26 research outputs found

    The quasi-Kronecker form for matrix pencils

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    We study singular matrix pencils and show that the so called Wong sequences yield a quasi-Kronecker form. This form decouples the matrix pencil into an underdetermined part, a regular part and an overdetermined part. This decoupling is sufficient to fully characterize the solution behaviour of the differential-algebraic equations associated with the matrix pencil. Furthermore, the Kronecker canonical form is a simple corollary of our result, hence, in passing by, we also provide a new proof for the Kronecker canonical form. The results are illustrated with an example given by a simple electrical circuit

    Addition to: The quasi-Kronecker form for matrix pencils

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    We refine a result concerning singular matrix pencils and the Wong sequences. In our recent paper (2) we have shown that the Wong sequences are sufficient to obtain a quasi-Kronecker form. However, we applied the Wong sequences again on the regular part to decouple the regular matrix pencil corresponding to the finite and infinite eigenvalues. The current paper is an addition to (2) which shows that the decoupling of the regular part can be done already with the help of the Wong sequences of the original matrix pencil. Furthermore, we show that the complete Kronecker canonical form (KCF) can be obtained with the help of the Wong sequences

    Linear relations and their singular chains

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    Singular chain spaces for linear relations in linear spaces play a fundamental role in the decomposition of linear relations in finite-dimensional spaces. In this paper singular chains and singular chain spaces are discussed in detail for not necessarily finite-dimensional linear spaces. This leads to an identity characterizing a singular chain space in terms of root spaces. The so-called proper eigenvalues of a linear relation play an important role in the finite-dimensional case

    Zero dynamics and stabilization for linear DAEs

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    We study linear differential-algebraic multi-input multi-output systems which are not necessarily regular and investigate the asymptotic stability of the zero dynamics and stabilizability. To this end, the concepts of autonomous zero dynamics, transmission zeros, right-invertibility, stabilizability in the behavioral sense and detectability in the behavioral sense are introduced and algebraic characterizations are derived. It is then proved, for the class of right-invertible systems with autonomous zero dynamics, that asymptotic stability of the zero dynamics is equivalent to three conditions: stabilizability in the behavioral sense, detectability in the behavioral sense, and the condition that all transmission zeros of the system are in the open left complex half-plane. Furthermore, for the same class, it is shown that we can achieve, by a compatible control in the behavioral sense, that the Lyapunov exponent of the interconnected system equals the Lyapunov exponent of the zero dynamics

    Finite rank perturbations of linear relations and matrix pencils

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    We elaborate on the deviation of the Jordan structures of two linear relations that are finite-dimensional perturbations of each other. We compare their number of Jordan chains of length at least n. In the operator case, it was recently proved that the difference of these numbers is independent of n and is at most the defect between the operators. One of the main results of this paper shows that in the case of linear relations this number has to be multiplied by n+ 1 and that this bound is sharp. The reason for this behavior is the existence of singular chains. We apply our results to one-dimensional perturbations of singular and regular matrix pencils. This is done by representing matrix pencils via linear relations. This technique allows for both proving known results for regular pencils as well as new results for singular ones.Fil: Leben, Leslie. Technische Universität Ilmenau; AlemaniaFil: Martinez Peria, Francisco Dardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.exactas. Centro de Matematica de la Plata.; ArgentinaFil: Philipp, Friedrich. Technische Universität Ilmenau; AlemaniaFil: Trunk, Carsten. Technische Universität Ilmenau; Alemania. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; ArgentinaFil: Winkler, Henrik. Technische Universität Ilmenau; Alemani

    Quasi feedback forms for differential-algebraic systems

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    We investigate feedback forms for linear time-invariant systems described by differential-algebraic equations. Feedback forms are representatives of certain equivalence classes. For example state space transformations, invertible transformations from the left, and proportional state feedback constitute an equivalence relation. The representative of such an equivalence class, which we call proportional feedback form for the above example, allows to read off relevant system theoretic properties. Our main contribution is to derive a quasi proportional feedback form. This form is advantageous since it provides some geometric insight and is simple to compute, but still allows to read off the relevant structural properties of the control system. We also derive a quasi proportional and derivative feedback form. Similar advantages hold

    A Jordan-like decomposition for linear relations in finite-dimensional spaces

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    A square matrix A has the usual Jordan canonical form that describes the structure of A via eigenvalues and the corresponding Jordan blocks. If A is a linear relation in a finite-dimensional linear space H (i.e., A is a linear subspace of H × H and can be considered as a multivalued linear operator), then there is a richer structure. In addition to the classical Jordan chains (interpreted in the Cartesian product H × H), there occur three more classes of chains: chains starting at zero (the chains for the eigenvalue infinity), chains starting at zero and also ending at zero (the singular chains), and chains with linearly independent entries (the shift chains). These four types of chains give rise to a direct sum decomposition (a Jordan-like decomposition) of the linear relation A. In this decomposition there is a completely singular part that has the extended complex plane as eigenvalues; a usual Jordan part that corresponds to the finite proper eigenvalues; a Jordan part that corresponds to the eigenvalue infinity; and a multishift, i.e., a part that has no eigenvalues at all. Furthermore, the Jordan-like decomposition exhibits a certain uniqueness, closing a gap in earlier results. The presentation is purely algebraic, only the structure of linear spaces is used. Moreover, the presentation has a uniform character: each of the above types is constructed via an appropriately chosen sequence of quotient spaces. The dimensions of the spaces are the Weyr characteristics, which uniquely determine the Jordan-like decomposition of the linear relation