5,915 research outputs found

    [Research on the Application of Fuzzy Logic to Systems Analysis and Control]

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    Research conducted with the support of NASA Grant NCC2-275 has been focused in the main on the development of fuzzy logic and soft computing methodologies and their applications to systems analysis and control. with emphasis 011 problem areas which are of relevance to NASA's missions. One of the principal results of our research has been the development of a new methodology called Computing with Words (CW). Basically, in CW words drawn from a natural language are employed in place of numbers for computing and reasoning. There are two major imperatives for computing with words. First, computing with words is a necessity when the available information is too imprecise to justify the use of numbers, and second, when there is a tolerance for imprecision which can be exploited to achieve tractability, robustness, low solution cost, and better rapport with reality. Exploitation of the tolerance for imprecision is an issue of central importance in CW

    Intelligent Embedded Software: New Perspectives and Challenges

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    Intelligent embedded systems (IES) represent a novel and promising generation of embedded systems (ES). IES have the capacity of reasoning about their external environments and adapt their behavior accordingly. Such systems are situated in the intersection of two different branches that are the embedded computing and the intelligent computing. On the other hand, intelligent embedded software (IESo) is becoming a large part of the engineering cost of intelligent embedded systems. IESo can include some artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems such as expert systems, neural networks and other sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) models to guarantee some important characteristics such as self-learning, self-optimizing and self-repairing. Despite the widespread of such systems, some design challenging issues are arising. Designing a resource-constrained software and at the same time intelligent is not a trivial task especially in a real-time context. To deal with this dilemma, embedded system researchers have profited from the progress in semiconductor technology to develop specific hardware to support well AI models and render the integration of AI with the embedded world a reality

    Diagnosing Hepatitis Using Hybrid Fuzzy-CBR

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    The Malaysia populations are currently estimated to be 28.9 million with a number of medical specialists is 2,500 and 20,280 doctors. This ratio figures to cause patients need to wait longer in government hospitals and clinics before they can meet doctor or medical specialist. In order to resolve this problem, Ministry of Health has pledged to reduce waiting time of patient examination from 45 minutes to 30 minutes by provide allocation of large budget to the medical sector. This budget will be used either to buy new equipment, which can work with large capacity or upgrade the old equipment to work faster or build the new hospital to tend more patients or hire other doctors from overseas. Due to that reason and the coming which World Hepatitis Day on 28 July 2012, this study proposes a the use of hybrid intelligent, which combine Fuzzy Logic and Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) approach that could be integrated in the diagnosis system to classify patient condition by using fuzzy technique and similarity measurement based on current symptoms of a hepatitis patient. Focus of this study is to develop an automated decision support system that can be used by the doctors to accelerate diagnosis processing. As a result, a prototype called Intelligent Medical Decision Support System (IMDSS) using Fuzzy-CBR engine for diagnosis purposes has been developed, validated and evaluated in this study. The finding through validation and evaluation phase indicates that IMDSS is reliable in assisting doctors during the diagnosis process. In fact, the diagnosis of a patient has become easier than the manual process and easy to use

    Mobile robot controller using novel hybrid system

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    Hybrid neuro-fuzzy controller is one of the techniques that is used as a tool to control a mobile robot in unstructured environment. In this paper a novel neuro-fuzzy technique is proposed in order to tackle the problem of mobile robot autonomous navigation in unstructured environment. Obstacle avoidance is an important task in the field of robotics, since the goal of autonomous robot is to reach the destination without collision. The objective is to make the robot move along a collision free trajectory until it reaches its target. The proposed approach uses the artificial neural network instead of the fuzzified engine then the output from it is processed using adaptive inference engine and defuzzification engine. In this approach, the real processing time is reduce that is increase the mobile robot response. The proposed neuro-fuzzy controller is evaluated subjectively and objectively with other approaches and also the processing time is taken in consideration

    Autonomic Computing: the natural fusion of Soft Computing and Hard Computing

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    Abstract- Autonomic Computing is emerging as a significant new approach in the design of computing systems. Its overall goal is the creation of Self-Managing Systems. In order to achieve this, Hard and So3 Computing are required. The benefits from utilizing Soy Computing include their ability to handle imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth that is inherently present in any complex real world problem accompanied by the practicable benefits of Hard Computing namely the stability of highly predictable solutions and typically low computational burden. This paper motivates the proposition that the successful creation of Autonomic Systems requires a fusion of Soj? Computing and Hard Computing

    Analysis of Hybrid Soft Computing Techniques for Intrusion Detection on Network

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    Intrusion detection is an action towards security of a network when a system or network is being used inappropriately or without authorization. The use of Soft Computing Approaches in intrusion detection is an Appealing co ncept for two reasons: firstly, the Soft Computing Approaches achieve tractability, robustness, low solution cost, and better report with reality. Secondly, current techniques used in network security from intrusion are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of network and their security. It is hoped that Soft Computing inspired approaches in this area will be able to meet this challenge. Here we analyze the approaches including the examination of efforts in hybrid system of SC su ch as neuro - fuzzy, fuzzy - genetic, neuro - genetic, and neuro - fuzzy - genetic used the development of the systems and outcome their implementation. It provides an introduction and review of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestio ns for future research
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