722,069 research outputs found

    The Development of Science Domain Based Learning Media Tool Which is Integrated with Local Wisdom to Improve Science Process Skill and Scientific Attitude

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    This research was conducted to : (1) improve the science domain based learning media which is integrated with appropriate local potention for Science learning material “Object Change Around Us” for students grade VII of Junior High School, (2) know the effectiveness of science based learning media which is integrated with developed local potention to improve science process skill and scientific attitude of students grade VII of Junior High School. This research was a research and development which adapt 4D Thiagarajan model which include four steps, they were: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate and Borg & Gall development model which was done into 7 steps, they were: (1) research and information collecting, (2) planning, (3) developing preliminarry form of product, (4) preliminary field testing, (5) main product revision, (6) main field testing, and (7) operational product revision. The research result showed thet the science domain based learning media which was integrated with developed local potention were: (1) appropriate to be used for science learning material “Object Change around us” for students grade VII of JHS, (2) effective to improve science process skill and scientific attitude of students grade VII of JHS


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    A product’s environments play a significant role in its development. In other words, any alteration in the environment surrounding a product leads to changes in its features. Hence, having a systematic procedure to analyze the product’s environments is a crucial need for industries. Environment-Based Design (EBD) methodology describes the environment of the product (excluding the product itself) and presents a rational approach to analyze it. In order to achieve an efficient product design and development process, EBD utilizes different tools. Recursive Object Model (ROM) diagram, Cause and Effect Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, Asking Right Question and Answering are EBD’s major tools and technics. In this research, we aim to represent EBD’s capabilities for product evolution analysis, complex products development and human-centered products development. In order to demonstrate EBD’s competences for product evolution analysis, we conduct a case study of braking systems evolution analysis through analyzing the environments around them. Afterward, we perform environment analysis for aerospace design methodology in order to propose a novel design methodology for the aerospace industries. Finally, we propose a course scheduling model based on environment analysis of the academic schedules and we verify our model using Concordia University’s courses

    Toward a self-organizing pre-symbolic neural model representing sensorimotor primitives

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    Copyright ©2014 Zhong, Cangelosi and Wermter.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCBY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these termsThe acquisition of symbolic and linguistic representations of sensorimotor behavior is a cognitive process performed by an agent when it is executing and/or observing own and others' actions. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, these representations develop during the sensorimotor stage and the pre-operational stage. We propose a model that relates the conceptualization of the higher-level information from visual stimuli to the development of ventral/dorsal visual streams. This model employs neural network architecture incorporating a predictive sensory module based on an RNNPB (Recurrent Neural Network with Parametric Biases) and a horizontal product model. We exemplify this model through a robot passively observing an object to learn its features and movements. During the learning process of observing sensorimotor primitives, i.e., observing a set of trajectories of arm movements and its oriented object features, the pre-symbolic representation is self-organized in the parametric units. These representational units act as bifurcation parameters, guiding the robot to recognize and predict various learned sensorimotor primitives. The pre-symbolic representation also accounts for the learning of sensorimotor primitives in a latent learning context.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Capture Knowledge with Object-Process Modeling - a systems engineering approach

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    To increase the efficiency of the product development process at Volvo Car Group, knowledge accumulation is central in the early strategy and concept phase. Within the department for Research and Development, the unit responsible for powertrain engineering desires a process to document system interfaces, in order to reuse what they do already know in new applications. This thesis presents a process how to capture systems knowledge; i.e. interactions within system structure, functions and behavior with the use of object-process oriented modeling. Included in the process is also ideas presented how to manage and maintain as well as interpret and reuse captured knowledge. During the first part of the project, literature of theory and previous empiric was explored, in order to understand principles of knowledge based development and systems engineering. To identify needs of the desired process, system engineers responsible for the complete powertrain were interviewed. Thereafter, the interpreted needs were translated to a functional analysis of the desired process. A case study was conducted at different developing units across Powertrain Engineering. The purpose was to map system knowledge with object-process methodology. The result was a mapped system architecture based on the vehicle response attribute, where captured system knowledge is connected to the development phases as well as the system responsible. The object-process oriented model of the system architecture included qualitative traceability between system requirements, decomposed functions, product structure with physical interface as well as resources defining who is owner of the system knowledge. To illustrate how to interpret and make the captured system knowledge reusable, structural relations within three systems was mapped in a domain mapping matrix, which is a matrix mapping the dependencies between two data types. In this case requirements and functions, as well as functions and hardware components

    A Metrics-based Framework for Estimating the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software

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    Time,  effort  and  money  required  in  maintaining software has always  been  considered  greater  than  its  development  time. Also, its ambiguity in forecast at early stage of software development makes the process more complicated. The early estimation of maintainability will significantly help software designers to adjust the software product, if there is any fault, in early stages of designing. By doing this; time, effort and money required in maintaining software will be lessened. Although Object Oriented Software Development (OOSD) approach is equipped for enhancing software maintainability, a method for finding out if the required level of maintenance is being achieved amid the development process is required. This can be accomplished through measurement. This paper outlines the need and importance of maintainability at design phase and develops a Metrics-Based Maintainability Estimation Framework for Object-Oriented software(MEFOOS) that estimates the maintainability of object oriented software components in regard of their Understandability, Modifiability and Portability—which are the sub-attributes of maintainability. Keywords: Software maintenance, Software Maintainability, maintainability model, Software Metrics, Software Component DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-4-02 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Media Pembelajaran Object Detection Perangkat Jaringan Komputer menggunakan Machine Learning berbasis Desktop

