42 research outputs found

    Polymake and Lattice Polytopes

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    The polymake software system deals with convex polytopes and related objects from geometric combinatorics. This note reports on a new implementation of a subclass for lattice polytopes. The features displayed are enabled by recent changes to the polymake core, which will be discussed briefly.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Faster Geometric Algorithms via Dynamic Determinant Computation

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    The computation of determinants or their signs is the core procedure in many important geometric algorithms, such as convex hull, volume and point location. As the dimension of the computation space grows, a higher percentage of the total computation time is consumed by these computations. In this paper we study the sequences of determinants that appear in geometric algorithms. The computation of a single determinant is accelerated by using the information from the previous computations in that sequence. We propose two dynamic determinant algorithms with quadratic arithmetic complexity when employed in convex hull and volume computations, and with linear arithmetic complexity when used in point location problems. We implement the proposed algorithms and perform an extensive experimental analysis. On one hand, our analysis serves as a performance study of state-of-the-art determinant algorithms and implementations. On the other hand, we demonstrate the supremacy of our methods over state-of-the-art implementations of determinant and geometric algorithms. Our experimental results include a 20 and 78 times speed-up in volume and point location computations in dimension 6 and 11 respectively.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    The subdivision of large simplicial cones in Normaliz

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    Normaliz is an open-source software for the computation of lattice points in rational polyhedra, or, in a different language, the solutions of linear diophantine systems. The two main computational goals are (i) finding a system of generators of the set of lattice points and (ii) counting elements degree-wise in a generating function, the Hilbert Series. In the homogeneous case, in which the polyhedron is a cone, the set of generators is the Hilbert basis of the intersection of the cone and the lattice, an affine monoid. We will present some improvements to the Normaliz algorithm by subdividing simplicial cones with huge volumes. In the first approach the subdivision points are found by integer programming techniques. For this purpose we interface to the integer programming solver SCIP to our software. In the second approach we try to find good subdivision points in an approximating overcone that is faster to compute.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the ICMS 2016, published by Springer as Volume 9725 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Toric Geometry in OSCAR

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    We report on the computer implementation for toric geometry in the computer algebra system OSCAR\texttt{OSCAR}. The main architectural feature of OSCAR\texttt{OSCAR} is that its four fundamental tools Antic\texttt{Antic} (Hecke, Nemo), GAP\texttt{GAP}, Polymake\texttt{Polymake} and Singular\texttt{Singular} are integral components\mathit{integral~components}, rather than external software. Toric geometry benefits greatly from this architecture. Julia\texttt{Julia} is a high-performance programming language designed for numerical and scientific computing. The growing ecosystem of Julia\texttt{Julia} packages ensures its continued viability for scientific computing and data analysis. Indeed, OSCAR\texttt{OSCAR} is written in Julia\texttt{Julia}. This implies that the performance of OSCAR\texttt{OSCAR} should be comparable or even better than many other implementations.Comment: 6 pages, prepared for the ComputerAlgebraRundbrief (March 2023

    polymake and Lattice Polytopes

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    The polymake\mathtt{polymake} software system deals with convex polytopes and related objects from geometric combinatorics. This note reports on a new implementation of a subclass for lattice polytopes. The features displayed are enabled by recent changes to the polymake\mathtt{polymake} core, which will be discussed briefly