12 research outputs found

    A critical examination and development of Wellman’s theory of conductive argument

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    The paper aims to provide an analysis and critique of Carl Wellman’s account of conduction presented in Challenge and Response and Morals and Ethics. It considers several issues, including: reason-ing vs. argument, the definition vs. the three patterns of conduction, pro and con arguments as dialogues, their assessment, the concept of validity, applications beyond moral arguments, argument type vs. as crite-rion of evaluation

    Informal Logic: A 'Canadian' Approach to Argument

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    The informal logic movement began as an attempt to develop – and teach – an alternative logic which can account for the real life arguing that surrounds us in our daily lives – in newspapers and the popular media, political and social commentary, advertising, and interpersonal exchange. The movement was rooted in research and discussion in Canada and especially at the University of Windsor, and has become a branch of argumentation theory which intersects with related traditions and approaches (notably formal logic, rhetoric and dialectics in the form of pragma-dialectics). In this volume, some of the best known contributors to the movement discuss their views and the reasoning and argument which is informal logic’s subject matter. Many themes and issues are explored in a way that will fuel the continued evolution of the field. Federico Puppo adds an insightful essay which considers the origins and development of informal logic and whether informal logicians are properly described as a “school” of thought. In considering that proposition, Puppo introduces readers to a diverse range of essays, some of them previously published, others written specifically for this volume

    „Gesagt. Getan.“: Der Handlungsaspekt des persuasiven Diskurses im National- sozialismus unter argumentationsanalytischem Blickwinkel

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    An orator tries to turn his/her personal point of view into a generally accepted one using a variety of rhetorical means; one of which is argumentation. However, since the relationship between rhetoric and argumentation is somewhat controversial, I will first of all try to identify the role of argumentation within rhetoric. After that, I will briefly discuss the nature of a wide range of argumentation schemes. Arguments have been classified in different ways. One very convincing and effective way is that suggested by Kienpointner. I will present his typology, which will afterwards serve as basis for my empirical analysis of an important speech given by Hitler on February 1st, 1933. I have identified ten groups of argumentative structures in this speech, which will be discussed and illustrated by numerous examples. My main concern of the analysis is the pragmatic aspect of the political speech. The key question is what changes for the audience after listening to that speech? The audience gets new information or maybe familiar information but from a new point of view, and this will have some influence on the audience’s future outlook

    The problem of relevance.

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    My project is a systematic inquiry into the problem of relevance, which has been identified as an enduring difficulty in, for example, informal logic and information science where it plays a fundamental role in argument and information searches, respectively. My first task involves determining exactly what the problem of relevance is. To achieve that, I collected problem statements from the literature but I also analysed literature on relevance to discover further problems. The key problem that I investigate concerns the question, \u27What is relevance?\u27, which I take to concern the meaning and occurrence of relevance. Concerning the semantic question, I suggest that it demarcates a point of time prior to asking it. Subsequently, I identified and evaluated approaches to elucidating the notion of relevance, rejected intuitionism and stipulation as suitable approaches, and selected philosopher/physicist Mario Bunge\u27s approach to scientific philosophy and his conceptual system to frame my study. I also assess potential information sources; rejected constructed examples that prove to be contrived or are used to illustrate a stipulated definition; and selected dictionary definitions, actual statements, and carefully constructed examples as information sources to complement my review of the literature on relevance. To elucidate relevance, I traced the concept back to its Greek roots, analysed statements, and concluded that the term \u27relevance\u27 since its inception in Scottish law in the early 1500\u27s has been limited largely to relations of significance. Understanding relevance in terms of both connection and significance is crucial to construct, identify, or evaluate relevance statements and thereby develop a representative theory of relevance. It also provides a solution to many controversies such as degree of relevance and it helps elucidate notions such as strength and sufficiency of an argument. I suggest that as significance can vary in degree, so too can relevance but a connection between objects is presupposed in both cases. Strength is a measure of significance and sufficiency is the strength required to establish a conclusion. Finally, I offer a provisional and partial theory of relevance where I summarize my prior analyses and integrate/comment on published positions on relevance

    Relevance, Rhetoric, and Argumentation: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry into Patterns of Thinking and Information Structuring

