9 research outputs found

    Doing “Good” and Doing “Well”: Shalom in Christian Business Education

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    As Christian business faculty members, we believe it is our purpose to prepare students both to do “good” and to do “well.” We therefore offer in this paper: (1) definitions of “good” and “well” from a particular Christian worldview and (2) theoretical propositions that connect the alumni outcomes of doing “good” and doing “well” with student outcomes and the learning environment

    Ausbildung in der Körperpraktik Aerobic

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    In meiner Diplomarbeit beschäftige ich mich mit Thema der Ausbildung in einer Gruppenfitnesssportart, sowie der Umsetzung von theoretischem Wissen in körperliches bzw. wie sich die Ausbildung in der Körperpraktik European Aerobic® hinsichtlich körperlichen Wissens und individueller Erfahrung konstituiert. Basierend auf phänomenologischen Theorien, wobei mich besonders die Arbeiten von Allen-Collinson und Hockey (2007, 2010) und Csordas (1990) beeinflusst haben, werde ich darlegen, welche Erfahrungen die Auszubildenden während der Ausbildung machen bzw. wie sich die individuellen Erfahrungen bei der Ausübung der Körperpraktik durch die Ausbildung verändern. Anhand von Tim Ingolds (2001) Beschäftigung mit skills, sowie dem Modell der Five stages of skill acquisition nach Dreyfus & Dreyfus (2004) werde ich herausfiltern, wie körperliches Wissen während der Ausbildung an die auszubildenden Menschen weitergegeben wird und wie diese (theoretische) Informationen und Fakten inkorporieren. Ich werde mich auf die Körpertechniken nach Mauss (1973 [1934]) beziehen, sowie auf Warnier (2001), welcher den Umgang mit Werkzeugen beschreibt. Eingebettet ist die Erfahrung der Gruppenfitnesssportart European Aerobic® in ein ökonomisches und soziales Umfeld, welches ich ebenfalls genauer beschreibe, um sichtbar zu machen, welche Rolle der ökonomische/soziale Hintergrund der Auszubildenden für die (körperlichen) Erfahrungen spielt und wie diese die individuelle Wahrnehmung beeinflussen.In my thesis I am looking into the topic apprenticeship in a sportsystem in the groupfitness sector, European Aerobic®. I am interested in elucidating how theoretical knowledge is being transformed to embodied knowledge and how embodied knowledge is being passed on to the apprentices. Based on phenomenological traditions but mostly influenced by the works of Allen-Collinson and Hockey (2007, 2010) and Csordas (1990) I am describing the personal experiences felt by people during an European Aerobic®-apprenticeship and how they change. By means of Tim Ingold’s (2001) skilled practice and the Five stages of skill acquisition by Dreyfus & Dreyfus (2004) I will explain how embodied knowledge is being passed on to the apprentices and how they acquire it. I am also focusing on how European Aerobic® trainers adopt theoretical information and facts and how they incorporate and transform them to embodied knowledge. I will refer to the body techniques by Mauss (1973 [1934]) as well as to Warnier (2001), who describes the application of tools and instruments. Embedded is the experience of the groupfitnesssport European Aerobic® in an economic and social surrounding, which I will also describe in order to visualize the roll it is playing for the (bodily) felt experiences of the apprentices and how it influences their perception

    Explorations of ‘maverick’ educators within the institutional arts and art and design higher educational context

