11 research outputs found

    Improved genetic algorithm for the context-free grammatical inference

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    Inductive learning of formal languages, often called grammatical inference, is an active area inmachine learning and computational learning theory. By learning a language we understandfinding the grammar of the language when some positive (words from language) and negativeexamples (words that are not in language) are given. Learning mechanisms use the naturallanguage learning model: people master a language, used by their environment, by the analysis ofpositive and negative examples. The problem of inferring context-free languages (CFG) has boththeoretical and practical motivations. Practical applications include pattern recognition (forexample finding DTD or XML schemas for XML documents) and speech recognition (the abilityto infer context-free grammars for natural languages would enable speech recognition to modify itsinternal grammar on the fly). There were several attempts to find effective learning methods forcontext-free languages (for example [1,2,3,4,5]). In particular, Y.Sakakibara [3] introduced aninteresting method of finding a context-free grammar in the Chomsky normal form with a minimalset of nonterminals. He used the tabular representation similar to the parse table used in the CYKalgorithm, simultaneously with genetic algorithms. In this paper we present several adjustments tothe algorithm suggested by Sakakibara. The adjustments are concerned mainly with the geneticalgorithms used and are as follows:– we introduce a method of creating the initial population which makes use of characteristicfeatures of context-free grammars,– new genetic operations are used (mutation with a path added, ‘die process’, ‘war/diseaseprocess’),– different definition of the fitness function,– an effective compression of the structure of an individual in the population is suggested.These changes allow to speed up the process of grammar generation and, what is more, theyallow to infer richer grammars than considered in [3]

    Inferência de gramática formais livres de contexto utilizando computação evolucionária com aplicação em bioinformática

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    Grammatical inference deals with the task of learning a classifier that can recognize a particular pattern in a set of examples. In this work, a new grammatical inference model based on a variant of Genetic Programming is proposed. In this approach, an individual is a list of structured trees representing their productions. Ordinary genetic operators are modified so as to bias the search and two new operators are proposed. The first one, called Incremental Learning, is able to recognize, based on examples, which productions are missing. The second, called Expansion is able to provide the diversity necessary to achieve convergence. In a suite of experiments performed, the proposed model successfully inferred six regular grammars and two context-free grammars: parentheses and palindromes with four letters, including the disjunct one. Results achieved were better than those obtained by recently published algorithms. Nowadays, grammatical inference has been applied to problems of recognition of biological sequences of DNA. In this work, two problems of this class were addressed: recognition of promoters and splice junction detection. In the former, the proposed model obtained results better than other published approaches. In the latter, the proposed model showed promising results. The model was extended to support fuzzy grammars, namely the fuzzy fractional grammars. Furthermore, an appropriate method of estimation of the values of the production's membership function is also proposed. Results obtained in the identification of splice junctions shows the utility of the fuzzy inference model proposed.A inferência gramatical lida com o problema de aprender um classificador capaz de reconhecer determinada construção ou característica em um conjunto qualquer de exemplos. Neste trabalho, um modelo de inferência gramatical baseado em uma variante de Programação Genética é proposto. A representação de cada indivíduo é baseada em uma lista ligada de árvores representando o conjunto de produções da gramática. A atuação dos operadores genéticos é feita de forma heurística. Além disto, dois novos operadores genéticos são apresentados. O primeiro, denominado Aprendizagem Incremental, é capaz de reconhecer, com base em exemplos, quais regras de produção estão faltando. O segundo, denominado Expansão, é capaz de prover a diversidade necessária. Em experimentos efetuados, o modelo proposto inferiu com sucesso seis gramáticas regulares e duas gramáticas livres de contexto: parênteses e palíndromos de quatro letras, tanto o comum quanto o disjunto, sendo superior a abordagens recentes. Atualmente, modelos de inferência gramatical têm sido aplicados a problemas de reconhecimento de sequências biológicas de DNA. Neste trabalho, dois problemas de identificação de padrão foram abordados: reconhecimento de promotores e splice-junction. Para o primeiro, o modelo proposto obteve resultado superior a outras abordagens. Para o segundo, o modelo proposto apresentou bons resultados. O modelo foi estendido para o uso de gramáticas fuzzy, mais especificamente, as gramáticas fuzzy fracionárias. Para tal, um método de estimação adequado dos valores da função de pertinência das produções da gramática é proposto. Os resultados obtidos na identificação de splice-junctions comprovam a utilidade do modelo de inferência gramatical fuzzy proposto

    The Omphalos Context-Free Grammar Learning Competition

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    In Language and Information Technologies

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    With the rising amount of available multilingual text data, computational linguistics faces an opportunity and a challenge. This text can enrich the domains of NLP applications and improve their performance. Traditional supervised learning for this kind of data would require annotation of part of this text for induction of natural language structure. For these large amounts of rich text, such an annotation task can be daunting and expensive. Unsupervised learning of natural language structure can compensate for the need for such annotation. Natural language structure can be modeled through the use of probabilistic grammars, generative statistical models which are useful for compositional and sequential structures. Probabilistic grammars are widely used in natural language processing, but they are also used in other fields as well, such as computer vision, computational biology and cognitive science. This dissertation focuses on presenting a theoretical and an empirical analysis for the learning of these widely used grammars in the unsupervised setting. We analyze computational properties involved in estimation of probabilisti

    Μηχανική Μάθηση στην Επεξεργασία Φυσικής Γλώσσας

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    Η διατριβή εξετάζει την χρήση τεχνικών μηχανικής μάθησης σε διάφορα στάδια της επεξεργασίας φυσικής γλώσσας, κυρίως για σκοπούς εξαγωγής πληροφορίας από κείμενα. Στόχος είναι τόσο η βελτίωση της προσαρμοστικότητας των συστημάτων εξαγωγής πληροφορίας σε νέες θεματικές περιοχές (ή ακόμα και γλώσσες), όσο και η επίτευξη καλύτερης απόδοσης χρησιμοποιώντας όσο το δυνατό λιγότερους πόρους (τόσο γλωσσικούς όσο και ανθρώπινους). Η διατριβή κινείται σε δύο κύριους άξονες: α) την έρευνα και αποτίμηση υπαρχόντων αλγορίθμων μηχανικής μάθησης κυρίως στα στάδια της προ-επεξεργασίας (όπως η αναγνώριση μερών του λόγου) και της αναγνώρισης ονομάτων οντοτήτων, και β) τη δημιουργία ενός νέου αλγορίθμου μηχανικής μάθησης και αποτίμησής του, τόσο σε συνθετικά δεδομένα, όσο και σε πραγματικά δεδομένα από το στάδιο της εξαγωγής σχέσεων μεταξύ ονομάτων οντοτήτων. Ο νέος αλγόριθμος μηχανικής μάθησης ανήκει στην κατηγορία της επαγωγικής εξαγωγής γραμματικών, και εξάγει γραμματικές ανεξάρτητες από τα συμφραζόμενα χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο θετικά παραδείγματα.This thesis examines the use of machine learning techniques in various tasks of natural language processing, mainly for the task of information extraction from texts. The objectives are the improvement of adaptability of information extraction systems to new thematic domains (or even languages), and the improvement of their performance using as fewer resources (either linguistic or human) as possible. This thesis has examined two main axes: a) the research and assessment of existing algorithms of machine learning mainly in the stages of linguistic pre-processing (such as part of speech tagging) and named-entity recognition, and b) the creation of a new machine learning algorithm and its assessment on synthetic data, as well as in real world data from the task of relation extraction between named entities. This new algorithm belongs to the category of inductive grammar learning, and can infer context free grammars from positive examples only