39 research outputs found

    Spectral convergence in tapping and physiological fluctuations: coupling and independence of 1/f noise in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

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    When humans perform a response task or timing task repeatedly, fluctuations in measures of timing from one action to the next exhibit long-range correlations known as 1/f noise. The origins of 1/f noise in timing have been debated for over 20 years, with one common explanation serving as a default: humans are composed of physiological processes throughout the brain and body that operate over a wide range of timescales, and these processes combine to be expressed as a general source of 1/f noise. To test this explanation, the present study investigated the coupling vs. independence of 1/f noise in timing deviations, key-press durations, pupil dilations, and heartbeat intervals while tapping to an audiovisual metronome. All four dependent measures exhibited clear 1/f noise, regardless of whether tapping was synchronized or syncopated. 1/f spectra for timing deviations were found to match those for key-press durations on an individual basis, and 1/f spectra for pupil dilations matched those in heartbeat intervals. Results indicate a complex, multiscale relationship among 1/f noises arising from common sources, such as those arising from timing functions vs. those arising from autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions. Results also provide further evidence against the default hypothesis that 1/f noise in human timing is just the additive combination of processes throughout the brain and body. Our findings are better accommodated by theories of complexity matching that begin to formalize multiscale coordination as a foundation of human behavior

    Fractals in the Nervous System: conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience

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    This essay is presented with two principal objectives in mind: first, to document the prevalence of fractals at all levels of the nervous system, giving credence to the notion of their functional relevance; and second, to draw attention to the as yet still unresolved issues of the detailed relationships among power law scaling, self-similarity, and self-organized criticality. As regards criticality, I will document that it has become a pivotal reference point in Neurodynamics. Furthermore, I will emphasize the not yet fully appreciated significance of allometric control processes. For dynamic fractals, I will assemble reasons for attributing to them the capacity to adapt task execution to contextual changes across a range of scales. The final Section consists of general reflections on the implications of the reviewed data, and identifies what appear to be issues of fundamental importance for future research in the rapidly evolving topic of this review

    Fractal complexity of daily physical activity and cognitive function in a midlife cohort

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    High stability of fluctuation in physiological patterns across fixed time periods suggest healthy fractal complexity, while greater randomness in fluctuation patterns may indicate underlying disease processes. The importance of fractal stability in mid-life remains unexplored. We quantified fractal regulation patterns in 24-h accelerometer data and examined associations with cognitive function in midlife. Data from 5097 individuals (aged 46) from the 1970 British Cohort Study were analyzed. Participants wore thigh-mounted accelerometers for seven days and completed cognitive tests (verbal fluency, memory, processing speed; derived composite z-score). Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) was used to examine temporal correlations of acceleration magnitude across 25 time scales (range: 1 min-10 h). Linear regression examined associations between DFA scaling exponents (DFAe) and each standardised cognitive outcome. DFAe was normally distributed (mean ± SD: 0.90 ± 0.06; range: 0.72-1.25). In males, a 0.10 increase in DFAe was associated with a 0.30 (95% Confidence Interval: 0.14, 0.47) increase in composite cognitive z-score in unadjusted models; associations were strongest for verbal fluency (0.10 [0.04, 0.16]). Associations remained in fully-adjusted models for verbal fluency only (0.06 [0.00, 0.12]). There was no association between DFA and cognition in females. Greater fractal stability in men was associated with better cognitive function. This could indicate mechanisms through which fractal complexity may scale up to and contribute to cognitive clinical endpoints

    Stochastic Resonance Reduces Sway and Gait Variability in Individuals With Unilateral Transtibial Amputation: A Pilot Study

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    Sub-threshold (imperceptible) vibration, applied to parts of the body, impacts how people move and perceive our world. Could this idea help someone who has lost part of their limb? Sub-threshold vibration was applied to the thigh of the affected limb of 20 people with unilateral transtibial amputation. Vibration conditions tested included two noise structures: pink and white. Center of pressure (COP) excursion (range and root-mean-square displacements) during quiet standing, and speed and spatial stride measures (mean and standard deviations of step length and width) during walking were assessed. Pink noise vibration decreased COP displacements in standing, and white noise vibration decreased sound limb step length standard deviation in walking. Sub-threshold vibration positively impacted aspects of both posture and gait; however, different noise structures had different effects. The current study represents foundational work in understanding the potential benefits of incorporating stochastic resonance as an intervention for individuals with amputation

    Soft-Assembled Multilevel Dynamics of Tactical Behaviors in Soccer

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    This study aimed to identify the tactical patterns and the timescales of variables during a soccer match, allowing understanding the multilevel organization of tactical behaviors, and to determine the similarity of patterns performed by different groups of teammates during the first and second halves. Positional data from 20 professional male soccer players from the same team were collected using high frequency global positioning systems (5 Hz). Twenty-nine categories of tactical behaviors were determined from eight positioning-derived variables creating multivariate binary (Boolean) time-series matrices. Hierarchical principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify the multilevel structure of tactical behaviors. The sequential reduction of each set level of principal components revealed a sole principal component as the slowest collective variable, forming the global basin of attraction of tactical patterns during each half of the match. In addition, the mean dwell time of each positioning-derived variable helped to understand the multilevel organization of collective tactical behavior during a soccer match. This approach warrants further investigations to analyze the influence of task constraints on the emergence of tactical behavior. Furthermore, PCA can help coaches to design representative training tasks according to those tactical patterns captured during match competitions and to compare them depending on situational variables