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    Learning media is a link between teachers and students so that the process of educational communication interaction between teachers and students can take place in an effective and effective manner. The purpose of this research is to produce a learning media product for object detection of computer network devices using desktop-based machine learning. The type of research used is RD (Research and Development). This research uses the 4D development model, namely (1) Devine (defining stage) (2) Design (designing stage), (3) Development (development stage) and (4) Disseminate (dissemination stage). Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and questionnaires. This study involved 1 media expert, 1 material expert and respondents of class X students at SMK NU Kunduran as research subjects. The data analysis technique in this study used qualitative analysis. The findings of this research are learning media for object detection of computer network devices using desktop-based machine learning. The research results from the material expert trial received a percentage of 91,25%. Results from media expert trials get a percentage of 90,00%. The results of the student respondents resulted in a percentage score of 84,13%. From these results, it can be concluded that the learning media product for object detection of computer network devices with desktop-based machine learning is said to be feasible to be applied to learning the basics of computer network engineering and telecommunications


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    This research is based on problems related to the application of a contextual learning model based on Islamic values to improve students' religious attitudes which have not been maximally carried out so far. The research objective was to find a valid, effective, and practical learning model to improve students' religious attitudes. The methodology used is the Plomp model of research and development (R & D). The research subjects were students of class V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Medan City, while the object of this study was the development of a contextual learning model based on Islamic values in fostering students' religious attitudes. The products produced are model books, lesson plans, teacher books, student books, and LAS, the entire product has been validated by design experts, material experts, and linguists then continued with field testing so that it is suitable for use. The research findings show: the product of the contextual learning model based on Islamic values that are produced is valid based on expert validation, has a level of practicality and effectiveness in increasing students' religious attitudes, the ability of teachers to manage learning is a good category and student learning activities during the learning process have increased. The study concludes that the resulting learning model product is valid based on expert validation, has a level of practicality and effectiveness to improve students' religious attitudes. used as a reference for developing a more comprehensive Civic Education learning model.Keywords: Contextual, Citizenship Education Based on Islamic Value

    Functional modelling using an object-oriented design system

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    A significant progress in the development of CAD-systems was the extension to functionalities handling more than pure geometry (such as points, edges, surfaces and bodies), i.e. data concerning the technical product structure (such as physical and mechanical properties). These efforts are made to accelerate the engineering and design process, to avoid errors during the engineering process and to make use of the product-related data in electronic form in the later phases of the product life cycle. One approach to extend the CAD-functionalities is feature-based design, which aims at representing some apects of the product separately. Yet it is necessary to include the different kinds of features (describing different properties of the product) into a complete model. Despite the efforts of the institutes of standardization a satisfying product model has not yet been defined. A possible solution of this problem may be the definition of a meta-language for the engineer allowing him to build his own product model including his own characteristical entities of the product. This meta-language must be very simple to understand and to extend; the derived sentences (the instances of his product model) must be exchangable and combinable. The object-oriented concept and the different components (terminals or alphabet, non-terminals or symbols and deriving rules) of this meta-language are discussed in this paper

    Application feature model for geometrical specification of assemblies

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    The work begins with the description of a Domain Meta-Model for collaborative and integrated product development based on a Feature Model that aggregates all Application Features required to support domain specific reasoning. These Application Features are conceived as an aggregation of several Object Features containing all the knowledge about the structure and geometric interface that are the solution for a certain function. Afterwards, the Specification Feature, as a specialisation of the previous feature, is presented. This contains information about geometry, nominal and with defects, as well as about the relations established between them in the dimensional and geometrical specification process of an assembly, as established by GPS standard. Finally, the Specification Assembly Model is shown, an assembly model based on the Specification Feature and on the description of specifications using the Geospelling language

    The Development of Probing Prompting-Based Module on Calculus 2 Course for Mathematics Education Study Program

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    This study aimed at developing the teaching materials in the form of probing prompting-based module on Calculus2 as well as revealing its quality. This research usedthe procedural development model of Instructional Development Institute (IDI) consisting of three stages, namely define, development and evaluation. The development procedure design involved front-end analysis, prototype, and assessment phase. The product assessment was trough descriptive design. Two validators performed the product assessment, they werethe lecturers of mathematics education forCalculus 2course andthe learning media lecturers. The research object was the quality of teaching materials based on the established criteria. The data were the preparation and development process ofthe teaching materials as well as the quality of developed materials. The research instrument was a validation sheet in the form of checklist about the quality of the teaching materials. The product quality data were descriptive and convertedinto scores of 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the criteria of “very bad”, “bad”, “good”, and “very good”. The developed material was in the form of calculus 2module coveringfour subjects. The result of the material validator assessment wasin the percentage of 83.33% that can be catagorized as “good” and from the media validator was 94.44% with “very good” category. It means that the developed material has met the established quality standards and it is feasible for the learning process
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