2,488 research outputs found

    Making a rainbow workstation for a chemistry lab

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    Chemical kinetics is the study of how quickly and by what means chemical reactions proceed. Some reactions are so fast and complicated that data must be taken very quickly and then lengthy calculations must be done to get results. Computers speed these studies greatly. The system to he described uses a DEC-Rainbow microcomputer as a terminal for a workstation. The system may collect 8k of buffered data at a rate of 1MHz and then upload the data to a VAX for analysis using the same Rainbow u a graphics terminal. The program for data analysis, called KinSim, will then accept the data and also other information about the chemical reactions in the same symbolic format that chemists use so that the analysis may be done. The analysis consists of simulating the chemical reactioll8 from the information provided and compare it with the experimental data that was collected earlier on the Rainbow

    Password Cracking and Countermeasures in Computer Security: A Survey

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    With the rapid development of internet technologies, social networks, and other related areas, user authentication becomes more and more important to protect the data of the users. Password authentication is one of the widely used methods to achieve authentication for legal users and defense against intruders. There have been many password cracking methods developed during the past years, and people have been designing the countermeasures against password cracking all the time. However, we find that the survey work on the password cracking research has not been done very much. This paper is mainly to give a brief review of the password cracking methods, import technologies of password cracking, and the countermeasures against password cracking that are usually designed at two stages including the password design stage (e.g. user education, dynamic password, use of tokens, computer generations) and after the design (e.g. reactive password checking, proactive password checking, password encryption, access control). The main objective of this work is offering the abecedarian IT security professionals and the common audiences with some knowledge about the computer security and password cracking, and promoting the development of this area.Comment: add copyright to the tables to the original authors, add acknowledgement to helpe

    A putative serine protease, SpSsp1, from Saprolegnia parasitica is recognised by sera of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    Acknowledgements Our work was supported by the BBSRC (BB/C518457/1, BB/G012075/1, BB/J018333/1) (K.L.M., C.J.S., J.S.C., K.S.D., and P.v.W.), the University of Aberdeen (V.L.A., C.J.S., and P.v.W.), MSD Animal Health (J.S.C., K.S.D., and A.H.v.d.B), and The Royal Society (P.v.W.). This work was also supported by a Marie Curie Initial Training Networks with the SAPRO (sustainable approaches to reduce Oomycete (Saprolegnia) infections in aquacultures) grant PITN-GA-2009-238550 (A.H.v.d.B., L.L., C.J.S., P.v.W.). We would like to acknowledge Aberdeen Proteomics for carrying out LC–MS/MS and Laura Grenville-Briggs for valuable discussion and technical help. We are grateful to the Broad Institute (Carsten Russ, Rays Jiang, Brian Haas, and Chad Nusbaum), Brett Tyler (VBI), and P.v.W. for early release of draft supercontigs of the genome sequence of isolate CBS233.65, which helped us identify SpSsp1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Analysis of a quenched lattice-QCD dressed-quark propagator

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    Quenched lattice-QCD data on the dressed-quark Schwinger function can be correlated with dressed-gluon data via a rainbow gap equation so long as that equation's kernel possesses enhancement at infrared momenta above that exhibited by the gluon alone. The required enhancement can be ascribed to a dressing of the quark-gluon vertex. The solutions of the rainbow gap equation exhibit dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and are consistent with confinement. The gap equation and related, symmetry-preserving ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation yield estimates for chiral and physical pion observables that suggest these quantities are materially underestimated in the quenched theory: |<bar-q q>| by a factor of two and f_pi by 30%.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e, REVTEX4, 6 figure

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 290)

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    This bibliography lists 125 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in October 1986

    Large-scale Continuous Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper addresses the problem of continuous gesture recognition from sequences of depth maps using convolutional neutral networks (ConvNets). The proposed method first segments individual gestures from a depth sequence based on quantity of movement (QOM). For each segmented gesture, an Improved Depth Motion Map (IDMM), which converts the depth sequence into one image, is constructed and fed to a ConvNet for recognition. The IDMM effectively encodes both spatial and temporal information and allows the fine-tuning with existing ConvNet models for classification without introducing millions of parameters to learn. The proposed method is evaluated on the Large-scale Continuous Gesture Recognition of the ChaLearn Looking at People (LAP) challenge 2016. It achieved the performance of 0.2655 (Mean Jaccard Index) and ranked 3rd3^{rd} place in this challenge

    Modeled flux and polarisation signals of horizontally inhomogeneous exoplanets, applied to Earth--like planets

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    We present modeled flux and linear polarisation signals of starlight that is reflected by spatially unresolved, horizontally inhomogeneous planets and discuss the effects of including horizontal inhomogeneities on the flux and polarisation signals of Earth-like exoplanets. Our code is based on an efficient adding--doubling algorithm, which fully includes multiple scattering by gases and aerosol/cloud particles. We divide a model planet into pixels that are small enough for the local properties of the atmosphere and surface (if present) to be horizontally homogeneous. Given a planetary phase angle, we sum up the reflected total and linearly polarised fluxes across the illuminated and visible part of the planetary disk, taking care to properly rotate the polarized flux vectors towards the same reference plane. We compared flux and polarisation signals of simple horizontally inhomogeneous model planets against results of the weighted sum approximation, in which signals of horizontally homogeneous planets are combined. Apart from cases in which the planet has only a minor inhomogeneity, the signals differ significantly. In particular, the shape of the polarisation phase function appears to be sensitive to the horizontal inhomogeneities. The same holds true for Earth-like model planets with patchy clouds above an ocean and a sandy continent. Our simulations clearly show that horizontal inhomogeneities leave different traces in flux and polarisation signals. Combining flux with polarisation measurements would help retrieving the atmospheric and surface patterns on a planet

    Integrating heterogeneous distributed COTS discrete-event simulation packages: An emerging standards-based approach

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    This paper reports on the progress made toward the emergence of standards to support the integration of heterogeneous discrete-event simulations (DESs) created in specialist support tools called commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) discrete-event simulation packages (CSPs). The general standard for heterogeneous integration in this area has been developed from research in distributed simulation and is the IEEE 1516 standard The High Level Architecture (HLA). However, the specific needs of heterogeneous CSP integration require that the HLA is augmented by additional complementary standards. These are the suite of CSP interoperability (CSPI) standards being developed under the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO-http://www.sisostds.org) by the CSPI Product Development Group (CSPI-PDG). The suite consists of several interoperability reference models (IRMs) that outline different integration needs of CSPI, interoperability frameworks (IFs) that define the HLA-based solution to each IRM, appropriate data exchange representations to specify the data exchanged in an IF, and benchmarks termed CSP emulators (CSPEs). This paper contributes to the development of the Type I IF that is intended to represent the HLA-based solution to the problem outlined by the Type I IRM (asynchronous entity passing) by developing the entity transfer specification (ETS) data exchange representation. The use of the ETS in an illustrative case study implemented using a prototype CSPE is shown. This case study also allows us to highlight the importance of event granularity and lookahead in the performance and development of the Type I IF, and to discuss possible methods to automate the capture of appropriate values of lookahead

    282300 - Video Surveillance

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