20 research outputs found

    Afforestation and Reforestation: Drivers, Dynamics, and Impacts

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    Afforestation/reforestation (or forestation) has been implemented worldwide as an effective measure towards sustainable ecosystem services and addresses global environmental problems such as climate change. The conversion of grasslands, croplands, shrublands, or bare lands to forests can dramatically alter forest water, energy, and carbon cycles and, thus, ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration, soil erosion control, and water quality improvement). Large-scale afforestation/reforestation is typically driven by policies and, in turn, can also have substantial socioeconomic impacts. To enable success, forestation endeavors require novel approaches that involve a series of complex processes and interdisciplinary sciences. For example, exotic or fast-growing tree species are often used to improve soil conditions of degraded lands or maximize productivity, and it often takes a long time to understand and quantify the consequences of such practices at watershed or regional scales. Maintaining the sustainability of man-made forests is becoming increasingly challenging under a changing environment and disturbance regime changes such as wildland fires, urbanization, drought, air pollution, climate change, and socioeconomic change. Therefore, this Special Issue focuses on case studies of the drivers, dynamics, and impacts of afforestation/reforestation at regional, national, or global scales. These new studies provide an update on the scientific advances related to forestation. This information is urgently needed by land managers and policy makers to better manage forest resources in today’s rapidly changing environments

    Asian Schistosomiasis: Current Status and Prospects for Control Leading to Elimination

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    Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease caused by helminth parasites of the genus Schistosoma. Worldwide, an estimated 250 million people are infected with these parasites with the majority of cases occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Within Asia, three species of Schistosoma cause disease. Schistosoma japonicum is the most prevalent, followed by S. mekongi and S. malayensis. All three species are zoonotic, which causes concern for their control, as successful elimination not only requires management of the human definitive host, but also the animal reservoir hosts. With regard to Asian schistosomiasis, most of the published research has focused on S. japonicum with comparatively little attention paid to S. mekongi and even less focus on S. malayensis. In this review, we examine the three Asian schistosomes and their current status in their endemic countries: Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, and Thailand (S. mekongi); Malaysia (S. malayensis); and Indonesia, People’s Republic of China, and the Philippines (S. japonicum). Prospects for control that could potentially lead to elimination are highlighted as these can inform researchers and disease control managers in other schistosomiasis-endemic areas, particularly in Africa and the America

    Regional water balance analysis of glacierised river basins in the north-eastern Himalaya applying the J2000 hydrological model

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    The glacierised basins of the Northeast Himalayan region are highly vulnerable to climate-change impacts. The spatio-temporal hydroclimatic and physiographic variability impact the water balance of these glacierised basins across the region. This study assesses the glaciohydrological processes and dynamics in the data scarce region for the present as well future climate change scenarios by regional water balance analysis. The J2000 hydrological model was adapted to incorporate the frozen ground as well as glacier dynamics in a stepwise, nested basin calibration approach. The modelled ERA-Interim precipitation data cannot capture the high amplitude orographic and convective events. Therefore, Orographic correction factors were used to inversely correct the ERA-Interim precipitation data to account for the orographic as well as cyclonic precipitation in the region from reported glacier mass balance and evapotranspiration estimates. Monthly temperature lapse rate was adopted for correcting the ERA-Interim temperature dataset. The Beki basin was selected as the donor basin for model development and evaluation. The parameters from the Beki basin were regionalised to the receptor Lohit and the Noadihing basins by the Proxy-basin method. Multi-objective optimization criteria such as the Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) for temporal dynamics and flow distribution and Bias for overall water balance showed high to moderate conformity between measured and simulated discharge at the corresponding basin outlets. The variability in the water balance and runoff components among the three basins was primarily related to the spatio-temporal variation in the mean annual precipitation, runoff and evapotranspiration estimates. The impact of climate-change scenarios on the study basins indicated that water availability would sustain until the end of the century due to higher projected precipitation even though after the depletion of glaciers in the region

