38 research outputs found

    Review of The Organization of Information

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    Reviews the book The Organization of Information, 2nd ed., by Arlene G. Taylor

    Review of The Organization of Information

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    Reviews the book The Organization of Information, 2nd ed., by Arlene G. Taylor

    Dublin Core and Electronic Information Retrieval

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    The explosion of information on the Internet has resulted to the inability of professional abstractors, indexers and catalogers to manage effectively the digital resources using the formal bibliographic apparatus. Hence search for a reasonable alternative way to obtain usable metadata for electronic resources, so as to give authors and information providers a means to describe the resources to facilitate their retrieval. Dublin Core (DC) provides a relatively simple and concise method for resource discovery of composite electronic resources over various networks. This article examines the importance and application of Dublin Core metadata in electronic resource discover over various networks. It is expected that the endorsement of Dublin Core by librarian and other information professionals will address the lack of a common categorization scheme for web metadata which makes searching for information on the web difficult. Samaru Journal of Information Studies Vol. 6 (1&2) 2006: pp. 13-1

    2006 Scholars and Artists Bibliography

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    This bibliography was created for the annual Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library Scholars and Artists Reception, recognizing scholarly and creative achievements of Cleveland State University faculty, staff and emeriti. Dr. Dan Simon was the guest speaker

    2006 Scholars and Artists Bibliography

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    This bibliography was created for the annual Friends of the Michael Schwartz Library Scholars and Artists Reception, recognizing scholarly and creative achievements of Cleveland State University faculty, staff and emeriti. Dr. Dan Simon was the guest speaker

    Sloppy Tags and Metacrap? Quality of User Contributed Tags in Collaborative Social Tagging Systems

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    There have been an increasing number of social tagging systems on the web that allow users to contribute tags collaboratively to describe various resources. As the number of tags continue to grow, it is important that we can describe and measure their quality. There have been conflicting opinions about the quality of user-contributed tags but the issue has not been systematically studied. In this work-in-progress paper, we propose a preliminary methodology for assessing tag quality. The methodology identifies three aspects of tag quality in a social tagging system: individual tags, collections of tags, and the association of the tags with the corresponding resources. The proposed methodology is being empirically evaluated using the tags of several social tagging systems. In addition to validating and refining the tag quality assessment methodology, the empirical analysis is expected to provide new findings about various properties of the tags. These findings will be used to improve the design of tagging systems by incorporating mechanisms that induce the contribution of high quality tags

    Self-Publishing: A New Challenge for Universal Bibliographic Control

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    Self-publishing in the United States has increased to between 50-75% of book titles published annually, facilitated by the popularity of ebooks and print-on-demand. Amazon.com and other companies have encouraged the trend by paying royalties and providing support to authors. This increase in self-published materials poses a new challenge for Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC). Today, UBC is much different in the age of information overload compared with the relative information scarcity before the arrival of the Internet. Libraries have nonetheless retained an interest in bibliographically controlling traditional books. Self-published books can be indistinguishable from trade publications but fall outside many of the structures of traditional publishing. Since both public and academic libraries have reasons to acquire self-published materials, the author believes that ways should be found to provide increased bibliographic control since the current system mostly ignores self-published materials. The Library of Congress, the chief bibliographic control agency for the United States, does not purchase many and excludes them from Cataloging in Publication. Most library vendors do not include them in their inventories. The major library reviewing sources do not publish book reviews or do so separately from reviews of commercial publications. Some libraries, mostly public, have nonetheless started collecting self-published items, a majority by local authors, and are adding records to the OCLC database. Another positive factor is the large number of reader-generated reviewing sources such as Goodreads. A blogger has proposed a cooperative project to purchase and place self-published materials under bibliographic control. If the estimate is correct that fifteen of the 100 bestselling books of 2012 were self-published, libraries, bibliographic agencies, library organizations, and traditional publishers should monitor developments as self-publishing becomes increasingly important

    Folksonomy : knowledge representation system?

