49 research outputs found

    Distributed Ledger Technologies and Prospects of Their Use in the Education System

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    В статье рассмотрены особенности технологии распределенных реестров на базе использования децентрализованных пиринговых сетей. Подробно рассмотрена история возникновения и развития технологии распределенных реестров, проанализированы предпосылки роста ее популярности в различных сферах. Выявлены основные достоинства и недостатки технологии распределенных реестров в целом, а также децентрализованных (permissionless) и эксклюзивных (permissioned) Блокчейн-платформ в частности. Описаны принципы функционирования криптовалют на основе Блокчейн-технологии, в том числе их эмиссии (чеканки). Выявлены основные тенденции развития Блокчейн-технологии на современном этапе. Представлен анализ возможностей использования технологии распределенных реестров органами государственного управления, в том числе в системе образования, в целях повышения безопасности и автоматизации выполняемых функций

    Escalating The War On SPAM Through Practical POW Exchange

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    Proof-of-work (POW) schemes have been proposed in the past. One prominent system is HASHCASH (Back, 2002) which uses cryptographic puzzles . However, work by Laurie and Clayton (2004) has shown that for a uniform proof-of-work scheme on email to have an impact on SPAM, it would also be onerous enough to impact on senders of "legitimate" email. I suggest that a non-uniform proof-of-work scheme on email may be a solution to this problem, and describe a framework that has the potential to limit SPAM, without unduly penalising legitimate senders, and is constructed using only current SPAM filter technology, and a small change to the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Specifically, I argue that it is possible to make sending SPAM 1,000 times more expensive than sending "legitimate" email (so called HAM). Also, unlike the system proposed by Debin Liu and Jean Camp (2006), it does not require the complications of maintaining a reputation system.Comment: To be presented at the IEEE Conference On Networking, Adelaide, Australia, November 19-21, 200

    The limit of blockchains: Infeasibility of a smart obama-trump contract

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    Although smart contracts are Turing complete, it is a misconception that they can fulfill all routine contracts.Scopu

    Технологии распределенных реестров и перспективы их использования в системе образования

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    The article discusses the features of distributed ledger technology based on the use of decentralized peer-topeer networks. The history of the emergence and development of distributed ledger technology considered in detail, the prerequisites for the growth of its popularity in various fields are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of distributed ledger technology in general, as well as decentralized (permissionless) and exclusive (permitted) blockchain platforms in particular, are revealed. The principles of functioning of cryptocurrencies on the basis of blockchain technology, including their issue (coinage) are described. The state of blockchain technologies from the point of view of technology maturity is considered. The main trends in the development of blockchain technology at the present stage are revealed. An analysis of the possibilities of using distributed ledger technology of public administration, including in the education system, in order to improve the safety and automation of functions is presented.В статье рассмотрены особенности технологии распределенных реестров на базе использования децентрализованных пиринговых сетей. Подробно рассмотрена история возникновения и развития технологии распределенных реестров, проанализированы предпосылки роста ее популярности в различных сферах. Выявлены основные достоинства и недостатки технологии распределенных реестров в целом, а также децентрализованных (permissionless) и эксклюзивных (permissioned) Блокчейн-платформ в частности. Описаны принципы функционирования криптовалют на основе Блокчейн-технологии, в том числе их эмиссии (чеканки). Выявлены основные тенденции развития Блокчейн-технологии на современном этапе. Представлен анализ возможностей использования технологии распределенных реестров органами государственного управления, в том числе в системе образования, в целях повышения безопасности и автоматизации выполняемых функций


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    The Internet revolution is fast outpacing the law and creating a newer world with the momentum of gripping the unwary crowd into a boundless world of anarchism. Money is defined as a medium of exchange, store of value, and a unit of account (www.cliffnotes.com Date of use: 28/10/2017). Crypto-currency is a new wake in the digital reality that is performing the above functions of money. There are about 1,541 crypto-currencies traded in 8,894 markets by exchangers (www.coinmarketcap.com Date of use: 28/01/2018). Prominent among these crypto currencies, is the Bitcoin which as a single coin had a monetary value of 0.05USDinJuly2010andinNovember2017,wasvaluedat0.05 USD in July 2010 and in November 2017, was valued at 18,000 (www.useyourselfmedia.today Date of use: 28/10/2017). The drivers of crypto-currencies are basically the block-chain which is a technology, others are the exchanges, financial services provider, wallet services provider and miners. Under most jurisdictions, the exchanges and service providers are either not regulated or partially regulated. Regulations in the financial sector, are tools used in monitoring the movement of funds, fraud, financial crimes and money laundering, criminal activities, as well as the protection of consumers. In the absence of regulation, this paper seeks to examine the trend and legality of the crypto currency as a virtual currency and its current and future impact on the society. To achieve this, some monetary regulations will be evaluated and an attempt will be made to adapt these regulations to the crypto-currency framework. At the end of the paper, challenges will be identified with a view to recommending a regulated regime in the use of crypto-currencies for a safer society and consumer protection.&nbsp

    Micropayments as a form of market-based intellectual property protection

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 128-130).by Karl Sun.M.S

    Advanced modulation technology development for earth station demodulator applications. Coded modulation system development

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    A jointly optimized coded modulation system is described which was designed, built, and tested by COMSAT Laboratories for NASA LeRC which provides a bandwidth efficiency of 2 bits/s/Hz at an information rate of 160 Mbit/s. A high speed rate 8/9 encoder with a Viterbi decoder and an Octal PSK modem are used to achieve this. The BER performance is approximately 1 dB from the theoretically calculated value for this system at a BER of 5 E-7 under nominal conditions. The system operates in burst mode for downlink applications and tests have demonstrated very little degradation in performance with frequency and level offset. Unique word miss rate measurements were conducted which demonstrate reliable acquisition at low values of Eb/No. Codec self tests have verified the performance of this subsystem in a stand alone mode. The codec is capable of operation at a 200 Mbit/s information rate as demonstrated using a codec test set which introduces noise digitally. The measured performance is within 0.2 dB of the computer simulated predictions. A gate array implementation of the most time critical element of the high speed Viterbi decoder was completed. This gate array add-compare-select chip significantly reduces the power consumption and improves the manufacturability of the decoder. This chip has general application in the implementation of high speed Viterbi decoders