12 research outputs found

    The Power Word Problem

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    In this work we introduce a new succinct variant of the word problem in a finitely generated group G, which we call the power word problem: the input word may contain powers p^x, where p is a finite word over generators of G and x is a binary encoded integer. The power word problem is a restriction of the compressed word problem, where the input word is represented by a straight-line program (i.e., an algebraic circuit over G). The main result of the paper states that the power word problem for a finitely generated free group F is AC^0-Turing-reducible to the word problem for F. Moreover, the following hardness result is shown: For a wreath product G Wr Z, where G is either free of rank at least two or finite non-solvable, the power word problem is complete for coNP. This contrasts with the situation where G is abelian: then the power word problem is shown to be in TC^0

    Knapsack and the Power Word Problem in Solvable Baumslag-Solitar Groups

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    The Complexity of Knapsack Problems in Wreath Products

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    We prove new complexity results for computational problems in certain wreath products of groups and (as an application) for free solvable group. For a finitely generated group we study the so-called power word problem (does a given expression u1k1…udkdu_1^{k_1} \ldots u_d^{k_d}, where u1,…,udu_1, \ldots, u_d are words over the group generators and k1,…,kdk_1, \ldots, k_d are binary encoded integers, evaluate to the group identity?) and knapsack problem (does a given equation u1x1…udxd=vu_1^{x_1} \ldots u_d^{x_d} = v, where u1,…,ud,vu_1, \ldots, u_d,v are words over the group generators and x1,…,xdx_1,\ldots,x_d are variables, has a solution in the natural numbers). We prove that the power word problem for wreath products of the form G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z} with GG nilpotent and iterated wreath products of free abelian groups belongs to TC0\mathsf{TC}^0. As an application of the latter, the power word problem for free solvable groups is in TC0\mathsf{TC}^0. On the other hand we show that for wreath products G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z}, where GG is a so called uniformly strongly efficiently non-solvable group (which form a large subclass of non-solvable groups), the power word problem is coNP\mathsf{coNP}-hard. For the knapsack problem we show NP\mathsf{NP}-completeness for iterated wreath products of free abelian groups and hence free solvable groups. Moreover, the knapsack problem for every wreath product G≀ZG \wr \mathbb{Z}, where GG is uniformly efficiently non-solvable, is Σp2\Sigma^2_p-hard

    Quadratic equations in metabelian Baumslag-Solitar groups

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    For a finitely generated group GG, the Diophantine problem over GG is the algorithmic problem of deciding whether a given equation W(z1,z2,…,zk)=1W(z_1,z_2,\ldots,z_k) = 1 (perhaps restricted to a fixed subclass of equations) has a solution in GG. We investigate the algorithmic complexity of the Diophantine problem for the class C\mathcal{C} of quadratic equations over the metabelian Baumslag-Solitar groups BS(1,n)BS(1,n). In particular, we prove that this problem is NP-complete whenever n≠1n\neq 1, and determine the algorithmic complexity for various subclasses (orientable, nonorientable etc.) of C\mathcal{C}.Comment: 17 page

    A Characterization of Wreath Products Where Knapsack Is Decidable

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    The knapsack problem for groups was introduced by Miasnikov, Nikolaev, and Ushakov. It is defined for each finitely generated group GG and takes as input group elements g1,…,gn,g∈Gg_1,\ldots,g_n,g\in G and asks whether there are x1,…,xn≥0x_1,\ldots,x_n\ge 0 with g1x1⋯gnxn=gg_1^{x_1}\cdots g_n^{x_n}=g. We study the knapsack problem for wreath products G≀HG\wr H of groups GG and HH. Our main result is a characterization of those wreath products G≀HG\wr H for which the knapsack problem is decidable. The characterization is in terms of decidability properties of the indiviual factors GG and HH. To this end, we introduce two decision problems, the intersection knapsack problem and its restriction, the positive intersection knapsack problem. Moreover, we apply our main result to H3(Z)H_3(\mathbb{Z}), the discrete Heisenberg group, and to Baumslag-Solitar groups BS(1,q)\mathsf{BS}(1,q) for q≥1q\ge 1. First, we show that the knapsack problem is undecidable for G≀H3(Z)G\wr H_3(\mathbb{Z}) for any G≠1G\ne 1. This implies that for G≠1G\ne 1 and for infinite and virtually nilpotent groups HH, the knapsack problem for G≀HG\wr H is decidable if and only if HH is virtually abelian and solvability of systems of exponent equations is decidable for GG. Second, we show that the knapsack problem is decidable for G≀BS(1,q)G\wr\mathsf{BS}(1,q) if and only if solvability of systems of exponent equations is decidable for GG

    Subgroup Membership in GL(2,Z)

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    It is shown that the subgroup membership problem for a virtually free group can be decided in polynomial time where all group elements are represented by so-called power words, i.e., words of the form p_1^{z_1} p_2^{z_2} ? p_k^{z_k}. Here the p_i are explicit words over the generating set of the group and all z_i are binary encoded integers. As a corollary, it follows that the subgroup membership problem for the matrix group GL(2,?) can be decided in polynomial time when all matrix entries are given in binary notation

    Exponent equations in HNN-extensions

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    We consider exponent equations in finitely generated groups. These are equations, where the variables appear as exponents of group elements and take values from the natural numbers. Solvability of such (systems of) equations has been intensively studied for various classes of groups in recent years. In many cases, it turns out that the set of all solutions on an exponent equation is a semilinear set that can be constructed effectively. Such groups are called knapsack semilinear. Examples of knapsack semilinear groups are hyperbolic groups, virtually special groups, co-context-free groups and free solvable groups. Moreover, knapsack semilinearity is preserved by many group theoretic constructions, e.g., finite extensions, graph products, wreath products, amalgamated free products with finite amalgamated subgroups, and HNN-extensions with finite associated subgroups. On the other hand, arbitrary HNN-extensions do not preserve knapsack semilinearity. In this paper, we consider the knapsack semilinearity of HNN-extensions, where the stable letter tt acts trivially by conjugation on the associated subgroup AA of the base group GG. We show that under some additional technical conditions, knapsack semilinearity transfers from base group GG to the HNN-extension HH. These additional technical conditions are satisfied in many cases, e.g., when AA is a centralizer in GG or AA is a quasiconvex subgroup of the hyperbolic group GG.Comment: A short version appeared in Proceedings of ISSAC 202