5 research outputs found

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    From the field of cartography and geoinformation, there are journal’s article extracts given which are not cartographic first and whose complete texts are on the Internet, accessible to the members of Croatian academic and research community. Most journals can be accessed through the PERO browser (http://knjiznica.irb.hr/pero/index.php). For the journals not found through this browser, the complete texts of the mentioned articles are available for free on the givenweb-address.Next to every journal headline, in the brackets, it is noted which prominent bibliographic and quotation bases it is placed in: CC (Current Contents), SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), and SSCI (Social Science Citation Index). It should be noted that, for some journals accessible throughPERObrowser, thereisadelayof6,12 and even 18 months in accessing the newestissues.Thisnumberisgiveninthe brackets next to the journal’s headline.Dan je izbor članaka iz područja kartografije i geoinformacija iz časopisa, koji nisu u prvom redu kartografski, a kojima su cjeloviti tekstovi dostupni na internetu članovima hrvatske akademske i istraživačke zajednice. Većina časopisa dostupna je preko pretraživača PERO (http:// knjiznica.irb.hr/pero/index.php). Za časopise koji nisu dostupni preko tog pretraživača cjeloviti tekstovi navedenih članaka slobodno su pristupačni na upisanoj web-adresi. Uz svaki je časopis u zagradi naznačeno u koje je ugledne bibliografske i citatne baze uvršten: CC (Current Contents), SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), SSCI (Social Science Citation Index). Treba naglasiti da za neke časopise, dostupne preko pretraživača PERO, postoji odgoda pristupa najnovijim brojevima od 6, 12, a ponekad i 18 mjeseci. Taj broj je naveden u zagradi uz naslov časopisa

    Semantic analysis of citizen sensing, crowdsourcing and VGI

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    This paper describes a semantic analysis of terms used to describe citizen sensing and crowdsourced data use in scientific analyses. It applies a latency analysis to journal abstracts downloaded from Scopus that matched one of number of terms related to crowd sourced data and citizen science. The latency analysis shows how the terms associated with crowdsourcing are related and how they have evolved over time.JRC.H.6-Digital Earth and Reference Dat


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