174,668 research outputs found

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pedagang pengecer daging babi di kota Tomohon

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the total income of pig meat retailers in Tomohon City. The sample locations in the Beriman Market in Tomohon City, were determined using the purposive sampling method, based on the consideration that Pasar Beriman is the largest traditional market in Tomohon City, and has pig meat retailers. The sample is determined using a total quota sampling technique of 30 people who are active as retailers. The analysis model used to estimate the factors that influence retailers' income is the multiple linear regression equation model in the form of natural logarithms. The results showed that the factors affecting the income of pig meat retailers in Tomohon City were the amount of meat, price, capital, labor and business experience.

    Assessing the Benefits of Misting–Cooling Systems for Growing/Finishing Swine as Affected by Environment and Pig Placement Date

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    The NCPIG swine growth model was used to evaluate swine growth performance for Wilmington, North Carolina; Bardstown and Mayfield, Kentucky; and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma as influenced by the use of a misting–cooling system. Five pig placement dates (Julian days 106, 126, 146, 166, and 186) were evaluated for each location using 22 years of weather data (1978–1999). The use of a misting system, while quite variable, was found to be generally profitable, reducing the length of the time to reach market weight. As the placement date increased, the average return to misting (/pig/year)decreasedfrom/pig/year) decreased from 8.12 to 1.98forOklahomaCity,from1.98 for Oklahoma City, from 6.00 to 1.16forWilmington,from1.16 for Wilmington, from 4.14 to 0.99forMayfield,andfrom0.99 for Mayfield, and from 3.07 to 0.87forBardstown.Basedontheproratedvalueof0.87 for Bardstown. Based on the prorated value of 1.39 per pig/per year for the cost of a misting system, probabilities for recovering the initial investment amount were determined for each pig placement date and location. These probabilities decreased as the pig placement date increased, except for Oklahoma City, which remained above 98% regardless of the date. For the locations other than Oklahoma City, the probabilities indicated that the earlier placement dates were more favorable for recovering the initial investment

    A review paper on Integrated Aquaculture Benefits Project at Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan

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    This paper highlights some of the practices involved in integrated aquaculture such as poultry-cum-fish, pig-cum-fish, sheep and goat-cum-fish and grasscutter-cum-fish. Also the role of fisheries in alleviating protein deficiency was reviewed. Successful research findings on these practices in aquaculture at the Federal College of Forestry, Jericho, Ibadan (Nigeria) will eventually lead to alleviating protein deficiency of the inhabitants of the largest city in West African thus alleviating poverty in the natio


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    PROFIT ANALYSIS OF PIG FARMING IN WEST TOMOHON DISTRICT TOMOHON CITY. (Case Study On Mr. Okny Mende's Business. The goal of this study was to investigate profit  of pig farming  in West Tomohon  District Survey method was performed on Mr Okny Mende’s farming  in Tara Tara 2 Village West Tomohon District bycase study. The pig farmers’ challenge in the production process was the high cost of production. The increase of cost  production without profit tend to be problem for farmers because input material (production costs) was very important factors in the livestock business. The Pig farming business has the potential for development in the City of Tomohon due to investment in this business does not require large costs and land, besides that the return on capital is relatively faster and although the development of pig agribusiness is limited due to socio-cultural factors, but in North Sulawesi especially Tomohon City has good prospects because of high demand of local market and the surrounding area, and there are no socio-cultural constraints. The pig farm business located in Taratara Dua Sub-District, West Tomohon District is owned by Mr. Okny Mende's family, which is a nursery business by selling weaned piglets. Results of this study  shown that the average total cost incurred per period of production  as much as IDR  38.334.531. While revenue per period of production was IDR. 68.400.000. The profit per production period was IDR. 30.065.469

    Biosecurity and readiness of smallholder pig farmers against potential African Swine Fever outbreak and other pig diseases in Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines

