10,377 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship between Facebook, Face-to-Face and Intercultural Communication

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    My Capstone Experience/Thesis project seeks to explore and examine the effects of Facebook on communication between American and international students. The use of social media as a means to communicate with others is increasing at an amazing rate. Facebook has become my generation’s favorite way to communicate with friends and family and “to Facebook” has unofficially become a verb that many college students will use. While social media, such as Facebook and Linked-In, may encourage American college students to communicate with international students beyond the classroom and campus, it seems that Facebook is on the way to becoming a substitute for face to face intercultural interactions. Whether it will enhance or diminish the extent and quality of intercultural communication is an important question to be studied

    Shyness and Online Social Networking Services

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    Online social networking services are Internet websites that allow individuals to learn about and communicate with others. This study investigated the association between use of these websites and friendship quality for individuals varying in shyness. Participants (N = 241) completed questionnaires assessing their use of Facebook, an online social networking service, shyness, perceived available social support, loneliness, and friendship quality. Results indicated an interaction between shyness and Facebook usage, such that individuals high in shyness (when compared to less shy individuals) reported stronger associations between Facebook use and friendship quality. Facebook use, however, was unrelated to loneliness among highly shy individuals. Therefore, online social networking services may provide a comfortable environment within which shy individuals can interact with others

    Internet-riippuvuus teini-ikäisillä : Mitä se on ja miten sitä voi mitata

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to increase understanding of the nature of Internet Addiction (IA) among adolescents (aged 12 to 18 years), focusing on what IA is and how it is measured. Particular emphasis is given to the measurement of IA, and different variables are considered in order to deepen understanding of its various aspects. Accordingly, five studies have been conducted. Study I examines various Internet uses and gratifications (U&G) among adolescent Internet users by developing a valid and reliable 27-item Internet gratification scale (N = 1,914); Study II investigates the role of adolescents’ demographic, technology accessibility, unwillingness to communicate attributes, and sought Internet U&Gs in predicting their tendency to experience IA (N = 1,914); Study III examines the effect of adolescent Internet users’ background characteristics (e.g., demographics, technology accessibility, unwillingness to communicate attributes) on predicting different Internet U&Gs and heavy Internet use among adolescents (N = 1,914); Study IV investigates the psychometric properties of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS), and the relationship between the CIUS and adolescent Internet users’ background characteristics (e.g., demographics, ICT accessibility and Problematic ICT use) (N = 2,369); and Study V focuses on the development and validation of WhatsApp (WA) addiction scales for adolescents (N = 405). Cross-sectional research and psychometric theory based analysis reveal the following findings. First, a valid and reliable Internet U&G instrument (27- item) addresses six dimensions of Internet U&G, namely information seeking, exposure, connecting, coordination, social influence, and entertainment (Study I). Second, the following are risk factors for adolescent IA: being male, lower academic performance, high daily time spent on Internet use, strict Internet parenting at home, higher approach avoidance and reward seeking, looking for more connecting, coordination and social influence seeking, and pursuing lower information seeking and exposure gratifications (Study II). Third, older females, adolescents with higher academic performance, higher reward seeking and lower daily Internet use content gratifications such as information seeking & exposure; male, adolescents seeking higher approach avoidance and reward seeking tend to seek higher social gratifications such as connecting & coordination; and higher approach avoidance and reward seeking tendencies predicted process gratifications such as social influence & entertainment (Study III). Fourth, the CIUS possesses good psychometric properties with fairly high reliability, homogeneity and validity. Male, older adolescents, those with lower academic performance, lower life satisfaction, active Internet use (including daily Internet use, excessive Internet use and overall Internet activity) and problematic Internet use significantly predicted compulsive Internet use among adolescents. The study confirmed the findings of Study II (Study IV). Fifth, three original IA scales were adjusted to access WhatsApp (WA) addiction among adolescents. The data showed that they were valid and reliable self-reporting instruments. In addition, a shorter version of each of the three adapted instruments and a 16-item unified scale were also developed and validated. All five studies (Studies I, II, III, IV, V) examined various perspectives on the conceptualization of IA with a strong focus on the measurement and development of valid and reliable instruments to measure IA To conclude, the results indicate that not all adolescents equally experience IA; rather, some are more vulnerable than others. The studies have clarified situations, attributes or behaviors that lead to IA among adolescents. Moreover, new Internet U&Gs have been identified to help to conceptualize IA. In addition, the developed and validated instruments (27-item Internet U&G, 14-item CIUS, 14-item WA addiction test, 8-item and 10-item compulsive WA use) will serve as handy tools for teachers, educational psychologists, and counsellors. By utilizing these instruments, one can easily screen compulsive Internet users from a normal population and provide vulnerable students with timely help and support. The present study confirms the findings of earlier IA literature available in the context of Internet users from a wider age group, and different cultural and demographic settings. The current studies are important, especially because the target user group is adolescent Internet users (aged 12 to 18 years) who have been overlooked in IA and Internet U&G literature. These findings also emphasize the importance of recognizing IA as a problem among adolescents, which many adolescents unknowingly are or become vulnerable to be in daily life settings. The findings are valuable in terms of education and research.