    Prospects for Schistosomiasis Elimination

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    Current efforts to limit the ravages of schistosomiasis are pushing the world closer to eliminating a chronic infection that has been associated with human life in the tropics since time immemorial. This notwithstanding, the disease remains a scourge for large populations in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, and the main part of this book is made up by papers dealing with its current distribution, discussing ways and means to establish and implement improved control approaches. While chemotherapy limits the symptoms caused by schistosomiasis, the number of infected people will not decrease until the parasite's life cycle is interrupted. To that end, some papers focus on the intermediate snail host, which is notoriously difficult to control, while others discuss human hygiene and sanitation. The latter approach not only prevents infection through avoiding people being infected from the snail, but more importantly, also stops people infecting the snail by leaving contagious feces and urine in nature. With morbidity reduced by chemotherapy, the immediate target now is the interruption of transmission to be achieved by new tools, such as the novel chemotherapies, improved diagnostics (for humans, animals, and snails), and vaccines discussed in several of the papers. As made clear in this book, a complex infection requires new tools as well as work on many fronts, above all; however, a clear idea is needed as to how to skillfully combine the tools available and sustain implemented control activities

    Historical Background of Wang Yang-ming’s Philosophy of Mind

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    This open access book offers comprehensive information on Wang Yang-ming’s life, helping readers identify and grasp the foundations on which his philosophy was established. Though a great man, Wang had an extremely difficult life, full of many hardships. Based on various official histories, Wang’s own writings, and his disciples’ records, the book explores the legendary life of this ancient philosopher, who not only diligently pursued his objective of living as a sage, but also persistently sought the ideal state of a sage in ideology. The author also shares his own interpretations of the main aspects of Wang’s philosophy using simple and straightforward language. This book will help readers understand and appreciate Wang Yang-ming’s extraordinary life, his generous mind, deep thoughts and bright personality, inspiring them to pursue enriching lives. It offers a unique and insightful work for undergraduate students and all others interested in Wang’s philosophy and life story

    University of Nebraska-Lincoln Agricultural Research Division 122nd Annual Report July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008

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    Our Mission ..... 4 Foreword..... 5 Faculty Awards and Recognitions.... 6 Graduate Student Awards and Recognitions...10 Undergraduate Honors Student Research Program...14 Variety and Germplasm Releases....15 Patents.....17 Administration..... 18 Administrative Personnel.... 18 Organizational Chart....19 Administrative Units....20 IANR Research Facilities.... 21 Faculty..... 22 Agricultural/Natural Resources Units... 23 Education and Human Sciences Departments...33 Off-Campus Research Centers....34 Interdisciplinary Activities....35 Visiting Scientists/Research Associates....36 Research Projects..... 43 Agricultural/Natural Resources Units... 43 Education and Human Sciences Departments...48 Off-Campus Research Centers....49 Interdisciplinary Activities ....50 Publications.....51 Agricultural/Natural Resources Units... 57 Education and Human Sciences Departments...77 Off-Campus Research Centers....80 Research Expenditures....8

    Aquatic Insects

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    Insects have successfully inhabited all freshwater habitats on Earth and are often the most diverse and abundant species in streams and ponds. With a disproportionally high species richness compared to the area covered by freshwaters, aquatic insects represent a hotspot of diversity. They play crucial roles in aquatic food webs as primary consumers, detritivores, and predators, but they also represent an important food resource for aquatic and terrestrial predators. Many aquatic insect orders, such as mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies, include taxa that are highly sensitive to habitat alterations, reflecting the health of the overall aquatic ecosystem. This feature is exploited by many scientists and practitioners around the world for water and environment quality monitoring. Despite their importance in term of diversity, ecosystem services and bioindication, many aquatic insect species are critically endangered, mainly due to anthropogenic pressures on freshwaters and climate change. Although the research efforts on aquatic insects tremendously increased during the 21st century, much is still left undiscovered. This Special Issue addresses existing knowledge gaps and increases our understanding of taxonomic diversity and phylogeny, distribution patterns, and community ecology of aquatic insects through 15 new studies that cover most of the aquatic insect orders over a wide geographic range. In a context of rapid global biodiversity loss, accelerating the acquisition of both fundamental and applied knowledge is crucial

