339 research outputs found

    SGN Database: From QTLs to Genomes

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    Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis is used to dissect the genetic basis underlying polygenic traits. Several public databases have been storing and making QTL data available to research communities. To our knowledge, current QTL databases rely on manual curation where curators read literature and extract relevant QTL information to store in databases. Evidently, this approach is expensive in terms of expert manpower and time use and limits the type of data that can be curated. At the Solanaceae Genomics Network (SGN) ("http://sgn.cornell.edu":http://sgn.cornell.edu), we have developed a database to store raw phenotype and genotype data from QTL studies, perform, on the fly, QTL analysis using R/QTL statistical software ("http://www.rqtl.org":http://www.rqtl.org) and visualize QTLs on a genetic map. Users can identify peak, and flanking markers for QTLs of traits of interest. The QTL database is integrated with other SGN databases (eg. Marker, BACs, and Unigenes), and analysis tools such as the Comparative Map Viewer. Using the comparative map viewer, users can compare chromosome with QTL regions to genetic maps of interest from the same or different Solanaceae species. As the tomato genome sequencing advances, users can also identify corresponding BAC sequences or locations on the tomato physical map, which can be suggestive of candidate genes for a trait of interest.

Furthermore at SGN, images, quantitative phenotype and genotype data, publications, genetic maps generated by QTL studies are displayed and available for download. Currently, data from three F2 and two backcross population QTL studies on fruit morphology traits (18 – 46 traits per population) is available at the SGN website for viewing at population, accession, and trait levels. Traits are described using ontology terms. Phenotype data is presented in tabular and graphical formats such as frequency distributions with basic descriptive statistics. Mapping data showing location of parental alleles on individual accession genetic maps is also available.

SGN is a public database hosted at Boyce Thomson Institute, Cornell University, and funded by USDA CSREES and NSF

    solQTL: a tool for QTL analysis, visualization and linking to genomes at SGN database

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    BACKGROUND: A common approach to understanding the genetic basis of complex traits is through identification of associated quantitative trait loci (QTL). Fine mapping QTLs requires several generations of backcrosses and analysis of large populations, which is time-consuming and costly effort. Furthermore, as entire genomes are being sequenced and an increasing amount of genetic and expression data are being generated, a challenge remains: linking phenotypic variation to the underlying genomic variation. To identify candidate genes and understand the molecular basis underlying the phenotypic variation of traits, bioinformatic approaches are needed to exploit information such as genetic map, expression and whole genome sequence data of organisms in biological databases. DESCRIPTION: The Sol Genomics Network (SGN, http://solgenomics.net) is a primary repository for phenotypic, genetic, genomic, expression and metabolic data for the Solanaceae family and other related Asterids species and houses a variety of bioinformatics tools. SGN has implemented a new approach to QTL data organization, storage, analysis, and cross-links with other relevant data in internal and external databases. The new QTL module, solQTL, http://solgenomics.net/qtl/, employs a user-friendly web interface for uploading raw phenotype and genotype data to the database, R/QTL mapping software for on-the-fly QTL analysis and algorithms for online visualization and cross-referencing of QTLs to relevant datasets and tools such as the SGN Comparative Map Viewer and Genome Browser. Here, we describe the development of the solQTL module and demonstrate its application. CONCLUSIONS: solQTL allows Solanaceae researchers to upload raw genotype and phenotype data to SGN, perform QTL analysis and dynamically cross-link to relevant genetic, expression and genome annotations. Exploration and synthesis of the relevant data is expected to help facilitate identification of candidate genes underlying phenotypic variation and markers more closely linked to QTLs. solQTL is freely available on SGN and can be used in private or public mode

    GMOD for Evolutionary Biology

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    The Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD, "http://gmod.org":http://gmod.org) project provides interoperable, open source software tools for managing, visualizing and annotating biological data. GMOD is also a community of people addressing common challenges with biological data. Some well known software in GMOD includes GBrowse and JBrowse for genome browsing, Apollo for genome annotation, Chado for managing data, CMap for comparative map viewing, Galaxy for workflow creation and persistence, and BioMart for warehousing biological data.

This talk will focus on three areas of particular interest to iEvoBio participants. 
1) GBrowse_syn comparative genomics viewer
2) Natural Diversity Module of the Chado database schema
3) GMOD evolutionary biology hackathon 

The GBrowse_syn comparative genomics viewer displays synteny between a reference and any number of related species. It shows inversions, duplications, and indels, and can show synteny across non-contiguous regions. It is built on the widely used GBrowse genome viewer. The Natural Diversity Module is an extension to GMOD’s Chado database schema to enable Chado to support natural diversity, population genomics, individuals, breeding, phenotypes and geolocation information. This module is the first extension to Chado to be designed by the community, rather than at one institution. We will close by soliciting nominations and ideas for a GMOD Evolutionary Biology Hackathon. This hackathon will be held November 8-12, at NESCent, which is sponsoring the event. There will be an open call for participation in August.

    CMap 1.01: a comparative mapping application for the Internet

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    Summary:CMap is a web-based tool for displaying and comparing maps of any type and from any species. A user can compare an unlimited number of maps, view pair-wise comparisons of known correspondences, and search for maps or for features by name, species, type and accession. CMap is freely available, can run on a variety of database engines and uses only free and open software components

    Choosing a genome browser for a Model Organism Database: surveying the Maize community

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    As the B73 maize genome sequencing project neared completion, MaizeGDB began to integrate a graphical genome browser with its existing web interface and database. To ensure that maize researchers would optimally benefit from the potential addition of a genome browser to the existing MaizeGDB resource, personnel at MaizeGDB surveyed researchers’ needs. Collected data indicate that existing genome browsers for maize were inadequate and suggest implementation of a browser with quick interface and intuitive tools would meet most researchers’ needs. Here, we document the survey’s outcomes, review functionalities of available genome browser software platforms and offer our rationale for choosing the GBrowse software suite for MaizeGDB. Because the genome as represented within the MaizeGDB Genome Browser is tied to detailed phenotypic data, molecular marker information, available stocks, etc., the MaizeGDB Genome Browser represents a novel mechanism by which the researchers can leverage maize sequence information toward crop improvement directly
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