630 research outputs found

    Fine-Grained Complexity of k-OPT in Bounded-Degree Graphs for Solving TSP

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem asks to find a minimum-weight Hamiltonian cycle in an edge-weighted complete graph. Local search is a widely-employed strategy for finding good solutions to TSP. A popular neighborhood operator for local search is k-opt, which turns a Hamiltonian cycle C into a new Hamiltonian cycle C\u27 by replacing k edges. We analyze the problem of determining whether the weight of a given cycle can be decreased by a k-opt move. Earlier work has shown that (i) assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis, there is no algorithm that can detect whether or not a given Hamiltonian cycle C in an n-vertex input can be improved by a k-opt move in time f(k) n^o(k / log k) for any function f, while (ii) it is possible to improve on the brute-force running time of O(n^k) and save linear factors in the exponent. Modern TSP heuristics are very successful at identifying the most promising edges to be used in k-opt moves, and experiments show that very good global solutions can already be reached using only the top-O(1) most promising edges incident to each vertex. This leads to the following question: can improving k-opt moves be found efficiently in graphs of bounded degree? We answer this question in various regimes, presenting new algorithms and conditional lower bounds. We show that the aforementioned ETH lower bound also holds for graphs of maximum degree three, but that in bounded-degree graphs the best improving k-move can be found in time O(n^((23/135+epsilon_k)k)), where lim_{k -> infty} epsilon_k = 0. This improves upon the best-known bounds for general graphs. Due to its practical importance, we devote special attention to the range of k in which improving k-moves in bounded-degree graphs can be found in quasi-linear time. For k <= 7, we give quasi-linear time algorithms for general weights. For k=8 we obtain a quasi-linear time algorithm when the weights are bounded by O(polylog n). On the other hand, based on established fine-grained complexity hypotheses about the impossibility of detecting a triangle in edge-linear time, we prove that the k = 9 case does not admit quasi-linear time algorithms. Hence we fully characterize the values of k for which quasi-linear time algorithms exist for polylogarithmic weights on bounded-degree graphs

    Fine-Grained Complexity Analysis of Two Classic TSP Variants

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    We analyze two classic variants of the Traveling Salesman Problem using the toolkit of fine-grained complexity. Our first set of results is motivated by the Bitonic TSP problem: given a set of nn points in the plane, compute a shortest tour consisting of two monotone chains. It is a classic dynamic-programming exercise to solve this problem in O(n2)O(n^2) time. While the near-quadratic dependency of similar dynamic programs for Longest Common Subsequence and Discrete Frechet Distance has recently been proven to be essentially optimal under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis, we show that bitonic tours can be found in subquadratic time. More precisely, we present an algorithm that solves bitonic TSP in O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2 n) time and its bottleneck version in O(nlog3n)O(n \log^3 n) time. Our second set of results concerns the popular kk-OPT heuristic for TSP in the graph setting. More precisely, we study the kk-OPT decision problem, which asks whether a given tour can be improved by a kk-OPT move that replaces kk edges in the tour by kk new edges. A simple algorithm solves kk-OPT in O(nk)O(n^k) time for fixed kk. For 2-OPT, this is easily seen to be optimal. For k=3k=3 we prove that an algorithm with a runtime of the form O~(n3ϵ)\tilde{O}(n^{3-\epsilon}) exists if and only if All-Pairs Shortest Paths in weighted digraphs has such an algorithm. The results for k=2,3k=2,3 may suggest that the actual time complexity of kk-OPT is Θ(nk)\Theta(n^k). We show that this is not the case, by presenting an algorithm that finds the best kk-move in O(n2k/3+1)O(n^{\lfloor 2k/3 \rfloor + 1}) time for fixed k3k \geq 3. This implies that 4-OPT can be solved in O(n3)O(n^3) time, matching the best-known algorithm for 3-OPT. Finally, we show how to beat the quadratic barrier for k=2k=2 in two important settings, namely for points in the plane and when we want to solve 2-OPT repeatedly.Comment: Extended abstract appears in the Proceedings of the 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2016

