74 research outputs found

    Development of SIAKAD Applications in Balikpapan Schools using APXP: Advanced Personal Extreme Programming

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    The iteration process in Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) consists of Initialization, Design, Implementation, Testing, and Retrospective. There are still areas for improvement in this method. In the future, this method will be a problem because it can make the application unable to run after the retrospective process. One of the problems is the version update app on Android. We propose an Advanced PXP model (APXP) for an academic information system (SIAKAD) in Balikpapan Schools that contains PXP modifications at the beginning and end of the process. At the middle stage of APXP is system testing. Each process from 1-11 iterations produces Valid results. We add Deployment methods such as Blue-Green Deployment Strategy. The deployment process can change very quickly once the switch service changes in the APXP method. Furthermore, the deployment process has almost no issues with different versions of the servic

    The Effect of Pomodoro Technique on Student Mendelian Genetics Concept Mastery during Synchronous Remote Learning

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    The Pomodoro technique is a timed-based strategy used in fighting procrastination and found to increase academic performance. However, its effect on academic learning in a synchronous remote learning modality has yet to be investigated. The study used a mixed triangulation semiexperimental design using a whole sample (N=46), following all ethical equivalence procedures. The genetics concept mastery of the students was tested using a researcher-made test. ANCOVA results revealed that students taught using Pomodoro yielded significantly better concept mastery in genetics than the lecture method. This study contributes to the evaluation of one science teaching strategy compatible with remote learning modality

    Towards Agile Academia: An Approach to Scientific Paper Writing Inspired by Software Engineering

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    The construction of scientific papers is performed in service of the greater scientific community. This iterative process is, in effect, an academic economy, where all members benefit from well-written papers. However, many published scientific papers are poorly written; they often lack sufficient detail to allow replication, there is improper usage of citations or a lack of regard to relevant work, reporting is vague or without linked empirical data to allow verification, figures do not correspond to text or are non-sensical, literary elements, e.g., bulleted lists, are used ineffectively, formatting renders certain sections unreadable, and grammatical errors abound. The issues of paper quality are widespread and of varying concern. Similarly, the development of software systems is rife with many processual issues, from high-level architectural flaws to small developer errors, e.g., setting a Boolean value to true instead of false, which can be disastrous in large systems. As an answer to these longstanding concerns, software development methods have emerged over decades, most notably, the Waterfall and Agile approaches. These methods have established software engineering as a professional discipline backed by rigorous, empirical evaluation on many systems. A scientific paper is, conceptually, a system to be developed, much like a software system: it has a name, particular sections codified for different purposes, e.g., as the abstract summarizes and the conclusion concludes, it has an author or authors, it goes through several iterations of refinement, it may reference outside systems and it is eventually released to the public, and possibly maintained in future versions. It is posited that, due to the relatively small nature of most scientific papers (4-20 pages), the Agile method of software development can be used to produce more reliable scientific papers, in a more efficient manner and with better availability to readers, by employing the principles of open-source software, and a version control system, e.g., Git. Agile methods consistently provide deliverables of higher quality; this work intends to demonstrate that Agile can be adapted to streamline the scientific writing process and improve publication quality


