429 research outputs found

    Preserving Useful Info While Reducing Noise of Physiological Signals by Using Wavelet Analysis

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    Wavelet analysis is a powerful mathematical tool commonly used in signal processing applications, such as image analysis, image compression, image edge detection, and communications systems. Unlike traditional Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis allows for multiple resolutions in the time and frequency domains; it can preserve time information while decomposing a signal spectrum over a range of frequencies. Wavelet analysis is also more suitable for detecting numerous transitory characteristics, such as drift, trends, abrupt changes, and beginnings and ends of events. These characteristics are often the most important and critical part of some non-stationary signals, such as physiological signals. The thesis focuses on a formal analysis of using wavelet transform for noise filtering. The performance of the wavelet analysis is simulated on a variety of patient samples of Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP 14 sets) and Electrocardiography (ECG 14 sets) from the Mayo Clinic at Jacksonville. The performance of the Fourier analysis is also simulated on the same patient samples for comparison purpose. Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is generated and added to the samples for studying the AWGN effect on physiological signals and both analysis methods. The algorithms of finding the optimal level of approximation and calculating the threshold value of filtering are created and different ways of adding the details back to the approximation are studied. Wavelet analysis has the ability to add or remove certain frequency bands with threshold selectivity from the original signal. It can effectively preserve the spikes and humps, which are the information that is intended to be kept, while de-noising physiological signals. The simulation results show that the wavelet analysis has a better performance than Fourier analysis in preserving the transitory information of the physiological signals

    Performance Evaluation of Wavelet De-Noising Schemes for Suppression of Power Line Noise in Electrocardiogram Signals

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    Power line noise introduces distortions to recorded electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. These distortions compromise the integrity and negatively affect the interpretation of the ECG signals. Despite the fact that the amplifiers used in biomedical signal processing have high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), ECG recordings are still often corrupted with residual Power Line Interference (PLI) noise. Further improvement in the hardware solutions do not have significant achievements in PLI noise suppression but rather introduce other adverse effects. Software approach is necessary to refine ECG data. Evaluation of PLI noise suppression in ECG signal in the wavelet domain is presented. The performance of the Hard Threshold Shrinkage Function (HTSF), the Soft Threshold Shrinkage Function (STSF), the Hyperbola Threshold Shrinkage Function (HYTSF), the Garrote Threshold Shrinkage Function (GTSF), and the Modified Garrote Threshold Shrinkage Function (MGTSF) for the suppression of PLI noise are evaluated and compared with the aid of an algorithm. The optimum tuning constant for the Modified Garrote Threshold Shrinkage Function (MGTSF) is found to be 1.18 for PLI noise. GTSF is found to have best performance closely followed by MGTSF in term of filtering Gain. HTSF recorded the lowest Gain. Filtering against PLI noise in the wavelet domain preserves the key features of the signal such as the QRS complex

    An Efficient Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform to Reduce Powerline Noise From Electrocardiograms

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    Nowadays, the electrocardiogram (ECG) is still the most widely used signal for the diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. However, this recording is often disturbed by the powerline interference (PLI), its removal being mandatory to avoid misdiagnosis. Although a broad variety of methods have been proposed for that purpose, often they substantially alter the original signal morphology or are computationally expensive. Hence, the present work introduces a simple and efficient algorithm to suppress the PLI from the ECG. Briefly, the input signal is decomposed into four Wavelet levels and the resulting coefficients are thresholded to remove the PLI estimated from the TQ intervals. The denoised ECG signal is then reconstructed by computing the inverse Wavelet transform. The method has been validated making use of fifty 10-min length clean ECG segments obtained from the MIT BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm database, which were contaminated with a sinusoidal signal of 50 Hz and variable harmonic content. Comparing the original and denoised ECG signals through a signed correlation index, improvements between 10 - 72% have been observed with respect to common adaptive notch filtering, implemented for comparison. These results suggest that the proposed method is featured by an enhanced trade-off between noise reduction and signal morphology preservation

    Nonlinear denoising of transient signals with application to event related potentials

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    We present a new wavelet based method for the denoising of {\it event related potentials} ERPs), employing techniques recently developed for the paradigm of deterministic chaotic systems. The denoising scheme has been constructed to be appropriate for short and transient time sequences using circular state space embedding. Its effectiveness was successfully tested on simulated signals as well as on ERPs recorded from within a human brain. The method enables the study of individual ERPs against strong ongoing brain electrical activity.Comment: 16 pages, Postscript, 6 figures, Physica D in pres

