23 research outputs found

    Formalization of the Resolution Calculus for First-Order Logic

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    Formalized Proof Systems for Propositional Logic

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    We have formalized a range of proof systems for classical propositional logic (sequent calculus, natural deduction, Hilbert systems, resolution) in Isabelle/HOL and have proved the most important meta-theoretic results about semantics and proofs: compactness, soundness, completeness, translations between proof systems, cut-elimination, interpolation and model existence

    Code Generation for a Simple First-Order Prover

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    We present Standard ML code generation in Isabelle/HOL of a sound and complete prover for first-order logic, taking formalizations by Tom Ridge and others as the starting point. We also define a set of so-called unfolding rules and show how to use these as a simple prover, with the aim of using the approach for teaching logic and verification to computer science students at the bachelor level