1,391 research outputs found

    Talent management practices for the future of work: leading a successful remote onboarding program

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    Talent Management Practices for the Future of Work: Leading a Successful Remote Onboarding Program Over the years, the academic field has been coming up with new studies, frameworks, and definitions of what work is and, consecutively, what its future is, taking into account all the technological evolution and disruptors, such as the case of Covid-19. In this way, it is necessary to follow what are the new trends in the market and be able to adapt. This project is then based on an in-depth analysis of the Company XYZ to understand its readiness for the Future of Work within Talent Management, focusing more concretely on how to lead a successful remote onboarding program

    Talent management practices for the future of work: work flexibility – a research overview

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    Over the years, the academic field has been coming up with new studies, frameworks, and definitions of what work is and, consecutively, what its future is, taking into account all the technological evolution and disruptors, such as the case of Covid-19. In this way, it is necessary to follow what are the new trends in the market and be able to adapt. This project is then based on an in-depth analysis of the Company XYZ to understand its readiness for the Future of Work within Talent Management, as in Recruitment, Onboarding, Learning & Development, Reskilling, and Flexibility

    On the treatment of uncertainty in Innovation Projects

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    The treatment of uncertainty in innovation projects is a critical aspect that must be addressed to improve project outcomes. This thesis focuses on identifying, measuring, and managing uncertainty in innovation projects, specifically emphasizing perspectives from innovation, risk management, and decision-making. The problematic aspects identified in the literature review include long incubation periods, standardized rules and procedures, non-existent market and market unfamiliarity, fuzziness in the fuzzy front end, team-based dynamic shifting capability, and selecting the right project leader. The research gap identified in the existing literature is the absence of a unified framework or toolbox that comprehensively addresses uncertainty in innovation projects. This thesis aims to fill this gap by proposing a unified toolbox to treat uncertainty effectively. The analytical direction of the research involves identifying the areas of uncertainty, measuring the impact on project outcomes, and developing a toolbox to manage and mitigate those. The research methodology adopted for this study is a qualitative case study approach, utilizing a multiple case study design. Two European Union projects – RESPONDRONE and ASSISTANCE, are selected for conducting a case study analysis. Thematic analysis is employed to derive meaningful insights and patterns from the data gathered during research. From the thematic analysis of the selected cases, five key themes are identified that significantly impact the uncertainty treatment of radical innovation projects. The key themes are- technology and innovation, communication and collaboration, adaptive project management, stakeholder engagement, and risk management. Each theme significantly impacts uncertainty treatment in the four critical areas of uncertainty- market, technological, organizational, and resource. These observations steer the study to see the treatment of uncertainty in innovation projects through the lens of existing literature. An impact assessment flowchart is developed, and a unified toolbox is proposed for better uncertainty treatment by putting things into different perspectives. This thesis concludes that the uncertainty paradigm in radical innovation projects is complex and nuanced. Rather than trying to pinpoint every aspect of it, a better approach for a project team is to understand the common areas of uncertainty generation, measure the impact of an unexpected event as soon as possible and equip themselves with a unified toolbox that can provide them the flexibility to use any tools necessary based on the context of the uncertainty

    Development of a mapping system engineering approaches to classic product development processes of technical products: A work project of project management in product development

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe automotive industry faces the challenge of meeting customer requirements while ensuring technological advancements, fast and cost-effective development, and high-quality production. Information systems play a crucial role in efficiently designing internal processes and meeting customer demands. Personalized solutions are increasingly adopted to cater to individual preferences while maintaining up-to-date technology. Information systems are utilized to record and manage customer requirements, optimize production processes, control inventories, and facilitate effective communication between departments. Product data management (PDM) solutions are widely employed, with 77% of automotive companies implementing them. PDM encompasses the storage and management of data relevant to product development, supporting the entire product lifecycle. As product complexity grows, efficient management of product data becomes essential, along with the optimization of business processes to shorten development time and parallelize tasks. CAx coordination, involving computer-aided design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM), and engineering (CAE), ensures smooth communication and coordination across the product development process. PDM systems act as intermediaries between CAx coordination and enterprise resource planning systems, facilitating seamless integration of design and manufacturing processes. Leading providers of enterprise resource planning and CAD systems offer software solutions for product lifecycle management and PDM, enabling centralized and accessible product information, streamlining development and management processes

    An Examination of the Role of vCISO in SMBs: An Information Security Governance Exploration