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    This dissertation research is a multidisciplinary inquiry into topicality, involving an in-depth examination of literatures and empirical data and an inductive development of a faceted typology (containing 227 fine-grained topical relevance relationships and 33 types of presentation relationship). This inquiry investigates a large variety of topical connections beyond topic matching, renders a closer look into the structure of a topic, achieves an enriched understanding of topicality and relevance, and induces a cohesive topic-oriented information architecture that is meaningful across topics and domains. The findings from the analysis contribute to the foundation work of information organization, intellectual access / information retrieval, and knowledge discovery. Using qualitative content analysis, the inquiry focuses on meaning and deep structure: Phase 1 : develop a unified theory-grounded typology of topical relevance relationships through close reading of literature and synthesis of thinking from communication, rhetoric, cognitive psychology, education, information science, argumentation, logic, law, medicine, and art history; Phase 2 : in-depth qualitative analysis of empirical relevance datasets in oral history, clinical question answering, and art image tagging, to examine manifestations of the theory-grounded typology in various contexts and to further refine the typology; the three relevance datasets were used for analysis to achieve variation in form, domain, and context. The typology of topical relevance relationships is structured with three major facets: Functional role of a piece of information plays in the overall structure of a topic or an argument; Mode of reasoning: How information contributes to the user's reasoning about a topic; Semantic relationship: How information connects to a topic semantically. This inquiry demonstrated that topical relevance with its close linkage to thinking and reasoning is central to many disciplines. The multidisciplinary approach allows synthesis and examination from new angles, leading to an integrated scheme of relevance relationships or a system of thinking that informs each individual discipline. The scheme resolving from the synthesis can be used to improve text and image understanding, knowledge organization and retrieval, reasoning, argumentation, and thinking in general, by people and machines

    Health communication management: the interface between culture and scientific communication in the management of Ebola in Liberia

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    The research questioned the efficacy of standard biomedical information sharing and communication processes in ensuring rapid and reliable behavioural changes in the control of epidemics, especially in high-context cultures. Information processing arousals and behaviour change motivations are subject to the level of interactions in the extrinsic and intrinsic elements of an information. Following, epidemic control can only be successful if relevant elements of a system’s values, norms, beliefs and practices for information processing are superimposed on scientific communication to create shared meanings. An empirical research approach in grounded theory underscore the data collection of this research with the data analogy utilising the MAXQDA Analytics Pro software. Ebola behavioural changes were identified to be enabled by the functional properties of community mobilisation as a structure and process for meaning making and behavioural motivation. A contextual health communication model dubbed the ecological collegial communication model has been modelled for epidemiological control as the output of the research. Specific to the methodology, a systematic qualitative and data analysis process in grounded theory was adopted for conducting the research and the dissertation writing. Commencing the process was the identification and analysis of the problem from the perspectives of the challenges to the Ebola communication management. This was comprehensively identified from the fundamentals of the process of communication to the communication itself and was assessed from the motivational factors underlying the behaviours within which the rationality of the behaviours could be understood for their inflexibility to change or their insensitivity to the Ebola messages. The mediations of the behavioural motivators in the cognitive processes to information processing were considered for their intrinsic and extrinsic values to arouse information processing and persuade change. To explore the interface between communication and culture in cognitive processes of information processing and decision making, literatures on behavioural theories, including anthropological theories from which the processes and determinants of behavioural enactment are predicted were reviewed in chapters two to four. Intention (also used interchangeably in this dissertation as motivation) was unanimously construed as proximal in determining behaviours in the literatures. However, intention was also construed to have linkages with other factors in the determination of behaviours.:Dedication ii Declaration iii Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v List of figures vi List of photos vii List of matrices vii List of tables vii List of appendices viii Abbreviations ix 1 Communication and culture of the 2014/2015 West Africa Ebola outbreak 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Conceptualisation of the research problem – the key factors of the Ebola outbreak 4 1.2.1 Structural violence 7 1.2.2 Communication deficiency 10 1.2.3 Cultural models (values and practices 20 1.2.3a Death and funerals 21 1.2.3b Caregiving 26 1.2.3c Reliance on traditional healers 31 1.3 Research objectives 37 1.4 Definitions 38 1.5 Questions formulation and research questions 42 1.6 Justification 52 1.7 Conclusion 58 2 Theoretical frameworks consistent with the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak health communication approaches – A discourse 59 2.1 Introduction 59 2.2 Psychological/behaviour science models 60 2.2.1 Health belief model 61 2.2.2 Protection motivation theory 64 2.2.3 Theory of planned behavior /reasoned action 71 2.2.4 Social cognitive theory / social learning theory 76 2.3 Summary 79 3 Information processing/communication theories 81 3.1Introduction 81 3.2 Elaboration likelihood model 81 3.3 Activation model 86 3.4 Narrative theory and entertainment education 88 3.5 Summary 95 4 Ecological theories / framework 97 4.1 Introduction 97 4.2 The PEN-3 Model 98 4.2.1 Health education (cultural identity)100 4.2.2 Cultural appropriateness of health behavior (cultural empowerment) 101 4.3 Bioecological theory 103 4.4 Developmental process of Bronfenbrenner’s model in the framework of the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak 108 4.5 Theoretical framework of this dissertation 119 5 Research process and methodologies 125 5.1 Introduction 125 5.2 Justification of the research methodology 128 5.3 Overview of Monteserrado County 134 5.4 Techniques/procedures 137 5.4.1 Archival materials/documents 138 5.4.2 Ethnographic/observations 139 5.4.3 Key informants/in-depth interviews 142 5.4.4 Focus group discussions 143 5.5 Data analysis 146 5.5.1 Codes 147 5.5.2 Qualitative analysis employed in the research 152 5.6 Role of the researcher 153 5.6.1 Origins of the project 153 5.6.2 The discourse - philosophical worldview 156 5.6.3 Concluding thoughts 157 6 Data analysis: cultural practices, health and communication in the Liberian context 160 6.1 Introduction 160 6.2 Ethnicity and religion 162 6.3 Social organization 171 6.4 Aspects of death and burial practices 179 6.5 Concept of health and health care 186 6.6 Communication and information sharing approach in Liberia 193 6.6.1Traditional communication and the town crier in Liberia 195 6.6.2 Contribution of Crusaders for Peace 201 6.6.3 Development of overarching Ebola communication messages 206 6.7 Conclusion 210 7 Data analysis: Socio-cultural patterns in Ebola perceptions, content of messages and behavioural outcomes 212 7.1 Introduction 212 7.2 Parent codes – summative description and discussions 214 7.3 Understanding the socio-cultural patterns in Ebola knowledge and behaviours: Perceptions of Ebola transmissions 226 7.4 Content and nature of Ebola messages in perceptions and behaviours 237 7.5 Conclusion 276 8 Data analysis: Understanding the motivators of Ebola behaviours – an analytical interrelationships model perspective 278 8.1 Introduction 278 8.2 Patterns of Ebola behaviours 279 8.3 Conclusion 317 9 Decoding: the interface between culture and communication in the Ebola communication management 319 9.1 Introduction 319 9.2 Contextual elements of effective communication – the interface 321 9.3 Cognitive heuristics to “…protect yourself…” 336 9.4 Processes of moderations of “protect yourself” in cognitions 339 9.5 Conclusion 343 10 Theoretical and conceptual inferences from empirical data and framework for a culturally appropriate communication 344 10.1 Introduction 344 10.2 Research questions 344 10.3 Epidemic control: The cultural model framework to persuasive communication for epidemic management 359 10.3.1 The composite conceptual analytical elements of the model 364 10.3.1a Model definition and assumptions 365 10.3.1b The ECCM – the interactive elements of a system 367 10.3.1c Pattern of communication in the ECCM 371 10.3.2 Summary 374 10.4 Processes of how to apply the ECCM 375 10.5 Limitations of the model 382 10.6 Conclusion 383 11 Conclusions and recommendations 385 11.1 Introduction 385 11.2 Key conclusions 385 11.3 Implications 387 11.3.1 Policy framework implications 387 11.3.2 Theoretical implications 390 11.4 Further research 393 11.4.1 Approach to communication 393 11.4.2 Cultural dynamics 396 11.4.3 Health perceptions 398 11.4.4 Ebola orphans and victims 398 11. 5 Research limitations 399 References 40

