4,375 research outputs found

    Security assessment of the Spanish contactless identity card

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    The theft of personal information to fake the identity of a person is a common threat normally performed by individual criminals, terrorists, or crime rings to commit fraud or other felonies Recently, the Spanish identity card, which provides enough information to hire online products such as mortgages or loans, was updated to incorporate a near-field communication chip as electronic passports do. This contactless interface brings a new attack vector for criminals, who might take advantage of the radio-frequency identification communication to virtually steal personal information. In this study, the authors consider as case study the recently deployed contactless Spanish identity card assessing its security against identity theft. In particular, they evaluated the security of one of the contactless access protocol as implemented in the contactless Spanish identity card, and found that no defences against online brute-force attacks were incorporated. They then suggest two countermeasures to protect against these attacks. Furthermore, they also analysed the pseudo-random number generator within the card, which passed all the performed tests with good results

    Security Assessment of the Spanish Contactless Identity Card

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    The theft of personal information to assume the identity of a person is a common threat. Individual criminals, terrorists, or crime rings normally do it to commit fraud or other felonies. Recently, the Spanish identity card, which provides enough information to hire on-line products such as mortgages or loans, was updated to incorporate a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip as electronic passports do. This contactless interface brings a new attack vector for these criminals, who might take advantage of the RFID communication to secretly steal personal information. In this paper, we assess the security of contactless Spanish identity card against identity theft. In particular, we evaluated the resistance of one of the contactless access protocol against brute-force attacks and found that no defenses were incorporated. We suggest how to avoid brute-force attacks. Furthermore, we also analyzed the pseudo-random number generator within the card, which passed all performed tests with good results.MINECO CyCriSec (TIN2014-58457-R).University of Zaragoza and Centro Universitario de la Defensa UZCUD2016-TEC-06.Project TEC2015-69665-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    The PACE|AA Protocol for Machine Readable Travel Documents, and its Security

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    We discuss an efficient combination of the cryptographic protocols adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for securing the communication of machine readable travel documents and readers. Roughly, in the original protocol the parties first run the Password-Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) protocol to establish a shared key and then the reader (optionally) invokes the Active Authentication (AA) protocol to verify the passport\u27s validity. Here, we show that by carefully re-using some of the secret data of the PACE protocol for the AA protocol one can save one exponentiation on the passports\u27s side. We call this the PACE|AA protocol. We then formally prove that this more efficient combination not only preserves the desirable security properties of the two individual protocols but also increases privacy by preventing misuse of the challenge in the Active Authentication protocol. We finally discuss a solution which allows deniable authentication in the sense that the interaction cannot be used as a proof towards third parties

    Study and security analysis of the Spanish identity card

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    The National Identity Document is a fundamental piece of documentation for the identification of citizens throughout the world. That is precisely the case of the DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) of Spain. Its importance has been enhanced in recent years with the addition of a chip for the authentication of users within telematic administrative services. Thus, the document has since been called: electronic DNI or simply DNIe. Sensitive user information is stored in that integrated circuit, such as personal and biometric data, along with signature and authentication certificates. Some of the functionalities of the DNIe in its current version at the time of writing this work have been implemented for years in the DNI 3.0 version launched in 2015, and therefore have already been extensively studied. This work provides a theoretical and practical compilation study of some of the security mechanisms included in the current DNIe and in some of the applications that require its use. It has been carried out using only mobile devices and generic card readers, without having any type of privileged access to hardware, software or specific documentation for the interception of packets between the DNIe and the destination application. In other words, it is an exploratory analysis carried out with the intention of confirming with basic tools the level of robustness of this very important security token

    Post-Quantum Security for the Extended Access Control Protocol

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    The Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol for authenticated key agreement is mainly used to secure connections between machine-readable travel documents (MRTDs) and inspection terminals, but it can also be adopted as a universal solution for attribute-based access control with smart cards. The security of EAC is currently based on the Diffie-Hellman problem, which may not be hard when considering quantum computers. In this work we present PQ-EAC, a quantum-resistant version of the EAC protocol. We show how to achieve post-quantum confidentiality and authentication without sacrificing real-world usability on smart cards. To ease adoption, we present two main versions of PQ-EAC: One that uses signatures for authentication and one where authentication is facilitated using long-term KEM keys. Both versions can be adapted to achieve forward secrecy and to reduce round complexity. To ensure backwards-compatibility, PQ-EAC can be implemented using only Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) specified for EAC in standard BSI TR-03110. Merely the protocol messages needed to achieve forward secrecy require an additional APDU not specified in TR-03110. We prove security of all versions in the real-or-random model of Bellare and Rogaway. To show real-world practicality of PQ-EAC we have implemented a version using signatures on an ARM SC300 security controller, which is typically deployed in MRTDs. We also implemented PQ-EAC on a VISOCORE terminal for border control. We then conducted several experiments to evaluate the performance of PQ-EAC executed between chip and terminal under various real-world conditions. Our results strongly suggest that PQ-EAC is efficient enough for use in border control

    Enhancing Privacy Protection:Set Membership, Range Proofs, and the Extended Access Control

