14 research outputs found

    La tragedia del terreno común, un arquetipo sistémico ilustrado a través del uso de la tierra en actividades agropecuarias

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    Los arquetipos sistémicos son estructuras genéricas que se repiten en diversos sistemas y han sido estudiados ampliamente. El estudio de los arquetipos permite la definición de políticas y estrategias encaminadas a obtener los mejores resultados de los sistemas estudiados. El arquetipo tragedia del terreno común sucede cuando ante un recurso compartido, la explotación o utilización del mismo se hace de manera individual, obteniendo los beneficios buscados, pero dado el carácter limitado del recurso, en el largo plazo se agotará de manera que ninguno de los involucrados obtenga los beneficios esperados. Se presenta aquí una aplicación del arquetipo, donde la tierra es el recurso que se consume a medida en que dos actividades, ganadería y agricultura, generan inicialmente ganancias crecientes pero que ante una sobreutilización del recurso, van disminuyendo. El sistema es modelado y simulado usando el software Vensim. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, se encuentra que el comportamiento esperado teóricamente de acuerdo al arquetipo coincide con el obtenido mediante la simulación

    Applying King et al.\u27s taxonomy to frame the IS discipline\u27s engagement in green IS discourse

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    This paper considers how the IS discipline can engage with discourse on the institutions and their interventions which influence and regulate green IS innovation. To consider possible responses, we apply King et al.&rsquo;s (1994) taxonomy, based on Institutional Theory, to frame a research agenda to guide future exploration and debate on the interventions to facilitate green IS innovation. Through the application of the taxonomy, we derive several pertinent questions for the discipline to consider as part of this debate. We conclude that the IS discipline can, and indeed should, play a more prominent role both through traditional responses (e.g., descriptive studies of green IS methodologies, organisational best practice, maturity models, etc.), but also through more active engagement in the form of participation and advocacy in shaping future green policy and regulation.<br /

    Applying King et al.’s taxonomy to frame the IS discipline’s engagement in green IS discourse

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    This paper considers how the IS discipline can engage with discourse on the institutions and their interventions which influence and regulate green IS innovation. To consider possible responses, we apply King et al.’s (1994) taxonomy, based on Institutional Theory, to frame a research agenda to guide future exploration and debate on the interventions to facilitate green IS innovation. Through the application of the taxonomy, we derive several pertinent questions for the discipline to consider as part of this debate. We conclude that the IS discipline can, and indeed should, play a more prominent role both through traditional responses (e.g., descriptive studies of green IS methodologies, organisational best practice, maturity models, etc.), but also through more active engagement in the form of participation and advocacy in shaping future green policy and regulation

    Enterprise IT Asset Disposition: An Overview and Tutorial

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    Enterprise IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) addresses the recovery and recycling of an enterprise’s IT assets that are near or at the end of their lifecycle. The aim of ITAD is to maximize the value of investment over the IT asset’s entire lifecycle while guaranteeing data security and protecting against environmental liability. Regulatory requirements mandate specific disposal methods for computing assets, and enterprises face significant risks if they fail to comply. Despite the critical importance of ITAD, many enterprises lack a clear understanding of ITAD and its regulations and struggle with the management of ITAD processes. One solution to this challenge is the ITAD service provided by third-parties that can deliver effective and proper disposition services, and more importantly help enterprises maximize the potential value recovered from IT assets. This tutorial defines ITAD processes, presents its key elements and the third-party practice of ITAD services in the United States, and discusses the most important ITAD regulatory compliance and accreditations related to corporate environmental sustainability. We also discuss the role of IT and information systems in ITAD processes and recommend a research agenda

    A Review of Green IS Research and Directions for Future Studies

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    As practitioners become more interested in green information systems, the IS academic community requires direction in how to examine this important phenomenon. We conduct a systematic and comprehensive review of the academic literature surrounding green IS and compares the results with those from the practical literature. Through this review, we identify the main categories in the literature and assess the current state of research into green IS. We discuss some limitations of the current literature, posit research directions for future scholars, and address the gaps in the current research on green IS