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    Preventing African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks require an active involvement of pig growers as they are in the frontline of detection, notification, and the application of strict biosecurity measures. The Eastern Visayas (Region VIII) in Central Philippines is still free of ASF but the risk can be remarkable given the high volume of pigs that enter in this region as a market hub to large pig producers both coming from Luzon (north) and Mindanao (south). This study was conducted to better understand the readiness and biosecurity practices of smallholder pig farmers who comprise most of the pig growers in the City of Baybay, Leyte. Using multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) technique of data from 350 pig farmer-respondents, our study found several areas in pig raising activities that need to be highlighted. While pig farmers were generally aware of the threat posed by ASF and have relatively good biosecurity practices, only 32.90% were convinced that the City of Baybay is prepared in the case of an ASF outbreak. Moreover, the importance of vaccination, footbath, and controlling swill feeding need to be emphasized (Cluster 2, 58.29%).  More efforts should be directed towards preparing and training pig farmers on disease monitoring and surveillance and improving further its biosecurity practices with special focus on bioexclusion. Similar studies should be conducted to nearby local government units particularly those located near entry and exit borders of the Eastern Visayas region


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    Pigs have a very important value for the people in NTT. Apart from being farm animals that have economic value, pigs also have an important role in the socio-cultural and religious life in NTT. Given its important role for the community, pigs need serious attention to avoid various disease threats, one of which is Hog cholera (HC). One of the effective ways to prevent HC disease that can be done is by implementing strict biosecurity and sanitation. The purpose of this research is to learn how the practice of biosecurity and sanitation by pig farmers is one of the most important efforts in preventing the spread of HC disease in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City. The data in this study were obtained through direct interviews with pig farmers in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City, and analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results showed that the level of HC vaccination was still low at 10.9%, and there were still many farmers who carried out risky practices for HC transmission such as consuming or trading pigs that died from sickness 29.1%, throwing away pig carcasses that died from sickness 5%, back yard slaughtering 40%, disposing of slaughtering waste into the environment 9.1%. In conclusion, the practice of biosecurity and sanitation carried out by pig farmers in the Kota Raja Sub-District, Kupang City still needs to be improved. There are still some pig farmers who practice practices that are risky for disease transmission in pigs, especially Hog cholera

    The editorial board

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    Introduction to the Symposium on Pig Biodiversity, which was held in the Spanish city of CĂłrdoba during 7-9th November 2002

    Studi Pemetaan Multi-drug Resistant (Mdr) Escherichia Coli pada Peternakan Babi di Kota Kupang

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    The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of the spread of antibiotic-resistant E. coli on pig farms in Kupang City by using mapping analysis. Data on E. coli resistance comes from the results of laboratory analysis and as secondary data for spatial analysis. Spatial analysis uses the nearest neighbour index, convex hull and elementary analysis of disease methods. The results of this study have shown a high prevalence of E. coli (85.4%) with clustered distribution patterns and have a wide spread (10920 ha) in the area in Kupang City. MDR E. coli had a moderate prevalence (57.31%) by forming a group spread pattern and a wide spread (7778 Ha) on pig farms in Kupang City. This result encourages prevention and control efforts by all interested parties so that the rate of spread of resistant E. coli can be reduced

    ENOBIO - First tests of a dry electrophysiology electrode using carbon nanotubes

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    We describe the development and first tests of Enobio, a dry electrode sensor concept for biopotential applications. In the proposed electrodes, the tip of the electrode is covered with a forest of multi-walled CNTs that can be coated with Ag/AgCl to provide ionic-electronic transduction. The CNT brush-like structure is to penetrate the outer layers of the skin improving electrical contact as well as increae the contact surface area. In this paper, we report the results of the first tests of this concept -- immersion on saline solution and pig skin signal detection. These indicate performance on a par with state of the art research-oriented wet electrodes.Comment: Submitted and accepted at the 28th IEEE EMBS International Conference, New York City, August 31st-September 3rd, 2006. Figures updated with proper filtering and averagin
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