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    Information security threats and their associated breaches are exponentially growing, with millions of records containing personally identified information released to the public each year. Cyber incidents targeting businesses nearly doubled in US past 6 years, with more than 130 large-scale targeted breaches per year in U.S. In the first half of 2020, 36 billion records were exfiltrated by external hackers, with the average cost to recover from a cyber-attack averaging $21.00 per record. While Small and Mid-sized Businesses (SMBs) attempt to stay ahead of this growing trend and protect organizational data, they have specific behaviors that do not affect larger organizations. The four behaviors (non-strategic executive-level sponsorship, apathetic risk management procedures, constrained resources, and non-existent technical skills) are identified in the literature and recognized within the small to midsized industry. If not correctly identified and remediated, these behaviors may impede the businesses from protecting information assets and achieve a mature level of information security governance. To assist organizations in achieving information security governance, the literature identifies five domains that all organizations should possess for organizational alignment and governance maturity. These governance domains are Strategic Alignment, Value Delivery, Risk Management, Performance Measurement, and Resource Management. However, extant literature does not align the five governance domains with the small to midsized business behaviors, nor provide a solution to assist SMBs in achieving information security governance. The literature review focused on four main aspects that are relevant to the study: SMB Characteristics, Virtual Leadership, Information Security Governance, and Information Security program. Previous research identified how similar organizations utilized virtual leadership positions to overcome SMB behaviors to attain organizational business requirements but did not identify virtual positions that can assist SMBs with information security governance. To bridge this gap, this study explored a recent phenomenon, identified as a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO), that can align the SMB behaviors with the five governance domains and provide a viable solution for SMBs to achieve Information Security Governance within the identified behaviors. Specifically, this qualitative exploratory study interviewed six vCISOs and 14 companies to examine the role the vCISO provided in bridging SMB’s organizational behaviors with the five Information Security Governance domains

    Talent management practices for the future of work: how can artificial intelligence reconcile recruitment tensions in organizations

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    Talent Management Practices for the Future of Work: How Can Artificial Intelligence Reconcile Recruitment Tensions in Organizations? Over the years, the academic field has been coming up with new studies, frameworks, and definitions of what work is and, consecutively, what its future is, taking into account all the technological evolution and disruptors, such as the case of Covid-19. In this way, it is necessary to follow what are the new trends in the market and be able to adapt. This project is then based on an in-depth analysis of the Company XYZ to understand its readiness for the Future of Work within Talent Management, focusing more concretely on the role of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment

    Business Governance Best Practices of Virtual Project Teams

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    The steady increase in project failure rates is leaving businesses searching for better integration techniques to virtualize their project environments. Through virtualization, organizations may have positive impacts on communities across geographical boundaries and resource constraints. The focus of this phenomenological study was to explore, via the experiences of successful project management practitioners, best practice strategies for integrating virtual project teams through data analysis. The conceptual framework included von Bertalanffy\u27s general systems theory, decomposition model of business process and project management frameworks, and the recomposition approach. Twenty-two senior project managers with more than 5 years of experience managing virtual project environments participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process employing normalization and bracketing approaches in data analysis resulted in the emergence of 10 thematic categories. The 10 themes culminated in the identification of strategies for implementing best practices relevant to the integration of successful virtual project teams. The major themes pertained to 3 broad areas: (a) structure that accommodates skills and technology for virtual team success, (b) governance leading to efficient virtual project team management, and (c) collaboration practices across diverse environments. Findings may help leaders improve project management leadership practices involved in adopting a virtual project management framework for business infrastructure. Suggestions for future research include additional attention to virtualization problems with respect to the transferability of the systems theory models

    Agile трасформація на основі проєктів організаційного розвитку

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    The organisationl development of project, programs and project portfolios management systems with drivers of agile transformation is considered. Fust changes in the environment require further research into the effectiveness of the application of existing agile methodologies, knowledge systems and competencies of project managers and their leadership. The foundations of environmental change lie in changing the decision-making paradigm in agile project and programs management. The article explores modern approaches to leadership formation when applying agile methodologies of its specificity from decision-making processes in project management. The problems of leadership creation and development in the application of agile project management methodologies for the implementation of Agile transformation of organisation are considered. The studies were conducted based on a competency-based approach modelled by the International Project Management Association. The content model of competency of the leader applying agile management is presented. The Agile leadership and leadership behaviour patterns are formed in a project management behavioural competency system based on agile technology methods and tools. These competencies included: Self-reflection and self-management, Personal integrity and reliability, Personal communication, Relationships and interaction, Leadership, Teamwork, Conflicts and Crises, Resourcefulness, Negotiation, and Orientation to results. The patterns of project managers' behaviour as agile leaders in project product creation and agile project management are explored. The differences in the behaviour patterns of leaders and agile leaders were examined by behavioural competencies within the identified key competency indicators. Such patterns allowed the authors to identify bottlenecks in the application of agile project management methodologies in the context of the development for Agile transformation of organization.Розглянуто проєкти, програми і системи управління портфелями проєктів організаційного розвитку, які є драйверами гнучких перетворень. Швидкі зміни середовища вимагають подальших досліджень ефективності застосування існуючих Agile (гнучких) методологій, систем знань і компетенцій керівників проєктів і керівництва організацій. Основи змін навколишнього середовища лежать в зміні парадигми прийняття рішень в гнучкому управлінні проєктами та програмами. У статті досліджено сучасні підходи до формування лідерства при застосуванні Agile методологій його специфіки в процесах прийняття рішень з управління проєктами. Розглянуто проблеми створення та розвитку лідерства в застосуванні Agile методологій управління проєктами для Agile трансформації організацій. Дослідження проводилися на основі компетентнісного підходу, запропонованого Міжнародною асоціацією управління проєктами. Представлена змістовна модель компетентності лідера, який застосовує Agile менеджмент. Моделі поведінки Agile лідерства формуються в системі поведінкової компетентності управління проєктами, яка заснована на методах і інструментах Agile технологій. Ці компетенції включали: саморефлексію і самоврядування, особисту цілісність і надійність, особисте спілкування, відносини і взаємодія, лідерство, командна робота, конфлікти і кризи, винахідливість, узгодження і орієнтацію на результати. Досліджено закономірності поведінки керівників проєктів як Agile лідерів у створенні продуктів і гнучкому управлінні проектами. Були досліджені різниці у патернах поведінки традиційних лідерів і Agile лідерів по перспективним і поведінковими компетенціями з застосуванням ключових показників компетентності. Такі патерни дозволили авторам визначити вузькі місця в застосуванні гнучких методологій управління проєктами в контексті Agile трансформації організацій