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli lisätä ymmärrystä siitä, mitä on Internet-riippuvuus (Internet Addiction, IA) 12 -18 -vuotiailla nuorilla. Keskiösssä oli käsitteen määrittely sekä IA-ilmiön mittaaminen. Erilaisia kriteerimuuttujia käytettiin myös, jotta ilmiötä voitaisiin ymmärtää erilaisista näkökulmista. Osatutkimuksessa I tarkasteltiin teini-ikäisten Internetin käyttöä ja siihen liittyvää mielihyvää (U&G) kehittämällä validi ja luotettava 27 kysymyksen ´Internet gratification scale' (N = 1 914). Osatutkimuksessa II tutkittiin nuorten demografisten tietojen, teknologian saatavuuden, kommunikaatiohalukkuuden sekä käytön ja siihen liittyvän mielihyvän ennustearvoa Internet-riippuvuuden kokemisen suhteen (N = 1914). Osatutkimuksessa III tutkittiin teini-ikäisten Internetin käyttäjien taustamuuttujien ennustearvoa (mm. demografiset tiedot, teknologian saatavuus, haluttomuus kommunikoida) suhteessa käyttöön, mielihyvään (U&G) and intensiiviseen Internetin käyttöön teini-ikäisillä (N = 1914). Osatutkimuksessa IV tarkasteltiin mittarin 'Compulsive Internet Use Scale' (CIUS) psykometrisiä ominaisuuksia sekä CIUSin yhteyttä teini-ikäisten Internetin käyttäjien taustamuuttujiin, teknologian saatavuuteen ja ongelmalliseen teknologian käyttöön (N = 2369). Osatutkimus V keskittyi 'WhatsApp (WA) addiction scales for adolescents' -mittarin kehittämiseen ja validointiin (N = 405). Analyysit perustuivat poikkileikkausasetelmaan ja psykometriseen teoriaan. Tulokset olivat seuraavat: Ensinnäkin havaittiin, että validi and reliaabeli Internet U&G instrument käsitti kuusi Internetin käytön ja mielihyvän ulottuuvuutta: informaation hakeminen, altistuminen, yhteydenpito, koordinointi, sosiaalinen vaikuttaminen ja viihde (Osatutkimus I). Toiseksi nuorten Internet-riippuvuutta ennustivat merkitsevästi seuraavat muuttujat: sukupuoli (pojat), heikompi akateeminen suoriutuminen Internetissä käytetyn ajan määrä, tiukka Internetin valvonta koton, korkea välttämiskäyttäytyminen, alhainen palkitsemishakuisuus, runsas yhteyden hakeminen muihin, koordinoivan toiminnan ja sosiaalisen vaikuttamisen tarve, vähäisempi informaation hakeminen sekä altistuminen Internetin tuottamalle mielihyvälle (Osatutkimus II). Kolmanneksi ikä, sukupuoli (tytöt), koulussa hyvin menestyminen, korkea palkitsemishakuisuus sekä vähäisempi Internetin päivittäinen käyttö ennustivat sisällöllistä mielihyvää kuten tiedon hakua ja tiedolle altistumista. Sen sijaan sukupuoli (pojat), korkeampi välttämiskäyttäytyminen ja alhaisempi palkitsemishakuisuus olivat yhteydessä sosiaalisen mielihyvän hakuun (kuten yhteydenpito ja koordinointi). Korkeampi välttämiskäyttäytyminen ja palkitsemishakuisuus ennustivat prosessiin kohdistuvaa mielihyvää kuten sosiaalista vaikuttamista ja viihdekäyttöä (Osatutkimus III). Neljänneksi CIUSin psykometriset ominaisuudet olivat hyvät ja reliabiliteetti vähintään kohtalainen, samoin kuin validiteetti ja homogeenisuus. Pojat, vanhemmat teini-ikäiset, akateemisesti heikommin suoriutuvat, elämäänsä vähemmän tyytyväiset, aktiiviset internetin käyttäjät sekä Internetin käytön ongelmalliseksi kokevat ilmaisivat useammin myös pakonomaista Internetin käyttöä (Osatutkimus IV). Tämä tutkimus myös vahvisti toisen osatutkimuksen tulokset. Osatutkimuksessa V kolme alkuperäistä pakonomaisen Internetin käyttöä koskevaa skaalaa (summamuuttujaa) muokattiin mittaamaan WhatsAppriippuvuutta (WA) nuorilla. Tämä osoittautui reliaabeliksi itsearvioinnin mittariksi. Lisäksi kehitettiin ja validoitiin16 kysymystä käsittävä lyhyempi versio jokaisesta kolmesta instrumentista. Kaikki viisi osatutkimusta (I, II, III, IV, V) tarkastelivat eri näkökulmia Internet-riippuvuuteen ja auttoivat käsitteellistämään sitä. Tutkimuksissa painottui vahvasti Internetriippuvuutta koskevien luotettavien mittareiden kehittäminen sekä tämän ilmiön mittaaminen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta että kaikki nuoret eivät altistu Internetriippuvuudelle samalla tavalla, vaan jotkut ovat sille muita alttiimpia. Nämä tutkimukset selvensivät tilanteita, piirteitä ja käyttäytymismalleja jotka voivat johtaa Internet-riippuvuuteen teini-iässä. Lisäksi uusia Internetin käyttöön ja se tuottamaan mielihyvään liityviä tekijöitä tuli esille ja ilmiötä voidaan nyt paremmin käsitteellistää. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa kehitetyt ja validoidut mittarit (27-kysymyksen Internet U&G, 14 kysymyksen CIUS, 14 kysymyksen WA addiction test, 8 kysymyksen ja 10 kysymyksen pakonomaisen Whatappin käyttämisen mittarit) voivat toimia kätevinä työvälineinä opettajille, koulupsykologeille ja opinto-ohjaajille. Näiden mittareiden avulla saadaan helposti selville, onko Internetin käyttö pakonomaista ja poikkeaako se normaalista populaatiosta. Tällä tavalla on mahdollistaa auttaa Internet-addiktiolle mahdollisesti altistuvia oppilaita. Tämä tutkimus vahvisti aikaisempia Internet-riippuvuuteen liittyviä tutkimuksia ja auttoin yleistämään niitä laajempiin ikäryhmiin sekä uusiin kulttuureihin ja konteksteihin. Tutkimus on tärkeä, koska kohderyhmä on sellainen, jota ei aiemmin juuri ole tutkittu. Tulokset myös painottavat Internet-riippuvuuden toteamista ja tunnistamista. Kyseessä on potentiaalinen ongelma, jolle lukuisat nuoret voivat altistua jokapäiväisessä elämässään. On myös huomattava, että suurin osa nuorista kokee mielihyvää Internetin käytöstä, mutta ei osoita addiktion oireita