    Green IS Research: A Modernity Perspective

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    Over the past two decades, the information systems community has become engaged in improving the environmental effects of information systems and technologies, which has given rise to the green IS field. Despite increasing interest, some have suggested that progress toward meaningful solutions for sustainability has been too slow. Responding to these concerns, we examine the development of green IS research using the modernity perspective to understand green IS’s evolution and to present alternative perspectives to motivate future research. From a sample of over 80 green IS papers published over a 15-year period, we identify four main patterns of modernity that are manifest in green IS research. These patterns include the importance of the individual in solving environmental problems; science as the main source of solutions; and the emergence of an artificial science approach, reliance on technology, and growth as businesses’ ultimate goals. Further, our analysis reveals that green IS research has started to demonstrate elements of a hyper-modernity perspective that emphasizes reflexivity. We argue that future green IS research should continue on this path and propose a conceptual framework inspired by hyper-modernity and centered on reflexivity that could serve as a guide for future research

    Do Shareholders Value Green Information Technology Announcements?

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    Using the natural resource-based view (NRBV) and signaling theory, we conducted an event study using the Fama-French four-factor (FFM4) model to determine how shareholders react to company announcements about adopting information technology (IT) to address environmental issues. We found that green IT announcements generate positive abnormal returns and increase share trading volume. Initiatives that use IT to support decision making (ITDSS) cause positive stock market reactions. Firms with good environmental performance records enjoy positive market returns from ITDSS and direct IT assets and infrastructure (ITASSETS) announcements. In contrast, shareholders react negatively to announcements regarding sustainable products and services (SPDTSVC). Combining the NRBV with signaling theory provides deeper theoretical insights than either theory alone. The findings could serve as the basis for further research and theory development on the different types of green IT and impacts on market value. The results help explain how firm characteristics and different types of green IT announcements impact market value, and they have significant implications for how firms plan and allocate their resources to support green initiatives

    Multi-disciplinary Green IT Archival Analysis: A Pathway for Future Studies

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    With the growth of information technology (IT), there is a growing global concern about the environmental impact of such technologies. As such, academics in several research disciplines consider research on green IT a vibrant theme. While the disparate knowledge in each discipline is gaining substantial momentum, we need a consolidated multi-disciplinary view of the salient findings of each research discipline for green IT research to reach its full potential. We reviewed 390 papers published on green IT from 2007 to 2015 in three disciplines: computer science, information systems and management. The prevailing literature demonstrates the value of this consolidated approach for advancing our understanding on this complex global issue of environmental sustainability. We provide an overarching theoretical perspective to consolidate multi-disciplinary findings and to encourage information systems researchers to develop an effective cumulative tradition of research

    Consumo consciente e sinalização via propaganda : uma análise sob a luz do Greenwashing

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    A mudança climática é um desafio iminente e de extrema relevância para a comunidade internacional. A atividade de alguns setores industriais é responsável por grande parte da poluição responsável pela mudança climática. Existem algumas soluções econômicas propostas, como imposto pigouviano, selos ambientais e mercados de carbono, no entanto todas estas exigem regulação por parte de governos, e mesmo elas existindo, as projeções de aquecimento global continuam ruins. Existem várias instâncias relatadas de empresas se utilizando de propaganda para influenciar a opinião pública para evitar regulamentação. Este trabalho propõe uma análise onde uma empresa pode fazer propaganda para evitar que um regulador a cobre um imposto pigouviano, se valendo das margens encontradas nas soluções econômicas, manifestando assim, o greenwashing através da ideia do consumo consciente – uma forma de responsabilizar apenas o consumidor pelas suas escolhas.Climate change is an imminent and extremely relevant challenge for the international community. The activity of some industrial sectors is responsible for much of the pollution responsible for climate change. There are some proposed economic solutions, such as Pigouvian tax, environmental stamps and carbon markets, however all of these require regulation by governments, and even if they exist, global warming projections remain bad. There are several reported instances of companies using advertising to sway public opinion to avoid regulation. This work proposes an analysis where a company can advertise to prevent a regulator from charging it a Pigouvian tax, taking advantage of the margins found in economic solutions, thus manifesting greenwashing through the idea of conscious consumption – a way of making only the consumer responsible for their choices

