438 research outputs found

    Convex dynamic programming with (bounded) recursive utility

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    We consider convex dynamic programs with general (bounded) recursive utilities. The Contraction Mapping Theorem fails when the utility aggregator does not obey any discounting property. This failure occurs even with traditional aggregators and certainty equivalent specifications. However, the Bellman operator admits a unique fixed point when an interior policy is feasible. This happens because utility values are unique at interior consumption plans and, when an interior perturbation is feasible, drops in utility values can be avoided

    Monotone Concave Operators: An application to the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation

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    We propose a new approach to the issue of existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Bellman equation, exploiting an emerging class of methods, called monotone map methods, pioneered in the work of Krasnosel'skii-Zabreiko (1984). The approach is technically simple and intuitive. It is derived from geometric ideas related to the study of fixed points for monotone concave operators defined on partially order spaces

    Complex type 4 structure changing dynamics of digital agents: Nash equilibria of a game with arms race in innovations

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    The new digital economy has renewed interest in how digital agents can innovate. This follows the legacy of John von Neumann dynamical systems theory on complex biological systems as computation. The Gödel-Turing-Post (GTP) logic is shown to be necessary to generate innovation based structure changing Type 4 dynamics of the Wolfram-Chomsky schema. Two syntactic procedures of GTP logic permit digital agents to exit from listable sets of digital technologies to produce novelty and surprises. The first is meta-analyses or offline simulations. The second is a fixed point with a two place encoding of negation or opposition, referred to as the Gödel sentence. It is postulated that in phenomena ranging from the genome to human proteanism, the Gödel sentence is a ubiquitous syntactic construction without which escape from hostile agents qua the Liar is impossible and digital agents become entrained within fixed repertoires. The only recursive best response function of a 2-person adversarial game that can implement strategic innovation in lock-step formation of an arms race is the productive function of the Emil Post [58] set theoretic proof of the Gödel incompleteness result. This overturns the view of game theorists that surprise and innovation cannot be a Nash equilibrium of a game

    Dynamic Programming: Finite States

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    This book is about dynamic programming and its applications in economics, finance, and adjacent fields. It brings together recent innovations in the theory of dynamic programming and provides applications and code that can help readers approach the research frontier. The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers, although most chapters are accessible to undergraduate students with solid quantitative backgrounds

    A Negishi Approach to Recursive Contracts

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    In this paper, we argue that a large class of recursive contracts can be studied by means of the conventional Negishi method. A planner is responsible for prescribing current actions along with a distribution of future utility values to all agents, so as to maximize their weighted sum of utilities. Under convexity, the method yields the exact efficient frontier. Otherwise, the implementation requires contracts be contingent on publicly observable random signals uncorrelated to fundamentals. We also provide operational first-order conditions for the characterization of efficient contracts. Finally, we compare extensively our approach with the dual method established in the literature

    On fixed point theory in partially ordered sets and an application to asymptotic complexity of algorithms

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    The celebrated Kleene fixed point theorem is crucial in the mathematical modelling of recursive specifications in Denotational Semantics. In this paper we discuss whether the hypothesis of the aforementioned result can be weakened. An affirmative answer to the aforesaid inquiry is provided so that a characterization of those properties that a self-mapping must satisfy in order to guarantee that its set of fixed points is non-empty when no notion of completeness are assumed to be satisfied by the partially ordered set. Moreover, the case in which the partially ordered set is coming from a quasi-metric space is treated in depth. Finally, an application of the exposed theory is obtained. Concretely, a mathematical method to discuss the asymptotic complexity of those algorithms whose running time of computing fulfills a recurrence equation is presented. Moreover, the aforesaid method retrieves the fixed point based methods that appear in the literature for asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms. However, our new method improves the aforesaid methods because it imposes fewer requirements than those that have been assumed in the literature and, in addition, it allows to state simultaneously upper and lower asymptotic bounds for the running time computing
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