    Building online employability: a guide for academic departments

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    This guide will help academic departments to support students to think about their careers and to use the online environment wisely. Used badly the array of social media and online technologies can seriously disadvantage a students’ career development, but if used well they can support students to find out about and transition into their future career.This work was funded by the University of Derby’s Research for Teaching and Learning programme

    The impact of Facebook use on micro-level social capital: a synthesis

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    The relationship between Facebook use and micro-level social capital has received substantial scholarly attention over the past decade. This attention has resulted in a large body of empirical work that gives insight into the nature of Facebook as a social networking site and how it influences the social benefits that people gather from having social relationships. Although the extant research provides a solid basis for future research into this area, a number of issues remain underexplored. The aim of the current article is twofold. First, it seeks to synthesize what is already known about the relationship between Facebook use and micro-level social capital. Second, it seeks to advance future research by identifying and analyzing relevant theoretical, analytical and methodological issues. To address the first research aim, we first present an overview and analysis of current research findings on Facebook use and social capital, in which we focus on what we know about (1) the relationship between Facebook use in general and the different subtypes of social capital; (2) the relationships between different types of Facebook interactions and social capital; and (3) the impact of self-esteem on the relationship between Facebook use and social capital. Based on this analysis, we subsequently identify three theoretical issues, two analytical issues and four methodological issues in the extant body of research, and discuss the implications of these issues for Facebook and social capital researchers