    Three Essays on the Role of IT in Environmental Sustainability: Motivating Individuals to Use Green IT, Enhancing Their User Experience, and Promoting Electricity Conservation

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    This dissertation focuses on the role of IT in environmental sustainability and electricity conservation through three research essays. The first essay makes a case for behavior research, with the focus on individuals\u27 use of Green IT. Moreover, environmental studies lack a coherent theory that could identify the motivators of Green-IT beliefs. We develop the hedonic motivation theory, which synthesizes theoretical and philosophical thoughts on hedonism with concepts from environmental research. Using this theory, we develop a conceptual model that identifies the motivators of context-specific beliefs, attitudes, and uses of Green IT. We theorize that there are significant generational differences in the process by which hedonic motivators influence Green IT use behaviors. Young adults are more motivated by personal hedonic motivation, and an affective and automatic process, whereas older adults are motivated by a cognitive and attitudinal process. This study was carried out using a structural equation modeling method of analysis based on 702 observations of the survey data. The results support the theorized model, with significant implications. The second essay examines the design taxonomy of electricity consumption feedback applications, which are considered one of the critical technologies in alleviating the increasing trends of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. We relied on an integrative theoretical framework and literature review to propose a comprehensive taxonomy for salient design elements of electricity consumption feedback applications. Using a survey method, we collected data from general public to evaluate the preference and relative importance of the design elements. We found that there is a preferred set of design elements for the feedback applications. Our results could serve as a basis to evaluate the design of existing electricity consumption feedback applications, and to help in studying the influence of design elements on beliefs and behaviors related to individuals\u27 electricity conservation. The third essay investigates the role of the salient design elements identified in the second essay, and the processes by which these elements motivate electricity consumers\u27 behaviors towards energy conservation. We developed a conceptual framework by extending the theory of planned behavior to study how salient design elements of feedback applications impact the beliefs and behaviors of individual electricity consumers. To our knowledge, this is the first study aimed at examining the relationship between electricity consumers\u27 beliefs and behaviors and the specific perceived design elements of electricity consumption feedback applications. We empirically evaluated the conceptual model by developing a mobile app and a corresponding website and conducting a controlled longitudinal lab experiment. The results indicate strong support for the premises of the model and support the significant role of personalized design elements in use behaviors and electricity conservation. Our findings show the importance of integrating descriptive social norm, personalized goal setting, and personalized privacy preferences design elements in feedback applications. This dissertation makes a number of significant contributions to theory and application. First, it develops a new theory that identifies motivators of Green IT use. It shows that the conceptualized motivators impact use behaviors though multiple paths--the cognitive and emotional automatic paths-- and are moderated by users\u27 age. Second, this work develops a taxonomy of design elements for electricity consumption feedback applications based on an integrative theoretical framework and extensive review of the existing literature. This taxonomy and the relative importance of elements in the taxonomy could serve as the standard for developing and assessing feedback application tools. Third, this work develops a conceptual model that identifies the processes by which design elements of electricity consumption feedback applications help in the conservation of electricity by individuals. Together, the three essays contribute to the sustainability and Green IT literature by uncovering the significant role of individuals in dealing with environmental threats and energy consumption challenges and by conceptualizing the different antecedents and processes that shape the perceptions and behaviors related to Green IT and electricity consumption. Moreover, the three studies extend user-centric design research by integrating insights from multiple disciplines to explain, design, create, and test innovative tools that could have a pivotal role in dealing with global sustainability challenges. This work also provides a standard for the evaluation of such tools from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Finally, the three essays contribute to practice by proposing guidelines to industry designers and policy makers for promoting sustainability and energy conservation through personalized tools and effective campaigns