18 research outputs found

    The Partition Bound for Classical Communication Complexity and Query Complexity

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    We describe new lower bounds for randomized communication complexity and query complexity which we call the partition bounds. They are expressed as the optimum value of linear programs. For communication complexity we show that the partition bound is stronger than both the rectangle/corruption bound and the \gamma_2/generalized discrepancy bounds. In the model of query complexity we show that the partition bound is stronger than the approximate polynomial degree and classical adversary bounds. We also exhibit an example where the partition bound is quadratically larger than polynomial degree and classical adversary bounds.Comment: 28 pages, ver. 2, added conten

    Partition bound is quadratically tight for product distributions

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    Let f:{0,1}n×{0,1}n{0,1}f : \{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\} be a 2-party function. For every product distribution μ\mu on {0,1}n×{0,1}n\{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n, we show that CC0.49μ(f)=O((logprt1/8(f)loglogprt1/8(f))2),\mathsf{CC}^\mu_{0.49}(f) = O\left(\left(\log \mathsf{prt}_{1/8}(f) \cdot \log \log \mathsf{prt}_{1/8}(f)\right)^2\right), where CCεμ(f)\mathsf{CC}^\mu_\varepsilon(f) is the distributional communication complexity of ff with error at most ε\varepsilon under the distribution μ\mu and prt1/8(f)\mathsf{prt}_{1/8}(f) is the {\em partition bound} of ff, as defined by Jain and Klauck [{\em Proc. 25th CCC}, 2010]. We also prove a similar bound in terms of IC1/8(f)\mathsf{IC}_{1/8}(f), the {\em information complexity} of ff, namely, CC0.49μ(f)=O((IC1/8(f)logIC1/8(f))2).\mathsf{CC}^\mu_{0.49}(f) = O\left(\left(\mathsf{IC}_{1/8}(f) \cdot \log \mathsf{IC}_{1/8}(f)\right)^2\right). The latter bound was recently and independently established by Kol [{\em Proc. 48th STOC}, 2016] using a different technique. We show a similar result for query complexity under product distributions. Let g:{0,1}n{0,1}g : \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\} be a function. For every bit-wise product distribution μ\mu on {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, we show that QC0.49μ(g)=O((logqprt1/8(g)loglogqprt1/8(g))2),\mathsf{QC}^\mu_{0.49}(g) = O\left(\left( \log \mathsf{qprt}_{1/8}(g) \cdot \log \log\mathsf{qprt}_{1/8}(g) \right)^2 \right), where QCεμ(g)\mathsf{QC}^\mu_{\varepsilon}(g) is the distributional query complexity of ff with error at most ε\varepsilon under the distribution μ\mu and qprt1/8(g))\mathsf{qprt}_{1/8}(g)) is the {\em query partition bound} of the function gg. Partition bounds were introduced (in both communication complexity and query complexity models) to provide LP-based lower bounds for randomized communication complexity and randomized query complexity. Our results demonstrate that these lower bounds are polynomially tight for {\em product} distributions.Comment: The previous version of the paper erroneously stated the main result in terms of relaxed partition number instead of partition numbe

    A concentration inequality for the overlap of a vector on a large set, with application to the communication complexity of the Gap-Hamming-Distance problem

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    Given two sets A, B ⊆ R_n, a measure of their correlation is given by the expected squared inner product between random x ϵ A and y ϵ B. We prove an inequality showing that no two sets of large enough Gaussian measure (at least e^(-δn) for some constant δ > 0) can have correlation substantially lower than would two random sets of the same size. Our proof is based on a concentration inequality for the overlap of a random Gaussian vector on a large set. As an application, we show how our result can be combined with the partition bound of Jain and Klauck to give a simpler proof of a recent linear lower bound on the randomized communication complexity of the Gap-Hamming-Distance problem due to Chakrabarti and Regev

    On The Communication Complexity of Linear Algebraic Problems in the Message Passing Model

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    We study the communication complexity of linear algebraic problems over finite fields in the multi-player message passing model, proving a number of tight lower bounds. Specifically, for a matrix which is distributed among a number of players, we consider the problem of determining its rank, of computing entries in its inverse, and of solving linear equations. We also consider related problems such as computing the generalized inner product of vectors held on different servers. We give a general framework for reducing these multi-player problems to their two-player counterparts, showing that the randomized ss-player communication complexity of these problems is at least ss times the randomized two-player communication complexity. Provided the problem has a certain amount of algebraic symmetry, which we formally define, we can show the hardest input distribution is a symmetric distribution, and therefore apply a recent multi-player lower bound technique of Phillips et al. Further, we give new two-player lower bounds for a number of these problems. In particular, our optimal lower bound for the two-player version of the matrix rank problem resolves an open question of Sun and Wang. A common feature of our lower bounds is that they apply even to the special "threshold promise" versions of these problems, wherein the underlying quantity, e.g., rank, is promised to be one of just two values, one on each side of some critical threshold. These kinds of promise problems are commonplace in the literature on data streaming as sources of hardness for reductions giving space lower bounds

    Separating decision tree complexity from subcube partition complexity

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    The subcube partition model of computation is at least as powerful as decision trees but no separation between these models was known. We show that there exists a function whose deterministic subcube partition complexity is asymptotically smaller than its randomized decision tree complexity, resolving an open problem of Friedgut, Kahn, and Wigderson (2002). Our lower bound is based on the information-theoretic techniques first introduced to lower bound the randomized decision tree complexity of the recursive majority function. We also show that the public-coin partition bound, the best known lower bound method for randomized decision tree complexity subsuming other general techniques such as block sensitivity, approximate degree, randomized certificate complexity, and the classical adversary bound, also lower bounds randomized subcube partition complexity. This shows that all these lower bound techniques cannot prove optimal lower bounds for randomized decision tree complexity, which answers an open question of Jain and Klauck (2010) and Jain, Lee, and Vishnoi (2014).Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    An Optimal Lower Bound on the Communication Complexity of Gap-Hamming-Distance

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    We prove an optimal Ω(n)\Omega(n) lower bound on the randomized communication complexity of the much-studied Gap-Hamming-Distance problem. As a consequence, we obtain essentially optimal multi-pass space lower bounds in the data stream model for a number of fundamental problems, including the estimation of frequency moments. The Gap-Hamming-Distance problem is a communication problem, wherein Alice and Bob receive nn-bit strings xx and yy, respectively. They are promised that the Hamming distance between xx and yy is either at least n/2+nn/2+\sqrt{n} or at most n/2nn/2-\sqrt{n}, and their goal is to decide which of these is the case. Since the formal presentation of the problem by Indyk and Woodruff (FOCS, 2003), it had been conjectured that the naive protocol, which uses nn bits of communication, is asymptotically optimal. The conjecture was shown to be true in several special cases, e.g., when the communication is deterministic, or when the number of rounds of communication is limited. The proof of our aforementioned result, which settles this conjecture fully, is based on a new geometric statement regarding correlations in Gaussian space, related to a result of C. Borell (1985). To prove this geometric statement, we show that random projections of not-too-small sets in Gaussian space are close to a mixture of translated normal variables