15 research outputs found

    Improving Security Performance in Smart Campuses

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    The idea of a smart campus is to combine devices, apps, and people to achieve enhanced operational and educational efficiency. One of the major aspects of the establishment of smart campuses is the building of a smart security system. This research is an effort to review the security technologies and how to increase the security performance of a smart campus using these technologies. The main objective of this study is to discuss asset security and facility access technologies in a smart campus setting. Universities spend millions of dollars on specialized equipment, yet maintaining track of such assets may be challenging. We discussed how security personnel can monitor the whereabouts of high-value items by installing IoT on them and how Smart locks, intelligent ID, and Geofencing can enable the facilities managers to manage campus access, tracking, and define zones. Finally, we review the optimal mix of other technologies and strategies to produce successful deterrent, preventive, protection, and reaction measures. This study argued that using these technologies smart campuses can alter the education system by improving campus security and by offering students and educators an engaged, creative, and safe environment

    L-SCN: Layered SCN architecture with supernodes and Bloom filters

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    In this paper, we present L-SCN, a new routing architecture for Service-Centric Networking (SCN), which makes use of a two-layer forwarding scheme composed of inter-domain and intra-domain communication. Unlike existing SCN routing architectures relying on a flat organization, our design splits the network into domains. Nodes within a domain possess significant knowledge about existing services and available resources within the domain. Supernodes provide a significant advantage in comparison to other architectures. They assure the inter-domain communication and make use of a pull and push mechanism combined with Bloom filters. It allows us to minimize the protocol overhead and optimize sharing of information about available services and resources in the network

    A Unified Software Architecture to Enable Cross-Layer Design in the Future Internet

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    Abstract—While research on cross-layer network optimization has been progressing, useful implementations have been lagging because the current Internet architecture does not accommodate cross-layering gracefully. As part of our FIND project, we propose a software architecture for the future Internet that is designed to accommodate such interactions. We present a conceptual overview as well as high level software design and an early prototype implementation, and point out the strengths of our architecture. I

    Towards a New Architectural Framework – The Nth Stratum Concept

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    Current architectures and solutions are about to reach the limits of sustainable developments. Over the years, many new requirements have emerged, and there are observations pointing to an ever-increasing diversity in applications, services, devices, types of networks at the edge and the access. Meanwhile, the infrastructures for internetworking, connectivity, and also management remain fairly the same. A new paradigm is needed that can support a continuous high pace of innovations in all the different parts and aspects of a communication system, while at the same time keeping costs of deployment and maintenance down. This new paradigm has to embrace current trends towards increased heterogeneity, but on the other hands provide support for co-existence and interoperability between alternative and various solutions all residing within a global communication system. This paper presents a new architectural framework called the Nth Stratum concept, and which takes a holistic approach to tackle these new needs and requirements on a future communication system

    Application of service composition mechanisms to Future Networks architectures and Smart Grids