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    O artigo tem como objetivo estudar a folksonomia sob a óptica da representação do conhecimento. Para isso, apoia-se em revisão bibliográfica das abordagens em organização do conhecimento propostas por Hjorland, nas quais a folksonomia encontra bases para ser analisada: abordagem baseada no usuário, cognitiva, social e da recuperação da informação. Traz uma breve discussão sobre organização do conhecimento e organização da informação, definindo como tais conceitos serão tratados no artigo. Ressalta os pontos positivos e negativos da folksonomia como esquema de representação do conhecimento, analisando também como essa estrutura pode ou não refletir conhecimento. Identifica a folksonomia como um sistema construído de forma inversa em relação aos outros sistemas, em que a coleta de termos e estruturação é feita a posteriori. Enquadra a folksonomia nos esquemas de representação, no sentido de ser vista como ferramenta semântica. Propõe novos tipos de estudos que comparem a folksonomia com os esquemas tradicionais de representação do conhecimento, como tesauros, taxonomias e ontologias. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRTACTThe article aims to study folksonomy in the view of knowledge representation. A bibliographic review of the approaches to knowledge organization proposed by Hjorland is conducted in order to find out how folksonomy can be matched. The approaches are: user-based, cognitive, social and information retrieval approach. The article also includes a brief discussion about knowledge organization and information organization, defining how those concepts will be addressed in the article. It highlights the positive and negative aspects of folksonomy as a knowledge representation scheme, and it also analyzes how it can reflect or fail to reflect knowledge. In addition, it identifies folksonomy as a system designed differently than other systems, in which term collections and structure is done a posteriori. It sets folksonomy in the representation schemes, in order to be considered a semantic tool. It suggests new studies to compare folksonomy to the traditional knowledge representation schemes, such as thesauri, taxonomies and ontology

    User-generated tagging and the public library online public access catalog

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    The purpose of this study was to survey southern New Jersey public librarians\u27 attitudes towards the feasibility of including user-generated tagging in the public library online public access catalog (OPAC). The research questions of the thesis concerned the advantages and disadvantages of user-generated tagging, the co-existence of user-generated tagging and controlled subject headings, the future of user-generated tagging, and what the librarians thought about user-generated tagging in the OPAC. The methodology of the study was applied research. Nineteen southern New Jersey public librarians completed an attitudinal survey on user-generated tagging. Responses were tallied and placed into a spreadsheet and graphic representations for analysis. A finding of the study was that good-enough, in reference to user-generated tagging, was not acceptable to the majority of the southern New Jersey public librarians. None of the librarians had user-generated tagging in their OPACs, and a significant finding of the thesis was that a majority of the librarians chose advantage in response to the survey statement user-generated tagging and controlled subject headings can co-exist

    Modelo de Interoperabilidad Basado en Metadatos (MIBM)

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    Un objetivo fundamental de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE) es dotar de interoperabilidad a los sistemas que han de intercambiar datos geográficos. La interoperabilidad es, en sí misma, un objetivo, así como lo es el análisis y la medida del grado de interoperabilidad entre dos sistemas. Tanto en el campo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) [1] como en el de la ingeniería del software [2] o el de las organizaciones, se ha estudiado la interoperabilidad y se han propuesto modelos de la misma para los sistemas, las organizaciones y los sistemas de sistemas. En el contexto de las IDE no se ha desarrollado apenas investigación relacionando la interoperabilidad y los metadatos de la Información Geográfica. Los objetivos de este documento son: presentar un modelo de interoperabilidad de 7 niveles (técnica, sintáctica, semántica, pragmática, dinámica, conceptual y organizacional) así como los resultados de analizar las aportaciones, en términos de interoperabilidad, de los ítems contenidos en ISO19115 [3] según dicho modelo. Se concluye este trabajo enumerando una serie de conclusiones preliminares obtenidas de la validación