    Wavelet denoising as a post-processing enhancement method for non-invasive foetal electrocardiography

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    Background and Objective: The detection of a clean and undistorted foetal electrocardiogram (fECG) from non-invasive abdominal recordings is an open research issue. Several physiological and instrumental noise sources hamper this process, even after that powerful fECG extraction algorithms have been used. Wavelet denoising is widely used for the improvement of the SNR in biomedical signal processing. This work aims to systematically assess conventional and unconventional wavelet denoising approaches for the post-processing of fECG signals by providing evidence of their effectiveness in improving fECG SNR while preserving the morphology of the signal of interest. Methods: The stationary wavelet transform (SWT) and the stationary wavelet packet transform (SWPT) were considered, due to their different granularity in the sub-band decomposition of the signal. Three thresholds from the literature, either conventional (Minimax and Universal) and unconventional, were selected. To this aim, the unconventional one was adapted for the first time to SWPT by trying different approaches. The decomposition depth was studied in relation to the characteristics of the fECG signal. Synthetic and real datasets, publicly available for benchmarking and research, were used for quantitative analysis in terms of noise reduction, foetal QRS detection performance and preservation of fECG morphology. Results: The adoption of wavelet denoising approaches generally improved the SNR. Interestingly, the SWT methods outperformed the SWPT ones in morphology preservation (p<0.04) and SNR (p<0.0003), despite their coarser granularity in the sub-band analysis. Remarkably, the Han et al. threshold, adopted for the first time for fECG processing, provided the best quality improvement (p<0.003). Conclusions: The findings of our systematic analysis suggest that particular care must be taken when selecting and using wavelet denoising for non-invasive fECG signal post-processing. In particular, despite the general noise reduction capability, signal morphology can be significantly altered on the basis of the parameterization of the wavelet methods. Remarkably, the adoption of a finer sub-band decomposition provided by the wavelet packet was not able to improve the quality of the processing

    Statistical Properties and Applications of Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    Signal analysis is key to extracting information buried in noise. The decomposition of signal is a data analysis tool for determining the underlying physical components of a processed data set. However, conventional signal decomposition approaches such as wavelet analysis, Wagner-Ville, and various short-time Fourier spectrograms are inadequate to process real world signals. Moreover, most of the given techniques require \emph{a prior} knowledge of the processed signal, to select the proper decomposition basis, which makes them improper for a wide range of practical applications. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a non-parametric and adaptive basis driver that is capable of breaking-down non-linear, non-stationary signals into an intrinsic and finite components called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF). In addition, EMD approximates a dyadic filter that isolates high frequency components, e.g. noise, in higher index IMFs. Despite of being widely used in different applications, EMD is an ad hoc solution. The adaptive performance of EMD comes at the expense of formulating a theoretical base. Therefore, numerical analysis is usually adopted in literature to interpret the behavior. This dissertation involves investigating statistical properties of EMD and utilizing the outcome to enhance the performance of signal de-noising and spectrum sensing systems. The novel contributions can be broadly summarized in three categories: a statistical analysis of the probability distributions of the IMFs and a suggestion of Generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) as a best fit distribution; a de-noising scheme based on a null-hypothesis of IMFs utilizing the unique filter behavior of EMD; and a novel noise estimation approach that is used to shift semi-blind spectrum sensing techniques into fully-blind ones based on the first IMF. These contributions are justified statistically and analytically and include comparison with other state of art techniques

    A Low Complexity Architecture for Online On-chip Detection and Identification of f-QRS Feature for Remote Personalized Health Care Applications

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    This paper introduces a novel low complexity highly accurate on-chip architecture for the detection of fragmented QRS (f-QRS) feature including notches and local extrema in the QRS complexes and subsequently identifies its various morphologies (Notched S, rsR', RsR' without elevation etc.) under the real-time environment targeting remote personalized health care. The proposed architecture uses the outcome of recently proposed Hybrid feature extraction algorithm (HFEA) [1] Level 3 detailed coefficients and detects and identifies the fragmentation feature from the QRS complex based on the criteria of the positions, and the magnitudes of the extrema (maxima and minima) and notches from the wavelet coefficients with no extra cost in terms of arithmetic complexity. To verify the proposed architecture 100 patients were randomly selected from the MIT-BIH Physio Net PTB database and their ECG was examined by two experienced cardiologists individually and the results were compared with those obtained from the architecture output wherein we have achieved 95 % diagnostic matching