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    This study explores non-compliant attitudes and behaviours of educators, self- defined and/or dubbed ‘mavericks’ in the arts/art and design sectors of United Kingdom (UK) higher education (HE) institutions. How these educators work within them and the effect they have on these establishments is central to the discussion. Working in bureaucratically-run HE contexts under new managerialism, these educators establish their roles, at times accepting but also challenging the culture of audit, accountability and monetary efficient models. It is a central task of this thesis to understand why and how they do this and the effect such behaviours have on their institutions in the sector. The thesis is founded on a critical incident: a colleague’s accusation that I was a ‘maverick’ for employing unconventional practices, and this raised questions for me concerning educational identities and adherence to pedagogic rules for those who choose to work under neoliberal management despite an unwillingness to fully engage in its directives. To express and understand details of management- teacher contestations of power, my professional life experiences and those of seven selected educators practising in the sector are explored and discussed using the narrative interview method of ‘inter-views’. Suitability for the study was established through author-participant correspondence prior to the interviews, where each participant self-identified or was identified as ‘maverick’ in their contexts, having concurred with the project’s questions and emerging themes. Participants’ interviews identified experiences shared in common, contradictory experiences between institutional expectations and personal, autonomous goals and practices. Their storied accounts produced evocative texts, supported by a blended constructivist–autoethnographic methodology. Analysis of data related the participants’ maverick attitudes and behaviours to the theoretical and critical literature exploring power, resistance and liminality; subjects theorised using perspectives offered by the work of Bourdieu, Foucault, Goffman, and Bakhtin to aid constructivist interpretations of maverick identities. The thesis attempts to historically contextualise the problem of mavericks in the arts/art and design HE sector, problematise their relationship with neoliberal education management using vivid examples from participants’ data to understand what defines them and identify and characterise the attitudes and behaviours they employ to achieve their aims. Key questions being asked in this thesis are: 1. What is a maverick in the context of arts / art and design UK HE? 2. How do mavericks act in arts / art and design UK HE? The conclusion summarises the thesis findings that participant mavericks are catalysts of change, gain respectful trust and establish credible alternatives to educational management restraint. The research exposes alternative visions implied through successful resistant and compliant practices in HE contexts. Recommendations are made for further studies to consider unsuccessful mavericks’ impact on institutions through scrutinising behaviours in context. This thesis is an original contribution to knowledge addressing a deficit of literature exploring maverick identities and behaviours in arts/art and design HE, and it reflexively positions maverick identities from a maverick perspective, where they are important to the ongoing life and development of education in the sector

    Residential mobility, work and belonging in low-income communities

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    This research aims to understand how people respond to post-industrial change in places that are represented through a range of official measures and narratives as ‘declining’. Against a backdrop of pervasive policy assumptions about why people move from, or remain in, ‘declining’ places, this research explores in-depth the range of responses that people make to changing labour market contexts. It particularly seeks to understand why people remain in weaker labour market areas rather than moving to places that may offer greater employment opportunities. The case study approach focused on two areas in England: Nearthorpe,Sheffield, and Eastland, Grimsby. Stakeholders were interviewed to understand the area context and official narratives of place. The main data is drawn from indepth interviews with 18 households, comprising 25 individuals, who were interviewed twice during the research. Thematic and biographical interviewing and analysis was used. The research found that experiences of working in low-paid and insecure work reduced the impetus to residential mobility for many participants. Most people adjusted to labour market changes not through mobility but by remaining in-situ and drawing on place-based support. The extent to which networks of support were utilised to find work, provide childcare, and support those experiencing illhealth strongly suggests that immobility performed an important function. Mobility decisions did not draw on a simple cost-benefit calculation of the relative economic benefits. Participants foregrounded emotional connections to people and places, embedded experiences of work and places that guided responses to opportunities in the present, and revealed multiple motivations for (im)mobility within households. This research has demonstrated the importance of understanding how people relate to the places in which they live and the active processes of distinction that are used in order to construct a place in which they can belong and adjust in-situ to a changing labour market backdrop

    Constraints on the power of dispositions born from interim measures which about protection of contested rights annotated to land registry

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    Tapu kütüğünde malikin tasarruf yetkisinin sınırlanmasına ilişkin şerhler kural olarak Türk Medeni Kanununda düzenlenmektedir. Çekişmeli hakların korunmasına ilişkin ihtiyatî tedbir kararları tapu kütüğüne şerh edilir ve bunlar malikin tasarruf yetkisi sınırlar. Çekişmeli hakların korunmasına ilişkin mahkeme kararları, niteliği itibariyle teminat amaçlı ihtiyatî tedbir kararlarıdır. Çünkü mahkemeler, tedbire konu olan mal veya hakkın muhafaza altına alınması veya bir yediemine tevdii ya da bir şeyin yapılması veya yapılmaması gibi, sakıncayı ortadan kaldıracak veya zararı engelleyecek her türlü tedbire karar verebilir