11,033 research outputs found

    One Foundation's Story: The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Makes a Significant Impact With Public Policy

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    This paper, "One Foundation's Story," was prepared for the first Community Foundation Colloquium, which has been organized by the Aspen Institute's Nonprofit Sector Research Fund to encourage community foundations to develop their organizational capacity for effectiveness beyond traditional financial measures of success, such as asset size and grantmaking. This particular paper tells the story of how the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation developed as an organization to make a significant, positive, social impact on the state of New Hampshire by employing activities that helped shape public policy as a means of addressing issues on a systemic level, and securing broader social change. While this should be viewed primarily as one organization's story, and not a prescriptive model for all foundations, the paper's secondary goal is to inspire spirited discussion, offer suggestions for performance, and share information that might be useful to other community foundations interested in broadening and deepening their community impact by becoming involved in government-related decisions that shape social programs and influence the lives of people in their states

    Screen Time Effects on Children and Adolescents in Both the United States and Australia

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    Technology and screen time have become an essential part of everyday life in many countries across the world. Children in Australia and the United States are exposed to increasing hours of technology exceeding recommendations by pediatricians in both countries. Pediatricians suggest limiting screen time due to the research indicating possible impact on social development, and unhealthy emotional and physical outcomes in children. The objective of this paper was to review the mental and physical impacts of screen time on young and adolescent children and to compare and contrast policies regulating screen time in the United States and Australia. The information collected for this project was taken from online databases, websites, and books as well as a reflection from the author’s experience in both the BOUNCE youth program of Australia and Helen Devos Children’s Hospital of the United States. The results of this project conclude that young children and adolescents in both countries are suffering both emotional and physical harm for excessive screen time. Additionally, the educational benefits of educational software are small and limited to young children in low socioeconomic status with poor access to early education. Finally, neither country has adequate policies to protect children, therefore the burden is on parents to follow pediatric guidelines for restriction of screen time

    Physical Activity and Associated Energy Intake in Undergraduate College Students

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    Background: College students often develop unhealthy eating habits. Poor eating habits can lead to chronic disease. Methods: Energy intake and physical activity data from 35 undergraduate students enrolled in a 100-level kinesiology class were recorded and analyzed. Energy intake data was self-reported, while physical activity data was recorded via an activity tracker. Results: Data points were analyzed twice: each day separately and as averages for each participant. When analyzed as averages, grams of total fat and grams of carbohydrate were the most significantly correlated with minutes of moderate to vigorous+ physical activity (both p\u3c0.01). When analyzed by day, grams of protein, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugar, and fiber were all found to be significantly correlated with minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity to the p≤0.01 level. Conclusion: An increase in physical activity is associated with a greater increase in the consumption of carbohydrates and total fat than protein. Future studies should seek to investigate the difference in the increase of carbohydrate and total fat versus protein and whether participants consume the same foods when they participate in increased physical activity as they do when they engage in lower intensity physical activity

    Social and familial risk factors for drinking initiation and affective response to marijuana use

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityEarly initiation of substance use increases risks for abuse, injury, dependence, and death for young people around the globe . When substances are used for affect regulation, there is a risk of escalating use. This dissertation examines social and familial risk factors for initiation of alcohol use, and the affective response to marijuana use in naturalistic settings. In study #1, we explored the prospective association between television advertising for alcoholic beverages, changes in alcohol expectancies, and initiation of drinking over 12 months. We found that alcohol expectancies and the odds of drinking initiation increased over 12 months as a non-linear function of advertising exposure for boys. In study #2, we examined the association between adolescent freedoms and drinking initiation. We found that adolescents who were free to set their own bedtimes on weeknights had (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval) 1.53 (1.27, 1.86) higher odds of drinking initiation. We found that associations varied by sex for freedoms regarding companionship and weekend curfews. Notably, we found that boys who were granted the freedom to choose their own time to come home on weekends had 0.63 (0.47-0.85) times lower odds of drinking initiation within 12 months while girls had 1.30 (0.97-1 .73) times increased odds. In study #3 , we used both correlated data analysis methods and a case- crossover design to analyze data from an Ecological Momentary Assessment study examining changes in momentary affect following marijuana use. We found that negative affect was higher following marijuana use compared to backg round times, except for times when marijuana was being used to cope or conform. We found positive affect increased following marijuana use for persons with cannabis dependence but decreased otherwise. Further, we found that extremes of negative and positive affect were more likely to be experienced following marijuana use relative to background time periods. Our findings regarding alcohol advertising may inform efforts to ban alcohol advertising in countries including Finland and South Africa, while the findings relating to adolescent freedoms may improve parent education programs regarding underage drinking. Finally, improved understanding of the affective response to marijuana use may improve treatment programs