    People Efficiently Explore the Solution Space of the Computationally Intractable Traveling Salesman Problem to Find Near-Optimal Tours

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    Humans need to solve computationally intractable problems such as visual search, categorization, and simultaneous learning and acting, yet an increasing body of evidence suggests that their solutions to instantiations of these problems are near optimal. Computational complexity advances an explanation to this apparent paradox: (1) only a small portion of instances of such problems are actually hard, and (2) successful heuristics exploit structural properties of the typical instance to selectively improve parts that are likely to be sub-optimal. We hypothesize that these two ideas largely account for the good performance of humans on computationally hard problems. We tested part of this hypothesis by studying the solutions of 28 participants to 28 instances of the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Participants were provided feedback on the cost of their solutions and were allowed unlimited solution attempts (trials). We found a significant improvement between the first and last trials and that solutions are significantly different from random tours that follow the convex hull and do not have self-crossings. More importantly, we found that participants modified their current better solutions in such a way that edges belonging to the optimal solution (“good” edges) were significantly more likely to stay than other edges (“bad” edges), a hallmark of structural exploitation. We found, however, that more trials harmed the participants' ability to tell good from bad edges, suggesting that after too many trials the participants “ran out of ideas.” In sum, we provide the first demonstration of significant performance improvement on the TSP under repetition and feedback and evidence that human problem-solving may exploit the structure of hard problems paralleling behavior of state-of-the-art heuristics

    On Polynomial Kernels for Traveling Salesperson Problem and Its Generalizations

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    Efficient Exact Algorithms on Planar Graphs: Exploiting Sphere Cut Decompositions

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    A divide-and-conquer strategy based on variations of the Lipton-Tarjan planar separator theorem has been one of the most common approaches for solving planar graph problems for more than 20 years. We present a new framework for designing fast subexponential exact and parameterized algorithms on planar graphs. Our approach is based on geometric properties of planar branch decompositions obtained by Seymour & Thomas, combined with refined techniques of dynamic programming on planar graphs based on properties of non-crossing partitions. Compared to divide-and-conquer algorithms, the main advantages of our method are a) it is a generic method which allows to attack broad classes of problems; b) the obtained algorithms provide a better worst case analysis. To exemplify our approach we show how to obtain an O(26.903√n) time algorithm solving weighted HAMILTONIAN CYCLE. We observe how our technique can be used to solve PLANAR GRAPH TSP in time O(29.8594√n). Our approach can be used to design parameterized algorithms as well. For example we introduce the first 2O(√ k)nO(1) time algorithm for parameterized Planar k-cycle by showing that for a given k we can decide if a planar graph on n vertices has a cycle of length at least k in time O(213.6√kn + n3)

    Improving TSP Tours Using Dynamic Programming over Tree Decompositions

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    Given a traveling salesman problem (TSP) tour H in graph G, a k-move is an operation which removes k edges from H, and adds k edges of G so that a new tour H\u27 is formed. The popular k-opt heuristic for TSP finds a local optimum by starting from an arbitrary tour H and then improving it by a sequence of k-moves. Until 2016, the only known algorithm to find an improving k-move for a given tour was the naive solution in time O(n^k). At ICALP\u2716 de Berg, Buchin, Jansen and Woeginger showed an O(n^{floor(2/3k)+1})-time algorithm. We show an algorithm which runs in O(n^{(1/4 + epsilon_k)k}) time, where lim_{k -> infinity} epsilon_k = 0. It improves over the state of the art for every k >= 5. For the most practically relevant case k=5 we provide a slightly refined algorithm running in O(n^{3.4}) time. We also show that for the k=4 case, improving over the O(n^3)-time algorithm of de Berg et al. would be a major breakthrough: an O(n^{3 - epsilon})-time algorithm for any epsilon > 0 would imply an O(n^{3 - delta})-time algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem, for some delta>0