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    Privacy has recently gained an importance beyond the field of cryptography. In that regard, the main goal behind this thesis is to enhance privacy protection. All of the necessary mathematical and cryptographic preliminaries are introduced at the start of this thesis. We then show in Part I how to improve set membership and range proofs, which are cryptographic primitives enabling better privacy protection. Part II shows how to improve the standards for Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), such as biometric passports. Regarding set membership proofs, we provide an efficient protocol based on the Boneh-Boyen signature scheme. We show that alternative signature schemes can be used and we provide a general protocol description that can be applied for any secure signature scheme. We also show that signature schemes in our design can be replaced by cryptographic accumulators. For range proofs, we provide interactive solutions where the range is divided in a base u and the u-ary digits are handled by one of our set membership proofs. A general construction is also provided for any set membership proof. We additionally explain how to handle arbitrary ranges with either two range proofs or with an improved solution based on sumset representation. These efficient solutions achieve, to date, the lowest asymptotical communication load. Furthermore, this thesis shows that the first efficient non-interactive range proof is insecure. This thesis thus provides the first efficient and secure non-interactive range proof. In the case of MRTDs, two standards exist: one produced by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the other by the European Union, which is called the Extended Access Control (EAC). Although this thesis focuses on the EAC, which is supposed to solve all privacy concerns, it shows that both standards fail to provide complete privacy protection. Lastly, we provide several solutions to improve them

    The Cryptographic Security of the German Electronic Identity Card

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    In November 2010, the German government started to issue the new electronic identity card (eID) to its citizens. Besides its original utilization as a ’visual’ identification document, the eID card can be used by the cardholder to prove one’s identity at border control and to enhance security of authentication processes over the Internet, with the eID card serving as a token to reliably transmit personal data to service providers or terminals, respectively. To this end, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) proposed several cryptographic protocols now deployed on the eID card. The Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE) protocol secures the wireless communication between the eID card and the user’s local card reader, based on a cryptographically weak password like the PIN chosen by the card owner. Subsequently, the Extended Access Control (EAC) protocol is executed by the chip and the service provider to mutually authenticate and agree on a shared secret session key. This key is then used in the secure channel protocol, called Secure Messaging (SM). Finally, an optional protocol, called Restricted Identification (RI), provides a method to use pseudonyms such that they can be linked by individual service providers, but not across different service providers (even not by malicious ones). This thesis consists of two parts. First, we present the above protocols and provide a rigorous analysis on their security from a cryptographic point of view. We show that the Germen eID card provides reasonable security for authentication and exchange of sensitive information allaying concerns regarding its usage. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce two possible modifications to enhance the security of these protocols even further. Namely, we show how to (a) add to PACE an additional efficient chip authentication step, and (b) augment RI to allow also for signatures under pseudonyms

    Eesti elektrooniline ID-kaart ja selle turvaväljakutsed

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    Eesti elektrooniline isikutunnistust (ID-kaart) on üle 18 aasta pakkunud turvalist elektroonilist identiteeti Eesti kodanikele. Avaliku võtme krüptograafia ja kaardile talletatud privaatvõti võimaldavad ID-kaardi omanikel juurde pääseda e-teenustele, anda juriidilist jõudu omavaid digiallkirju ning elektrooniliselt hääletada. Käesolevas töös uuritakse põhjalikult Eesti ID-kaarti ning sellega seotud turvaväljakutseid. Me kirjeldame Eesti ID-kaarti ja selle ökosüsteemi, seotud osapooli ja protsesse, ID-kaardi elektroonilist baasfunktsionaalsust, seotud tehnilisi ja juriidilisi kontseptsioone ning muid seotud küsimusi. Me tutvustame kõiki kasutatud kiipkaardiplatforme ja nende abil väljastatud isikutunnistuste tüüpe. Iga platformi kohta esitame me detailse analüüsi kasutatava asümmeetrilise krüptograafia funktsionaalsusest ning kirjeldame ja analüüsime ID-kaardi kauguuendamise lahendusi. Lisaks esitame me süstemaatilise uurimuse ID-kaardiga seotud turvaintsidentidest ning muudest sarnastest probleemidest läbi aastate. Me kirjeldame probleemide tehnilist olemust, kasutatud leevendusmeetmeid ning kajastust ajakirjanduses. Käesoleva uurimustöö käigus avastati mitmeid varem teadmata olevaid turvaprobleeme ning teavitati nendest seotud osapooli. Käesolev töö põhineb avalikult kättesaadaval dokumentatsioonil, kogutud ID-kaartide sertifikaatide andmebaasil, ajakirjandusel,otsesuhtlusel seotud osapooltega ning töö autori analüüsil ja eksperimentidel.For more than 18 years, the Estonian electronic identity card (ID card) has provided a secure electronic identity for Estonian residents. The public-key cryptography and private keys stored on the card enable Estonian ID card holders to access e-services, give legally binding digital signatures and even cast an i-vote in national elections. This work provides a comprehensive study on the Estonian ID card and its security challenges. We introduce the Estonian ID card and its ecosystem by describing the involved parties and processes, the core electronic functionality of the ID card, related technical and legal concepts, and the related issues. We describe the ID card smart card chip platforms used over the years and the identity document types that have been issued using these platforms. We present a detailed analysis of the asymmetric cryptography functionality provided by each ID card platform and present a description and security analysis of the ID card remote update solutions that have been provided for each ID card platform. As yet another contribution of this work, we present a systematic study of security incidents and similar issues the Estonian ID card has experienced over the years. We describe the technical nature of the issue, mitigation measures applied and the reflections on the media. In the course of this research, several previously unknown security issues were discovered and reported to the involved parties. The research has been based on publicly available documentation, collection of ID card certificates in circulation, information reflected in media, information from the involved parties, and our own analysis and experiments performed in the field.https://www.ester.ee/record=b541416