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    Aquesta tesi gira entorn de la hipòtesi de la metodologia i mecanismes de composició de serveis i com es poden aplicar a diferents camps d'aplicació per a orquestrar de manera eficient comunicacions i processos flexibles i sensibles al context. Més concretament, se centra en dos camps d'aplicació: la distribució eficient i sensible al context de contingut multimèdia i els serveis d'una xarxa elèctrica intel·ligent. En aquest últim camp es centra en la gestió de la infraestructura, cap a la definició d'una Software Defined Utility (SDU), que proposa una nova manera de gestionar la Smart Grid amb un enfocament basat en programari, que permeti un funcionament molt més flexible de la infraestructura de xarxa elèctrica. Per tant, revisa el context, els requisits i els reptes, així com els enfocaments de la composició de serveis per a aquests camps. Fa especial èmfasi en la combinació de la composició de serveis amb arquitectures Future Network (FN), presentant una proposta de FN orientada a serveis per crear comunicacions adaptades i sota demanda. També es presenten metodologies i mecanismes de composició de serveis per operar sobre aquesta arquitectura, i posteriorment, es proposa el seu ús (en conjunció o no amb l'arquitectura FN) en els dos camps d'estudi. Finalment, es presenta la investigació i desenvolupament realitzat en l'àmbit de les xarxes intel·ligents, proposant diverses parts de la infraestructura SDU amb exemples d'aplicació de composició de serveis per dissenyar seguretat dinàmica i flexible o l'orquestració i gestió de serveis i recursos dins la infraestructura de l'empresa elèctrica.Esta tesis gira en torno a la hipótesis de la metodología y mecanismos de composición de servicios y cómo se pueden aplicar a diferentes campos de aplicación para orquestar de manera eficiente comunicaciones y procesos flexibles y sensibles al contexto. Más concretamente, se centra en dos campos de aplicación: la distribución eficiente y sensible al contexto de contenido multimedia y los servicios de una red eléctrica inteligente. En este último campo se centra en la gestión de la infraestructura, hacia la definición de una Software Defined Utility (SDU), que propone una nueva forma de gestionar la Smart Grid con un enfoque basado en software, que permita un funcionamiento mucho más flexible de la infraestructura de red eléctrica. Por lo tanto, revisa el contexto, los requisitos y los retos, así como los enfoques de la composición de servicios para estos campos. Hace especial hincapié en la combinación de la composición de servicios con arquitecturas Future Network (FN), presentando una propuesta de FN orientada a servicios para crear comunicaciones adaptadas y bajo demanda. También se presentan metodologías y mecanismos de composición de servicios para operar sobre esta arquitectura, y posteriormente, se propone su uso (en conjunción o no con la arquitectura FN) en los dos campos de estudio. Por último, se presenta la investigación y desarrollo realizado en el ámbito de las redes inteligentes, proponiendo varias partes de la infraestructura SDU con ejemplos de aplicación de composición de servicios para diseñar seguridad dinámica y flexible o la orquestación y gestión de servicios y recursos dentro de la infraestructura de la empresa eléctrica.This thesis revolves around the hypothesis the service composition methodology and mechanisms and how they can be applied to different fields of application in order to efficiently orchestrate flexible and context-aware communications and processes. More concretely, it focuses on two fields of application that are the context-aware media distribution and smart grid services and infrastructure management, towards a definition of a Software-Defined Utility (SDU), which proposes a new way of managing the Smart Grid following a software-based approach that enable a much more flexible operation of the power infrastructure. Hence, it reviews the context, requirements and challenges of these fields, as well as the service composition approaches. It makes special emphasis on the combination of service composition with Future Network (FN) architectures, presenting a service-oriented FN proposal for creating context-aware on-demand communication services. Service composition methodology and mechanisms are also presented in order to operate over this architecture, and afterwards, proposed for their usage (in conjunction or not with the FN architecture) in the deployment of context-aware media distribution and Smart Grids. Finally, the research and development done in the field of Smart Grids is depicted, proposing several parts of the SDU infrastructure, with examples of service composition application for designing dynamic and flexible security for smart metering or the orchestration and management of services and data resources within the utility infrastructure

    The SILO architecture for services integration, control, and optimization for the future internet

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    Abstract — We propose a new internetworking architecture that represents a departure from current philosophy and practice, as a contribution to the ongoing debate regarding the future Internet. Building upon our experience with the design and prototyping of the Just-in-Time protocol suite, we outline a framework consisting of (1) building blocks of fine-grain functionality, (2) explicit support for combining elemental blocks to accomplish highly configurable complex communication tasks, and (3) control elements to facilitate (what is currently referred to as) cross-layer interactions. In this position paper, we take a holistic view of network design, allowing applications to work synergistically with the network architecture and physical layers to select the most appropriate functional blocks and tune their behavior so as to meet the application’s needs within resource availability constraints. The proposed architecture is flexible and extensible so as to foster innovation and accommodate change, it supports a unified Internet, it allows for the integration of security and management features at any point in (what is now referred to as) the networking stack, and it is positioned to take advantage of hardware-based performance-enhancing techniques. I