    Disentangling the environmental impact on the biogeochemistry of water reservoir subtropical in southern, Brazil

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr.Sandro FroehnerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/04/2022Inclui referênciasResumo: Sabe-se que a biogeoquímica dos lagos pode ser influenciada por mudanças climáticas, assim como atividades antrópicas. Tais mudanças podem ser refletidas nas variações da composição da matéria orgânica (MO). Para estudar as mudanças ambientais ocorridas na bacia do reservatório Passauna, sul do Brasil, foram coletados dois testemunhos sedimentares, os quais contém matéria orgânica depositada no período compreendido de aproximadamente 136 anos para o testemunho I e 97 anos para o testemunho II. Com base em diversos marcadores geoquímicos (metais, ä13C, ä15N, n-alcanos e hopanos), foi possível identificar que durante o período de 1930-1970 as atividades antropogênicas controlaram os impactos e a qualidade da água. Também foram utilizadas razões entre metais Mn/Fe, Cu/Ni e V(V+Ni) como indicadores paleoredox e paleoproductividade (Capitulo 2). Já o Capítulo 3, mostra a evolução da produção da matéria orgânica alóctone e autóctone no reservatório, assim como reconstrução histórica da deposição atmosférica da cidade Curitiba, portanto, a implicância de atividades antropogênicas nesse período (Capitulo 4). Os valores de EF (Fator de Enriquecimento) dos seguintes metais diminuíram: no testemunho I, EF(Fe) > EF(Mn) > EF(Cd) > EF(Sb) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF(Cr) > EF(Pb); e no testemunho II, EF(Sb) > EF(Pb) > EF(Cd) > EF(Cr) > EF(Fe) > EF(V) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF(Ni) > EF(Mn), assim mostrando o enriquecimento dos metais durante o período de 1930- 1970. No testemunho II, durante o período 1973-2013 há um aumento na concentração de alcanos de cadeia curta, indicando contribuição do fitoplâncton. Em contrapartida, no testemunho I prevalece a fonte terrestre para composição da matéria orgânica. Atividade microbiana e presença de bactérias metanotróficas foram confirmadas com a presença dos seguintes hopanos: 17?,21?(H)-30-norhopane; 18? (H)-30-nor-neo-hopane; 17?, 21?(H)-hopane; and 17(alfa),21(beta)(H)-hopane (moretane), depois de 1940. As concentrações totais de HPAs variaram de 5,13 ng.g-1 a 444,60 ng.g-1 (testemunho I) e de 124,55 ng.g-1 a 3.018,14 ng.g-1 (testemunho II). As concentrações atingiram o pico em 1944 e 1958, refletindo o crescimento da economia local. Em geral, este estudo fornece informações mais precisas que podem auxiliar na construção de cenários pretéritos vinculados a mudanças climáticas e antrópicas. Tais resultados podem ser utilizados posteriormente no planejamento futuro para restauração e gerenciamento de corpos hídricos em situação semelhante.Abstract: It is known that the biogeochemistry of lakes can be influenced by climate change and human activities. Such changes can be reflected in variations in the composition of organic matter (OM). To study the environmental changes that occurred in the Passauna reservoir basin, south of Brazil sedimentary cores were collected, which contain organic matter deposited in the period comprised approximately 136 years for core I and 97 years for core II. Based on several geochemical markers (metals, ?13C, ?15N, n-alkanes, and hopanes), it was possible to identify that during the period 1930-1970, anthropogenic activities-controlled impacted water quality. In addition, we applied the Mn/Fe, Cu/Ni, and V(V+Ni) ratios as paleoredox and paleoproductivity indicators (Chapter 2). To better understand the evolution of the production of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter in the reservoir (Chapter 3), as well as the historical reconstruction of the atmospheric deposition of the Curitiba city, therefore, the implications of anthropogenic activities in this period (Chapter 4). The Enrichment Factor (EF) values of the following metals decreased: in core I, EF(Fe) > EF(Mn) > EF(Cd) > EF(Sb) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF(Cr) > EF(Pb); and in core II, EF(Sb) > EF(Pb) > EF(Cd) > EF(Cr) > EF(Fe) > EF(V) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF(Ni) > EF(Mn), showing the largest enrichment of the metals during the period 1930-1970. In the core II, during the period 1973-2013 shows an increase in short-chain n-alkanes concentration, indicating contribution by phytoplankton. In contrast, in core I, terrestrial source prevails for organic matter composition. Microbial activity and presence of methanotrophic bacteria was confirmed with the presence of the following hopanes: 17(alfa),21(beta)(H)-30-norhopane; 18?(H)-30-nor-neohopane; 17(alfa),21(beta)(H)-hopane; and 17beta),21(alfa)(H)-hopane (moretane), after 1940. Total concentrations of PAHs varied from 5.13 ng g-1 to 444.60 ng g-1 (core I) and from 124.55 ng.g- 1 to 3,018.14 ng.g-1 (core II). The concentrations peaked at 1944 and 1958, reflecting the boom in local economics. Overall, this study provides more accurate information that can help in the construction of past scenarios linked to anthropic changes. These results can be used later to develop plans for the restoration and management of water bodies in similar conditions.Resumen: Se sabe que la biogeoquímica de los lagos puede verse influenciada por el cambio climático, así como por las actividades humanas. Dichos cambios pueden reflejarse en variaciones en la composición de la materia orgánica (MO). Para estudiar los cambios ambientales ocurridos en la cuenca del embalse de Passauna, sur de Brasil, fueron recolectados dos núcleos sedimentarios que contienen materia orgánica depositada aproximadamente en un periodo 136 años para el núcleo I y 97 años para el núcleo II. Con base en varios marcadores geoquímicos (metales, ?13C, ?15N, n-alcanos y hopanos), fue posible identificar que durante el período 1930-1970, las actividades antrópicas controlaron los impactos y la calidad del agua. Las relaciones entre los metales Mn/Fe, Cu/Ni y V(V+Ni) se utilizaron como indicadores de paleoredox y paleoproductividad (Capítulo 2). El Capítulo 3, por otro lado, muestra la evolución de la producción de materia orgánica alóctona y autóctona en el embalse, así como la reconstrucción histórica de la deposición atmosférica de la ciudad de Curitiba, por lo tanto, las implicaciones de las actividades antrópicas en este período. (Capítulo 4). Los valores de EF (Factor de Enriquecimiento) de los siguientes metales disminuyeron: en el núcleo I, EF(Fe) > EF(Mn) > EF(Cd) > EF(Sb) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF (Cr) > EF(Pb); y en el núcleo II, EF(Sb) > EF(Pb) > EF(Cd) > EF(Cr) > EF(Fe) > EF(V) > EF(Zn) > EF(Cu) > EF(Ni) > EF(Mn), mostrando así el enriquecimiento de metales durante el período 1930-1970. En el núcleo II, durante el período 1973-2013 se presenta un incremento en la concentración de alcanos de cadena corta, indicando el aporte de fitoplancton. En cambio, en el núcleo I predomina la fuente terrestre para la composición de la materia orgánica. Despues de 1940, la actividad microbiana y la presencia de bacterias metanotróficas se confirmaron con la presencia de los siguientes hopanos: 17?,21?(H)-30-norhopano; 18? (H)-30-nor-neohopano; 17?, 21?(H)-hopano; y 17?,21?(H)-hopano (moretano). Las concentraciones totales de PAH oscilaron entre 5,13 ng.g-1 y 444,60 ng.g-1 (nucleo I) y entre 124,55 ng.g-1 y 3018,14 ng.g-1 (nucleo II). Las concentraciones alcanzaron su punto máximo en 1944 y 1958, lo que refleja el auge de la economía local. En general, este estudio proporciona información más precisa que puede ayudar en la construcción de escenarios pasados vinculados a los cambios climáticos y antrópicos. Dichos resultados pueden utilizarse posteriormente en la planificación futura para la restauración y gestión de cuerpos de agua en una situación similar