    Deliberation and Decision Making Online: Evaluating Platform Design

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    This thesis explores the potential of ICT and online communication to deepen democracy and support large scale online deliberation. It draws together the most promising current practices in online deliberation, presenting a theoretical and empirical exploration of innovative online deliberation platforms. ICT and online communication is increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous in public life yet its democratic impact is ambiguous. Online engagement is characterised by low quality, disorganised deliberation. Experimental platforms have emerged which utilise novel design, argument visualisation, and machine learning to support large scale deliberation. The fields of informal logic and collective intelligence have been influential on the developments of these platforms. But the platforms and the perspectives that influence them have been neglected by wider research into online deliberation. The thesis seeks to address the question: to what extent can developments in informal logic and collective intelligence address problems in the theory and practice of online deliberation? The theoretical analysis explores the insights that emerge from a comparison of the approaches of informal logic, collective intelligence and deliberative democratic theory. Models of argumentation and reasonableness from collective intelligence and informal logic reveal ways in which deliberative theory is under-defined, as well as providing techniques to structure, support and analyse deliberative processes. The empirical element draws together and analyses the experiences of online deliberation practitioners to provide a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges ICT presents for democracy. These novel technologies indicate how challenges associated with knowledge coordination, participant behaviour and information overload can be ameliorated. Yet analysis of the platforms also identifies resourcing, recruitment, collective attention and the application of AI as barriers to developing effective online deliberative spaces

    The problem of premissary relevance

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    This paper focuses on the issue of premissary relevance as a challenge faced in health promotion interventions. To promote attitude change and influence health behavior, it is crucial that we use premises that are relevant on an individual level. Relevance in argumentation refers both to the fact that the premises should relate to the standpoint at issue, as well as the interlocutors' acceptance of these premises. We claim that autonomous argumentation systems hold the promise to enable proper argumentative exchanges that capture and address what matters to individuals. To do so, however, there is a need to consider and operationalize theories of argumentation that enable a reconstruction of the different stages of argumentation. The theory of argumentation known as pragma-dialectics can offer a promising basis for the architecture of autonomous health promotion advisors