918 research outputs found

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications

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    Bibliography on graph theory and its application

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    Borel versions of the Local Lemma and LOCAL algorithms for graphs of finite asymptotic separation index

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    Asymptotic separation index is a parameter that measures how easily a Borel graph can be approximated by its subgraphs with finite components. In contrast to the more classical notion of hyperfiniteness, asymptotic separation index is well-suited for combinatorial applications in the Borel setting. The main result of this paper is a Borel version of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma -- a powerful general-purpose tool in probabilistic combinatorics -- under a finite asymptotic separation index assumption. As a consequence, we show that locally checkable labeling problems that are solvable by efficient randomized distributed algorithms admit Borel solutions on bounded degree Borel graphs with finite asymptotic separation index. From this we derive a number of corollaries, for example a Borel version of Brooks's theorem for graphs with finite asymptotic separation index

    On a conjecture of Wilf

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    Let n and k be natural numbers and let S(n,k) denote the Stirling numbers of the second kind. It is a conjecture of Wilf that the alternating sum \sum_{j=0}^{n} (-1)^{j} S(n,j) is nonzero for all n>2. We prove this conjecture for all n not congruent to 2 and not congruent to 2944838 modulo 3145728 and discuss applications of this result to graph theory, multiplicative partition functions, and the irrationality of p-adic series.Comment: 18 pages, final version, accepted for publication in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    tt-Martin boundary of killed random walks in the quadrant

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    We compute the tt-Martin boundary of two-dimensional small steps random walks killed at the boundary of the quarter plane. We further provide explicit expressions for the (generating functions of the) discrete tt-harmonic functions. Our approach is uniform in tt, and shows that there are three regimes for the Martin boundary.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, to appear in S\'eminaire de Probabilit\'e

    Coloring Pythagorean Triples and a Problem Concerning Cyclotomic Polynomials

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    One may easily show that there exist O(logn)O( \log n)-colorings of {1,2,,n}\{1,2, \ldots, n\} such that no Pythagorean triple with elements n\le n is monochromatic. In Chapter~\ref{CH:triples}, we investigate two analogous ideas. First, we find an asymptotic bound for the number of colors required to color {1,2,,n}\{1,2,\ldots ,n\} so that every Pythagorean triple with elements n\le n is 33-colored. Afterwards, we examine the case where we allow a vanishing proportion of Pythagorean triples with elements n\le n to fail to have this property. Unrelated, in 1908, Schur raised the question of the irreducibility over \Q of polynomials of the form f(x)=(xa1)(xa2)(xan)+1f(x)=(x-a_1)(x-a_2)\cdots (x-a_n)+1, where the aia_i are distinct integers. Since then, many authors have addressed variations and generalizations of this question. In Chapter~\ref{CH:polynomials}, we investigate the analogous question when replacing the linear polynomials with cyclotomic polynomials and allowing the constant perturbation of the product to be any integer d∉{1,0}d\not \in \{-1,0\}