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    This thesis analyzes traumatic experience in Stephen Chbosky’s novel entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The novel describes about the life of Charlie as a young boy who suffers from traumatic experience. The purposes of this thesis are to explain Charlie’s personality and traumatic experiences resulting from sexual abuse. The methods that are used in this thesis are library research and psychological approach. The writer uses the novel as the main data and several books, journals, and online documents as the supporting data. In analyzing intrinsic elements, the writer uses theme, characters, setting, and conflicts. Moreover, in analyzing extrinsic aspects, the writer uses Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from American Psychiatric Association (APA). Based on APA, there are five symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; exposure to stressor, re-experiencing of traumatic event, avoidance, arousal, and duration. The result proves that Charlie suffers from PTSD. Charlie’ personality is also affected by the symptoms of PTSD

    Binge-Watching Rate as a Predictor of Viewer Transportation Mechanisms

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    Binge-watching has yet to be adequately analyzed and researched to determine its effects upon viewers, despite the fact that nine in ten Americans engage in the activity (Crupi, 2015). While some studies have attempted to discover causes or effects of the activity, most research fails to capture the viewing aspects of binge-watching that make the experience unique. This thesis attempted to more specifically define binge-watching, as well as measure its association with viewer transportation – viewer immersion – into the visual narrative. A survey design facilitated the exploration of any linkages between the amount of a viewer’s binge-watching and his or her immersion in the content. Regression analysis found that increases in both total viewing sessions and hours per session predicted an increase in transportation and the subcomponents therein. However, the interaction of the binge-watching variables predicted a decrease in transportation, implying that too much viewing had adverse effects. Further, viewing on tablets and game consoles predicted higher levels of transportation than viewing on Mac or PC. Results and implications for theory and industry are discussed

    “Air Rage”: A Systematic review of Research on Disruptive Airline Passenger Behaviour 1985-2020

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    Purpose: Disruptive airline passenger behaviour (DAPB), i.e. “air rage”, has an adverse impact on crew and passenger well-being and is costly to manage and prevent. Given recent changes in airport management, aircraft design, air traffic volume and behavioural norms this review summaries research findings 1985-2020. Design/methodology: A systematic review of the research literature containing qualitative or quantitative data examining DAPB. Findings: Nineteen articles satisfied the criteria for inclusion. Most studies involved surveys of cabin crew members and to a lesser extent pilots, airline representatives, passengers and business customers. Content primarily focussed on the frequency and characteristics of DAPB, whilst consequences for staff and evaluation of training to manage DAPB was less represented. A paucity of current research was noted which is not in keeping with the changes over the last decade in the aviation industry and the increase in DAPB events. Practical implications: A better understanding of the environmental, social and psychological factors underlying DAPB and the effectiveness of staff training and interventions that promote a safe travel environment are required. Social implications: The current industry trend toward sustainability and better management of security challenges must extend its focus to DAPB, in order to reverse the recent trend of social irresponsibility in air travellers. Originality/value: This study presents a summary of current findings on DAPB.Peer Reviewe

    Cultural analysis of the video game industry: a comparison between the West and China

