3,194 research outputs found

    The Satisfiability Problem for Boolean Set Theory with a Choice Correspondence

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    Given a set U of alternatives, a choice (correspondence) on U is a contractive map c defined on a family Omega of nonempty subsets of U. Semantically, a choice c associates to each menu A in Omega a nonempty subset c(A) of A comprising all elements of A that are deemed selectable by an agent. A choice on U is total if its domain is the powerset of U minus the empty set, and partial otherwise. According to the theory of revealed preferences, a choice is rationalizable if it can be retrieved from a binary relation on U by taking all maximal elements of each menu. It is well-known that rationalizable choices are characterized by the satisfaction of suitable axioms of consistency, which codify logical rules of selection within menus. For instance, WARP (Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference) characterizes choices rationalizable by a transitive relation. Here we study the satisfiability problem for unquantified formulae of an elementary fragment of set theory involving a choice function symbol c, the Boolean set operators and the singleton, the equality and inclusion predicates, and the propositional connectives. In particular, we consider the cases in which the interpretation of c satisfies any combination of two specific axioms of consistency, whose conjunction is equivalent to WARP. In two cases we prove that the related satisfiability problem is NP-complete, whereas in the remaining cases we obtain NP-completeness under the additional assumption that the number of choice terms is constant.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2017, arXiv:1709.01761. "extended" version at arXiv:1708.0612

    The satisfiability problem for Boolean set theory with a choice correspondence (Extended version)

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    Given a set UU of alternatives, a choice (correspondence) on UU is a contractive map cc defined on a family Ω\Omega of nonempty subsets of UU. Semantically, a choice cc associates to each menu A∈ΩA \in \Omega a nonempty subset c(A)⊆Ac(A) \subseteq A comprising all elements of AA that are deemed selectable by an agent. A choice on UU is total if its domain is the powerset of UU minus the empty set, and partial otherwise. According to the theory of revealed preferences, a choice is rationalizable if it can be retrieved from a binary relation on UU by taking all maximal elements of each menu. It is well-known that rationalizable choices are characterized by the satisfaction of suitable axioms of consistency, which codify logical rules of selection within menus. For instance, WARP (Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference) characterizes choices rationalizable by a transitive relation. Here we study the satisfiability problem for unquantified formulae of an elementary fragment of set theory involving a choice function symbol c\mathtt{c}, the Boolean set operators and the singleton, the equality and inclusion predicates, and the propositional connectives. In particular, we consider the cases in which the interpretation of c\mathtt{c} satisfies any combination of two specific axioms of consistency, whose conjunction is equivalent to WARP. In two cases we prove that the related satisfiability problem is NP-complete, whereas in the remaining cases we obtain NP-completeness under the additional assumption that the number of choice terms is constant

    An exactly solvable random satisfiability problem

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    We introduce a new model for the generation of random satisfiability problems. It is an extension of the hyper-SAT model of Ricci-Tersenghi, Weigt and Zecchina, which is a variant of the famous K-SAT model: it is extended to q-state variables and relates to a different choice of the statistical ensemble. The model has an exactly solvable statistic: the critical exponents and scaling functions of the SAT/UNSAT transition are calculable at zero temperature, with no need of replicas, also with exact finite-size corrections. We also introduce an exact duality of the model, and show an analogy of thermodynamic properties with the Random Energy Model of disordered spin systems theory. Relations with Error-Correcting Codes are also discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Do Hard SAT-Related Reasoning Tasks Become Easier in the Krom Fragment?

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    Many reasoning problems are based on the problem of satisfiability (SAT). While SAT itself becomes easy when restricting the structure of the formulas in a certain way, the situation is more opaque for more involved decision problems. We consider here the CardMinSat problem which asks, given a propositional formula ϕ\phi and an atom xx, whether xx is true in some cardinality-minimal model of ϕ\phi. This problem is easy for the Horn fragment, but, as we will show in this paper, remains Θ2\Theta_2-complete (and thus NP\mathrm{NP}-hard) for the Krom fragment (which is given by formulas in CNF where clauses have at most two literals). We will make use of this fact to study the complexity of reasoning tasks in belief revision and logic-based abduction and show that, while in some cases the restriction to Krom formulas leads to a decrease of complexity, in others it does not. We thus also consider the CardMinSat problem with respect to additional restrictions to Krom formulas towards a better understanding of the tractability frontier of such problems

    The Complexity of Satisfiability for Sub-Boolean Fragments of ALC

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    The standard reasoning problem, concept satisfiability, in the basic description logic ALC is PSPACE-complete, and it is EXPTIME-complete in the presence of unrestricted axioms. Several fragments of ALC, notably logics in the FL, EL, and DL-Lite family, have an easier satisfiability problem; sometimes it is even tractable. All these fragments restrict the use of Boolean operators in one way or another. We look at systematic and more general restrictions of the Boolean operators and establish the complexity of the concept satisfiability problem in the presence of axioms. We separate tractable from intractable cases.Comment: 17 pages, accepted (in short version) to Description Logic Workshop 201

    (Un)Decidability Results for Word Equations with Length and Regular Expression Constraints

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    We prove several decidability and undecidability results for the satisfiability and validity problems for languages that can express solutions to word equations with length constraints. The atomic formulas over this language are equality over string terms (word equations), linear inequality over the length function (length constraints), and membership in regular sets. These questions are important in logic, program analysis, and formal verification. Variants of these questions have been studied for many decades by mathematicians. More recently, practical satisfiability procedures (aka SMT solvers) for these formulas have become increasingly important in the context of security analysis for string-manipulating programs such as web applications. We prove three main theorems. First, we give a new proof of undecidability for the validity problem for the set of sentences written as a forall-exists quantifier alternation applied to positive word equations. A corollary of this undecidability result is that this set is undecidable even with sentences with at most two occurrences of a string variable. Second, we consider Boolean combinations of quantifier-free formulas constructed out of word equations and length constraints. We show that if word equations can be converted to a solved form, a form relevant in practice, then the satisfiability problem for Boolean combinations of word equations and length constraints is decidable. Third, we show that the satisfiability problem for quantifier-free formulas over word equations in regular solved form, length constraints, and the membership predicate over regular expressions is also decidable.Comment: Invited Paper at ADDCT Workshop 2013 (co-located with CADE 2013
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