    The Use of Social Media Among English Education Students for Solving Problems in Completing Their Skripsi

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    This study was conducted to investigate the use of social media in solving skripsi problems experienced by English Education Students of UIN Ar-Raniry. It is also to see how big impact of using WhatsApp can solve their skripsi problems. Hence, the research design of this study is descriptive qualitative. The researcher selected 12 English students, three male and nine females who are writing skripsi as the participants. This study used semi structure interview to collect the data in getting deeper information needed for this study. The result of this study showed that use of social media among English Education students mostly give positive effect for them to solve problems in completing their skripsi. It can be seen from the several answers of the participants in this research. In this study, the writer found various factors in dealing with students to complete their skripsi such as; psychological factor (less motivated), socio-cultural factor (the relationship between students and supervisor), linguistic factor (finding references, insufficient of grammar). The use of social media in solving skripsi problems has made students feel easier in overcoming the various factors they get in writing a skrips

    The Role of Gender in Social Network Organization

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    The digital traces we leave behind when engaging with the modern world offer an interesting lens through which we study behavioral patterns as expression of gender. Although gender differentiation has been observed in a number of settings, the majority of studies focus on a single data stream in isolation. Here we use a dataset of high resolution data collected using mobile phones, as well as detailed questionnaires, to study gender differences in a large cohort. We consider mobility behavior and individual personality traits among a group of more than 800800 university students. We also investigate interactions among them expressed via person-to-person contacts, interactions on online social networks, and telecommunication. Thus, we are able to study the differences between male and female behavior captured through a multitude of channels for a single cohort. We find that while the two genders are similar in a number of aspects, there are robust deviations that include multiple facets of social interactions, suggesting the existence of inherent behavioral differences. Finally, we quantify how aspects of an individual's characteristics and social behavior reveals their gender by posing it as a classification problem. We ask: How well can we distinguish between male and female study participants based on behavior alone? Which behavioral features are most predictive

    Wired to bond: The influence of computer-mediated communication on relationships

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    The purpose of this study was to examine young adults’ use of social media, qualities of their interpersonal relationships, and the intersection of the two. This primarily qualitative research study set out to investigate the qualities of relationships under the theoretical umbrellas of attachment, existentialism, and neuroscience. In particular, this grounded theory study examined how relationships might differ in on-line and face-to-face interactions, and answered the broad question, “What is the impact of increased engagement with others through computer-mediated communication, which involves less sharing of physical space and real time, on one’s perception of others and self?” The research design was a primarily qualitative study with an embedded quantitative survey. Participants were recruited from the undergraduate student body at James Madison University, a convenient and purposeful sample. The study was conducted in three phases, using multiple sources of documentation: focus groups, on-line questionnaires, and individual interviews. The qualitative data analysis resulted in a rich, descriptive theory regarding computer-mediated communication use among young adults and its impact on the development and maintenance of meaningful relationships. Out of the data emerged eight themes: Expressed Preference for Face-to-Face Social Interactions, Tacit Preference for On-line Social Interactions, Qualities of Intimacy, Expressed Motivations for Social Media Use, Unwritten Rules Guiding Social Media Use, Tacit Motivations for Social Media Use, Self Perceptions, and Awareness of Others

    Determining Facebook as a Platform of Expressing Politics among University Students

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    This study investigates the Facebook as a platform of expressing politics. The main objective of this study is to examine the students demographic; gender and academic performance of Facebook users regard to different variations of Facebook addiction, Facebook motives, and unwillingness to communicate face-to-face. Next objective is to define the level of unwillingness to communicate faceto-face, to determine and explain the relationship between Facebook motives and Facebook addiction, and to examine the relationship between Facebook addictions, Facebook motives, and Unwillingness to communicate face-to-face. Survey research design; questionnaire was applied. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 22 for both descriptive and inferential statistics that include with t-Test, Multiple regression analysis, Pearson correlation, and the pre-test of the study to fulfill the research objectives. The implication of this study is to give benefits to practical contribution and theoretical contribution that associated with this field. Future research needs to replicate this study in other situation and possibly in other areas for different view