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    We present a new self-regulating methodology for coordinating distributed team work called Algorithmic Autoregulation (AA), based on recent social networking concepts and individual merit. Team members take on an egalitarian role, and stay voluntarily logged into so-called AA sessions for part of their time (e.g. 2 hours per day), during which they create periodical logs — short text sentences — they wish to share about their activity with the team. These logs are publicly aggregated in a Website and are peer-validated after the end of a session, as in code review. A short screencast is ideally recorded at the end of each session to make AA logs more understandable. This methodology has shown to be well-suited for increasing the efficiency of distributed teams working on what is called Global Software Development (GSD), as observed in our experience in actual real-world situations. This efficiency boost is mainly achieved through 1) built-in asynchronous on-demand communication in conjunction with documentation of work products and processes, and 2) reduced need for central management, meetings or time-consuming reports. Hence, the AA methodology legitimizes and facilitates the activities of a distributed software team. It thus enables other entities to have a solid means to fund these activities, allowing for new and concrete business models to emerge for very distributed software development. AA has been proposed, at its core, as a way of sustaining self-replicating hacker initiatives. These claims are discussed in a real case-study of running a distributed free software hacker team called Lab Macambira.O artigo apresenta uma nova metodologia para a coordenação do trabalho de uma equipe dispersa fisicamente chamada Autorregulação algorítmica (AA). A metodologia se baseia em conceitos recentes de redes sociais e mérito individual. Os membros da equipe assumem papéis igualitários e se mantêm logados voluntariamente a sessões de AA por parte do seu tempo (por exemplo, duas horas por dia), criando logs periódicos — frases curtas — que desejam compartilhar com os demais envolvidos nas atividades da equipe. Estes logs são agregados publicamente em um website e são validados pelos pares após o fim da sessão, da mesma forma que se faz na revisão de código. Preferencialmente, um breve screencast é gravado ao final de casa sessão para tornar os logs de AA mais compreensíveis. Esta metodologia se demonstrou adequada para aumentar a eficiência de equipes dispersas fisicamente trabalhando em projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software Global (GSD), conforme observado em nossa experiência em situações de uso cotidiano. O aumento de eficiência é obtido principalmente por meio de: 1) comunicação assíncrona e sob demanda em conjunto com a documentação dos produtos do trabalho e processos, e 2) necessidade reduzida de gestão centralizada, reuniões ou relatórios que consomem tempo. Assim, a metodologia AA legitima e facilita as atividades de uma equipe de desenvolvimento de software distribuída. Ela possibilita que outras entidades disponham de meios para financiar essas atividades, possibilitando que novos e concretos modelos de negócio se tornem possíveis para desenvolvimentos de software muito distribuídos. A AA foi proposta, em sua essência, como uma forma de possibilitar a auto-replicação de iniciativas de atividade hacker. Estes argumentos são discutidos com base em um estudo de caso real de atuação de uma equipe hacker de software livre distribuído chamada Lab Macambira

    The relationship between polychronicity and social networks: A mixed-methods study of research and development professionals

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    How do knowledge workers interact with their colleagues when organizations increasingly ask them to work on multiple activities, projects and working spheres simultaneously? Given the importance of social networks for individual and organizational success, in this study we explore the relationship between individual preferences for engaging in multiple tasks simultaneously (individual polychronicity), the perception of the organization’s demands in terms of engaging in multiple tasks simultaneously (organizational polychronicity), and centrality in instrumental networks. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, we collected data from knowledge professionals in a research and development (R&D) unit. Our results show that both individual and organizational polychronicity were related to network centrality. However, the effect of individual polychronicity on instrumental network centrality was stronger, especially for advice-related interactions, suggesting that individual preferences matter more when it comes to knowledge-related interactions. Not only do we link polychronicity to a previously unexplored context, that is, social networks, but we also propose the use of a cultural toolkit perspective to explain how individuals differentially make sense of organizational temporal demands. Finally, we advance research on the antecedents of network centrality and contribute to the ongoing debate on the delicate balance between structure and individual characteristics

    O papel do professor na desmistificação da aprendizagem musical: educação simultânea de pais e filhos