    Critical integration in neural and cognitive systems: beyond power-law scaling as the hallmark of soft assembly

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    Inspired by models of self-organized criticality, a family of measures quantifies long-range correlations in neural and behavioral activity in the form of self-similar (e.g., power-law scaled) patterns across a range of scales. Long-range correlations are often taken as evidence that a system is near a critical transition, suggesting interaction-dominant, softly assembled relations between its parts. Psychologists and neuroscientists frequently use power-law scaling as evidence of critical regimes and soft assembly in neural and cognitive activity. Critics, however, argue that this methodology operates at most at the level of an analogy between cognitive and other natural phenomena. This is because power-laws do not provide information about a particular system's organization or what makes it specifically cognitive. We respond to this criticism using recent work in Integrated Information Theory. We propose a more principled understanding of criticality as a system's susceptibility to changes in its own integration, a property cognitive agents are expected to manifest. We contrast critical integration with power-law measures and find the former more informative about the underlying processes

    Rol de la intención en la terminación del ejercicio inducida por la fatiga. Aproximación no-lineal

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    Intention has a well-recognised role in the termination point of fatigue-induced exercise; however its interaction with physiological factors is unknown. The linear causal model applied to mind-body relationships does not explain several characteristic phenomena related to the termination point in tasks defined by motor intention. This paper aims to investigate the role of intention in terminating exercise and reveal the non-linear psychobiological integration that occurs during fatiguing efforts. On the basis of the experimental results, we conclude that the mechanism responsible for termination is the dissolution of the intentional attractor that is produced by the growing instability that fatigue produces in the neuromuscular axis. These findings point to the existence of a non-linear, dynamic psychobiological integration in exercise-induced fatigue

    Burstiness and Stochasticity in the Malleability of Physical Activity

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    This study examined whether patterns of self-organization in physical activity (PA) predicted long-term success in a yearlong PA intervention. Increased moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) was targeted in insufficiently active adults (N = 512) via goal setting and financial reinforcement. The degree to which inverse power law distributions, which are reflective of self-organization, summarized (a) daily MVPA and (b) time elapsed between meeting daily goals (goal attainment interresponse times) was calculated. Goal attainment interresponse times were also used to calculate burstiness, the degree to which meeting daily goals clustered in time. Inverse power laws accurately summarized interresponse times, but not daily MVPA. For participants with higher levels of MVPA early in the study, burstiness in reaching goals was associated with long-term resistance to intervention, while stochasticity in meeting goals predicted receptiveness to intervention. These results suggest that burstiness may measure self-organizing resistance to change, while PA stochasticity could be a precondition for behavioral malleability

    Theories and models for 1/f b noise in human movement science

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    a b s t r a c t Human motor behavior is often characterized by long-range, slowly decaying serial correlations or 1/f b noise. Despite its prevalence, the role of the 1/f b phenomenon in human movement research has been rather modest and unclear. The goal of this paper is to outline a research agenda in which the study of 1/f b noise can contribute to scientific progress. In the first section of this article we discuss two popular perspectives on 1/f b noise: the nomothetic perspective that seeks general explanations, and the mechanistic perspective that seeks domain-specific models. We believe that if 1/f b noise is to have an impact on the field of movement science, researchers should develop and test domain-specific mechanistic models of human motor behavior. In the second section we illustrate our claim by showing how a mechanistic model of 1/f b noise can be successfully integrated with currently established models for rhythmic self-paced, synchronized, and bimanual tapping. This model synthesis results in a unified account of the observed longrange serial correlations across a range of different tasks

    Impact of Booster Breaks and Computer Prompts on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Desk-Based Workers: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction The 15-minute work break provides an opportunity to promote health, yet few studies have examined this part of the workday. We studied physical activity and sedentary behavior among office workers and compared the results of the Booster Break program with those of a second intervention and a control group to determine whether the Booster Break program improved physical and behavioral health outcomes. Methods We conducted a 3-arm, cluster-randomized controlled trial at 4 worksites in Texas from 2010 through 2013 to compare a group-based, structured Booster Break program to an individual-based computer-prompt intervention and a usual-break control group; we analyzed physiologic, behavioral, and employee measures such as work social support, quality of life, and perceived stress. We also identified consistent and inconsistent attendees of the Booster Break sessions. Results We obtained data from 175 participants (mean age, 43 y; 67% racial/ethnic minority). Compared with the other groups, the consistent Booster Break attendees had greater weekly pedometer counts (P \u3c .001), significant decreases in sedentary behavior and self-reported leisure-time physical activity (P \u3c .001), and a significant increase in triglyceride concentrations (P = .02) (levels remained within the normal range). Usual-break participants significantly increased their body mass index, whereas Booster Break participants maintained body mass index status during the 6 months. Overall, Booster Break participants were 6.8 and 4.3 times more likely to have decreases in BMI and weekend sedentary time, respectively, than usual-break participants. Conclusion Findings varied among the 3 study groups; however, results indicate the potential for consistent attendees of the Booster Break intervention to achieve significant, positive changes related to physical activity, sedentary behavior, and body mass index