    Grassroots Talent Development at La Maestra: Understanding the Perceptions of Leaders and Staff

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    This dissertation explored the leadership and staff perceptions of talent management (TM) in the San Diego-based community health center La Maestra. The organization initiated a scheme called Grassroots Talent Development (GTD) that focuses on developing its internal talents from the ground up, including using mentorship, on-the-job training, problem-solving techniques, and mission attachment reinforcement. The distinctive use of a holistic wellness model, Circle of Care (CoC), stemming from its core mission to serve underserved populations, has not only driven how the organization functions but also how it attracts, develops, and retains a diverse pool of talents. La Maestra innovated programs for talent recruitment and retention, such as the cultural liaisons (CLs) model, the externship program, and the function-specific structured career path of medical assistants (MAs). This qualitative study utilized pattern identification to better understand perspectives of both La Maestra leadership and talented employees. Findings revealed commonalities of mindsets amongst almost all talented employees. Such similarities include the mission alignment, shared values, and supportive culture that foster cultural diversity to facilitate CoC deployment. Following the Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) and person-organization (P-O) fit frameworks, GTD practices play an essential role to enhance the fit between La Maestra and its staff. Since La Maestra emphasizes cultural competence and ethnic diversity in its employees serving different communities, GTD practices serve to establish common goals and practices. Developmental techniques are the central socialization mechanism creating alignment of values. Findings also indicated low turnover, and high similarity amongst La Maestra’s employees, which may not only be reflective of GTD practices, but also the intrinsic motivation of employees. The dissertation research suggests a number of strategic recommendations focused on three critical aspects: process, innovation, and people. The organization should consider implementing a more comprehensive succession plan and diversify the talent pool through external talent acquisition. New knowledge creation and transfer emerged as an important strategic priority, which should play an important role complementing GTD practices. Future studies should explore further the role of those not identified as talents and the dynamics of co-existence in work settings

    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence Capabilities Through Cloud Services: a Case Study of Inhibitors and Success Factors

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    Industry and research have recognized the need to adopt and utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to automate and streamline business processes to gain competitive edges. However, developing and running AI algorithms requires a complex IT infrastructure, significant computing power, and sufficient IT expertise, making it unattainable for many organizations. Organizations attempting to build AI solutions in-house often opt to establish an AI center of excellence, accumulating huge costs and extremely long time to value. Fortunately, this deterrence is eliminated by the availability of AI delivered through cloud computing services. The cloud deployment models, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service provide various AI services. IaaS delivers virtualized computing resources over the internet and enables the raw computational power and specialized hardware for building and training AI algorithms. PaaS provides development tools and running environments that assist data scientists and developers in implementing code to bring out AI capabilities. Finally, SaaS offers off-the-shelf AI tools and pre-trained models provided to customers on a commercial basis. Due to the lack of customizability and control of pre-built AI solutions, this empirical investigation focuses merely on IaaS and PaaS-related AI services. The rationale is associated with the complexity of developing, managing and maintaining customized cloud infrastructures and AI solutions that meet a business's actual needs. By applying the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory and the Critical Success Factor (CSF) method, this research explores and identifies the drivers and inhibitors for AI services adoption and critical success factors for harnessing AI capabilities through cloud services.Based on a comprehensive review of the existing literature and a series of nine systematic interviews, this study reveals ten factors that drive- and 17 factors that inhibit the adoption of AI developer tools and infrastructure services. To further aid practitioners and researchers in mitigating the challenges of harnessing AI capabilities, this study identifies four affinity groups of success factors: 1) organizational factors, 2) cloud management factors, 3) technical factors, and 4) the technology commercialization process. Within these categories, nine sub-affinity groups and 20 sets of CSFs are presented