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    Relatório Final do Estágio do Ensino Especializado, apresentado à Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, para cumprimento dos requisitos à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Música, conforme Decreto-Lei n.º 79/2014, de 14 de maio.Resumo I - A primeira parte do Relatório – Prática Pedagógica, diz respeito ao estágio realizado na Academia Musical dos Amigos das Crianças no âmbito da unidade curricular Estágio do Ensino Especializado. O estágio realizou-se sob a orientação cooperante da Professora Margarida Prates. A Prática Pedagógica apresenta uma breve contextualização da Academia, a sua caraterização e meio envolvente. São referidos os Órgãos institucionais que perfazem o corpo da Instituição bem como as atividades promovidas pela mesma. Paralelamente, é feita uma caraterização e descrição da classe/alunos envolvidos no Estágio que se realizou de Outubro de 2020 a Junho de 2021. A descrição/caraterização tem por base a observação de 81 aulas e a lecionação de 9 aulas no total. Como conclusão é elaborada uma reflexão final que visa destacar os pontos fortes/fracos desta experiência. O Estágio realizou-se em condições muito especiais dada a situação de saúde pública atravessada provocada pelo vírus SARS – COV – 2. Durante o ano letivo as incertezas do dia-a-dia foram uma constante; não obstante, o trabalho da Academia, juntamente com a orientação da Professora Margarida tornaram possível o enriquecimento e crescimento profissional e pessoal da mestranda. A oportunidade de Estágio e a comunicação muito aberta entre mestranda e Professora Cooperante permitiram a aquisição de conhecimentos e estratégias pedagógicas, cumprindo assim com os objetivos pretendidos.Resumo II - A segunda parte do Relatório – Investigação, pretende refletir e confirmar a importância do papel do professor de piano (e em geral) na promoção e incentivo do envolvimento dos pais durante o processo de aprendizagem musical dos filhos. Através da revisão de literatura existente sobre a problemática e a confirmação da importância do apoio parental durante a aprendizagem musical referida na mesma, a investigação reflete sobre o papel mediador do professor na transmissão de conhecimento da linguagem musical e estratégias para um acompanhamento parental pedagógico em casa. A investigação parte de um estudo descritivo e qualitativo que tem por base a observação participante da classe de Piano da Academia Nacional de Música Carlos Seixas, sendo isolados para amostragem 5 casos. A amostra permite inferir indicadores que apontam para a importância do papel do professor na mediação do envolvimento dos pais na educação dos filhos e o reflexo na aprendizagem dos últimos. Futuramente, através de uma amostra mais alargada poder-se-ão fazer análises por forma a chegar a conclusões mais abrangentes. Na base das reflexões estão: as aulas presenciais e online (devido à Pandemia Covid-19) dos alunos; as estratégias adotadas para um maior envolvimento dos pais; a relação intermediária da professora e de que forma esta postura pedagógica se refletiu em tempos de Pandemia. As 15 respostas obtidas através do inquérito direcionado a professores e as entrevistas a 2 pianistas servem de apoio na fundamentação/reflexão das direções apontadas na análise da amostra. Como produto final será apresentada uma proposta de Manual de Apoio aos Pais.Abstract I - The first part of the Report – Pedagogical Practice concerns the internship held at Academia Musical dos Amigos das Crianças within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice course unit. The internship took place under the cooperative guidance of Professor/Pianist Margarida Prates. The Pedagogical Practice presents a brief contextualization of the Academy, its characterization and environment. The institutional bodies that make up the body of the institution are mentioned as well as the activities promoted by the same. At the same time there is a characterization and description of the class/students involved in the Internship which took place from October 2020 to June 2021. The description/characterization is based on the observation of 81 classes and the teaching of 9 classes in total. As a conclusion a final reflection is elaborated that aims to highlight the strengths/weaknesses of this experience. The Internship took place under very special conditions given the situation of public health that was going through caused by the SARS – COV – 2 virus. During the academic year the day-to-day uncertanties were constant. Nevertheless the work of the Academy together with the guidance of Professor/Pianist Margarida made possible the professional and personal growth of the Master’s student. The internship opportunity and the wide open communication between the Master’s student and the Cooperating Teacher allowed the acquisiton of knowledge and pedagogical strategies fulfilling the intended purposes of the Master Degree.Abstract II - The second part of the Report – Research, intends to reflect and confirm the importance of the teacher’s role in promoting and encouraging the involvement of parents during their children’s musical learning process. By reviewing existing literature on the issue confirming the importance of parental support during musical learning the research aims to reflect on the mediating role of the teacher in the transmission of musical language knowledge and pedagogical strategies so that parents can support their children outside the classroom. The research is based on a descriptive and qualitative study. Five cases were isolated for sampling from the observation of Academia Nacional de Música Carlos Seixas Piano class. The sample allows us to infer indicators that point to the importance of the teacher’s role in mediating the involvement of parents in their children’s education and its impact on the latter’s learning. In the future and through a larger sample it will be possible to carry out more extensive analyzes in order to reach more generalized conclusions. The premises are: classroom and online classes (due to Covid-19) for students aged between 5 and 10 years old; strategies adopted for greater involvement of parents; the intermediary teacher’s relationship and how this pedagogical posture was reflected in times of Pandemic. The sample analysis of 15 responses obtained through a survey directed at teachers and 2 interviews conducted with pianists/pedagogues are added to support the reasoning/reflextion of the directions indicated in. As a final product it will be presented a proposal for a Parent Support Manual.N/
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