linear time for any k if each man\u27s preference list is of length at most two (women\u27s lists can be of unbounded length). We also show that if each woman\u27s preference lists are same in all L_i, then the problem can be solved in linear time

    Efficient algorithms for generalized Stable Marriage and Roommates problems

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    We consider a generalization of the Stable Roommates problem (SR), in which preference lists may be partially ordered and forbidden pairs may be present, denoted by SRPF. This includes, as a special case, a corresponding generalization of the classical Stable Marriage problem (SM), denoted by SMPF. By extending previous work of Feder, we give a two-step reduction from SRPF to 2-SAT. This has many consequences, including fast algorithms for a range of problems associated with finding "optimal" stable matchings and listing all solutions, given variants of SR and SM. For example, given an SMPF instance I, we show that there exists an O(m) "succinct" certificate for the unsolvability of I, an O(m) algorithm for finding all the super-stable pairs in I, an O(m+kn) algorithm for listing all the super-stable matchings in I, an O(m&lt;sup&gt;1.5&lt;/sup&gt;) algorithm for finding an egalitarian super-stable matching in I, and an O(m) algorithm for finding a minimum regret super-stable matching in I, where n is the number of men, m is the total length of the preference lists, and k is the number of super-stable matchings in I. Analogous results apply in the case of SRPF

    Pairwise Preferences in the Stable Marriage Problem

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    We study the classical, two-sided stable marriage problem under pairwise preferences. In the most general setting, agents are allowed to express their preferences as comparisons of any two of their edges and they also have the right to declare a draw or even withdraw from such a comparison. This freedom is then gradually restricted as we specify six stages of orderedness in the preferences, ending with the classical case of strictly ordered lists. We study all cases occurring when combining the three known notions of stability - weak, strong and super-stability - under the assumption that each side of the bipartite market obtains one of the six degrees of orderedness. By designing three polynomial algorithms and two NP-completeness proofs we determine the complexity of all cases not yet known, and thus give an exact boundary in terms of preference structure between tractable and intractable cases

    Pairwise Preferences in the Stable Marriage Problem

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    We study the classical, two-sided stable marriage problem under pairwise preferences. In the most general setting, agents are allowed to express their preferences as comparisons of any two of their edges and they also have the right to declare a draw or even withdraw from such a comparison. This freedom is then gradually restricted as we specify six stages of orderedness in the preferences, ending with the classical case of strictly ordered lists. We study all cases occurring when combining the three known notions of stability – weak, strong and super-stability – under the assumption that each side of the bipartite market obtains one of the six degrees of orderedness. By designing three polynomial algorithms and two NP-completeness proofs we determine the complexity of all cases not yet known, and thus give an exact boundary in terms of preference structure between tractable and intractable cases

    Super-stability in the student-project allocation problem with ties

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    The Student-Project Allocation problem with lecturer preferences over Students (spa- s) involves assigning students to projects based on student preferences over projects, lecturer preferences over students, and the maximum number of students that each project and lecturer can accommodate. This classical model assumes that each project is offered by one lecturer and that preference lists are strictly ordered. Here, we study a generalisation of spa-s where ties are allowed in the preference lists of students and lecturers, which we refer to as the Student-Project Allocation problem with lecturer preferences over Students with Ties (spa-st). We investigate stable matchings under the most robust definition of stability in this context, namely super- stability. We describe the first polynomial-time algorithm to find a super-stable matching or to report that no such matching exists, given an instance of spa-st. Our algorithm runs in O(L) time, where L is the total length of all the preference lists. Finally, we present results obtained from an empirical evaluation of the linear-time algorithm based on randomly-generated spa-st instances. Our main finding is that, whilst super-stable matchings can be elusive when ties are present in the students’ and lecturers’ preference lists, the probability of such a matching existing is significantly higher if ties are restricted to the lecturers’ preference lists

    Pairwise preferences in the stable marriage problem = Páronkénti preferenciák a stabil párosítás problémában

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    The Set of Super Stable Marriages Forms a Distributive Lattice

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    A structural approach to matching problems with preferences

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    This thesis is a study of a number of matching problems that seek to match together pairs or groups of agents subject to the preferences of some or all of the agents. We present a number of new algorithmic results for five specific problem domains. Each of these results is derived with the aid of some structural properties implicitly embedded in the problem. We begin by describing an approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a maximum stable matching for an instance of the stable marriage problem with ties and incomplete lists (MAX-SMTI). Our polynomial time approximation algorithm provides a performance guarantee of 3/2 for the general version of MAX-SMTI, improving upon the previous best approximation algorithm, which gave a performance guarantee of 5/3. Next, we study the sex-equal stable marriage problem (SESM). We show that SESM is W[1]-hard, even if the men's and women's preference lists are both of length at most three. This improves upon the previously known hardness results. We contrast this with an exact, low-order exponential time algorithm. This is the first non-trivial exponential time algorithm known for this problem, or indeed for any hard stable matching problem. Turning our attention to the hospitals / residents problem with couples (HRC), we show that HRC is NP-complete, even if very severe restrictions are placed on the input. By contrast, we give a linear-time algorithm to find a stable matching with couples (or report that none exists) when stability is defined in terms of the classical Gale-Shapley concept. This result represents the most general polynomial time solvable restriction of HRC that we are aware of. We then explore the three dimensional stable matching problem (3DSM), in which we seek to find stable matchings across three sets of agents, rather than two (as in the classical case). We show that under two natural definitions of stability, finding a stable matching for a 3DSM instance is NP-complete. These hardness results resolve some open questions in the literature. Finally, we study the popular matching problem (POP-M) in the context of matching a set of applicants to a set of posts. We provide a characterization of the set of popular matchings for an arbitrary POP-M instance in terms of a new structure called the switching graph exploited to yield efficient algorithms for a range of associated problems, extending and improving upon the previously best-known results for this problem