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    The growth of the video game industry and the recent rise of China as an economic superpower appear almost in parallel time. China has a very large video game market, with one of the largest player bases in the world. However, Chinese culture is quite different from that of the Western world, mainly due to its socialpolitical and cultural context. While the industry may look at this abundant and promising market as a guaranteed opportunity, not understanding the culture could spell failure. In the world of video games, success means hard work and adapting products to certain markets is essential. In this context, this dissertation aims to provide a better understanding of how video games are adapted, taking into account different cultures and some existing challenges. It mainly seeks to describe the Chinese cultural context, which is extremely important for this industry, but also addresses the socialpolitical context with direct influence on the product, namely the regulations existing in China. In addition, specific cultural items and the challenges of localization will be discussed. In a practical approach, differences are presented between the international (Western) version and the Chinese version of several video games. The objective is to demonstrate that these differences do, in fact, exist, as well as to present possible explanations for this fact. Based on the differences found and a study of the reasons why they exist, it will be possible to have a better understanding of the various reasons why these same differences exist, whether for cultural reasons, due to laws, or other reasons.O crescimento da indústria dos video jogos e a recente ascensão da China como superpotência económica surgem quase em paralelo. A China tem um mercado de vídeojogos bastante vasto, com uma das maiores bases de jogadores do mundo. No entanto, a cultura Chinesa é bastante distinta da do ocidente sobretudo devido ao seu contexto sociopolitico e cultural. Embora a indústria possa olhar para este mercado abundante e promissor como uma oportunidade garantida, o desconhecimento do contexto pode significar o fracasso. No mundo dos vídeojogos, o sucesso significa um trabalho árduo de adaptação dos video jogos tendo em conta os diferentes mercados. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo proporcionar uma melhor compreensão de como ocorre a adaptação dos video jogos, tendo em conta culturas diferentes e alguns desafios existentes. Procura descrever sobretudo o contexto cultural chinês, de extrema importância para esta indústria, mas também aborda o contexto sociopolitico com influência direta no produto, nomeadamente os regulamentos existentes na China. Para além disso, serão discutidos itens específicos da cultura e os desafios da localização dos jogos. Numa abordagem prática, apresentam-se diferenças entre a versão internacional (ocidental) e a versão chinesa de vários vídeo jogos. O objetivo é demonstrar que essas diferenças, de facto, existem, bem como em apresentar possíveis explicações para esse facto. Com base nas diferenças encontradas e um estudo sobre as razões para as mesmas existirem, será possível ter uma melhor compreensão sobre os motivos a que levam a este acontecimento, seja por questões culturais, devido a leis, ou por outra razão

    Students\u27 Perspectives after Participation in a Mandated College Level Alcohol Intervention Program: A Phenomenological Study

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    Alcohol abuse among college students continues to be a significant problem by which the consequences impact the student, their peers, and the university. Although quantitative research with volunteer participants supports the use of enhanced brief motivational interventions and cognitive behavioral skills training in reducing risky drinking behavior (binge drinking), research with mandated students has shown inconsistent findings. The current study is a phenomenological qualitative study exploring the students’ perspectives after attending a mandated college-level alcohol intervention program. Mandated students are students who have been referred to an alcohol intervention as a result of violating an alcohol related policy on campus. Protective behavioral strategies were used by the mandated students and perceived as helpful in reducing alcohol consumption and minimizing alcohol related consequences. Mandated students expressed more satisfaction with meeting face-to-face in the SPARK motivational intervention as compared to computer-based intervention programs. Factors that facilitate motivation to change are a relatively untapped field of exploration. There is a relationship between the satisfaction with the facilitator and satisfaction with the alcohol intervention. As a result, the SPARK participants reported reducing their risky drinking behavior. Mandated students should attend a face-to-face motivational intervention consisting of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral skills in an effort to influence a motivation to change. Nine themes emerged from the data. The findings build on previous research by providing a more nuanced understanding of mandated students’ experience through a college-level alcohol intervention program called SPARK

    Intolerable Interference of Other Countries’ Traditions and Cultures in Myanmar & Disadvantages of Social Media

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    In Myanmar, social media has evidently impacted on human behaviors after 2010 year and this condition is declining prospect of Myanmar Traditions and Cultures. Polite consciences of Myanmar people become disappearing year after year by using social media. This study was conducted for 12 years in Myanmar among general population of 4952 people. 82% of people are deviant with Myanmar Culture and 81.6% are transforming their behaviors to rude with deviation of Tradition of Myanmar. When youths under 18 years, they were used to marry illegally and 68.2% have adulterous liaison from social media dating. The children who are not adults cannot concentrate their study and this fact is directly impact on Education of Myanmar. The physical health became prospect in bad situation due to emission of microwaves from smart devices
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