11 research outputs found

    Finite automata with advice tapes

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    We define a model of advised computation by finite automata where the advice is provided on a separate tape. We consider several variants of the model where the advice is deterministic or randomized, the input tape head is allowed real-time, one-way, or two-way access, and the automaton is classical or quantum. We prove several separation results among these variants, demonstrate an infinite hierarchy of language classes recognized by automata with increasing advice lengths, and establish the relationships between this and the previously studied ways of providing advice to finite automata.Comment: Corrected typo

    Inkdots as advice for finite automata

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    We examine inkdots placed on the input string as a way of providing advice to finite automata, and establish the relations between this model and the previously studied models of advised finite automata. The existence of an infinite hierarchy of classes of languages that can be recognized with the help of increasing numbers of inkdots as advice is shown. The effects of different forms of advice on the succinctness of the advised machines are examined. We also study randomly placed inkdots as advice to probabilistic finite automata, and demonstrate the superiority of this model over its deterministic version. Even very slowly growing amounts of space can become a resource of meaningful use if the underlying advised model is extended with access to secondary memory, while it is famously known that such small amounts of space are not useful for unadvised one-way Turing machines.Comment: 14 page

    Power of Counting by Nonuniform Families of Polynomial-Size Finite Automata

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    Lately, there have been intensive studies on strengths and limitations of nonuniform families of promise decision problems solvable by various types of polynomial-size finite automata families, where "polynomial-size" refers to the polynomially-bounded state complexity of a finite automata family. In this line of study, we further expand the scope of these studies to families of partial counting and gap functions, defined in terms of nonuniform families of polynomial-size nondeterministic finite automata, and their relevant families of promise decision problems. Counting functions have an ability of counting the number of accepting computation paths produced by nondeterministic finite automata. With no unproven hardness assumption, we show numerous separations and collapses of complexity classes of those partial counting and gap function families and their induced promise decision problem families. We also investigate their relationships to pushdown automata families of polynomial stack-state complexity.Comment: (A4, 10pt, 21 pages) This paper corrects and extends a preliminary report published in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 2023), Trier, Germany, September 18-24, 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14292, pp. 421-435, Springer Cham, 202

    One-Way Reversible and Quantum Finite Automata with Advice

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    We examine the characteristic features of reversible and quantum computations in the presence of supplementary external information, known as advice. In particular, we present a simple, algebraic characterization of languages recognized by one-way reversible finite automata augmented with deterministic advice. With a further elaborate argument, we prove a similar but slightly weaker result for bounded-error one-way quantum finite automata with advice. Immediate applications of those properties lead to containments and separations among various language families when they are assisted by appropriately chosen advice. We further demonstrate the power and limitation of randomized advice and quantum advice when they are given to one-way quantum finite automata.Comment: A4, 10pt, 1 figure, 31 pages. This is a complete version of an extended abstract appeared in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2012), March 5-9, 2012, A Coruna, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol.7183, pp.526-537, 201


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