2,071 research outputs found

    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in GB pig herds : farm characteristics associated with heterogeneity in seroprevalence

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    Background: The between- and within-herd variability of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) antibodies were investigated in a cross-sectional study of 103 British pig herds conducted 2003–2004. Fifty pigs from each farm were tested for anti-PRRSV antibodies using ELISA. A binomial logistic model was used to investigate management risks for farms with and without pigs with PRRSV antibodies and multilevel statistical models were used to investigate variability in pigs' log ELISA IRPC (relative index × 100) in positive herds. Results: Thirty-five herds (34.0%) were seronegative, 41 (39.8%) were seropositive and 27 (26.2%) were vaccinated. Herds were more likely to be seronegative if they had < 250 sows (OR 3.86 (95% CI 1.46, 10.19)) and if the nearest pig herd was ≥ 2 miles away (OR 3.42 (95% CI 1.29, 9.12)). The mean log IRPC in seropositive herds was 3.02 (range, 0.83 – 5.58). Sixteen seropositive herds had only seropositive adult pigs. In these herds, pigs had -0.06 (95% CI -0.10, -0.01) lower log IRPC for every mile increase in distance to the nearest pig unit, and -0.56 (95% CI -1.02, -0.10) lower log IRPC when quarantine facilities were present. For 25 herds with seropositive young stock and adults, lower log IRPC were associated with isolating purchased stock for ≥ 6 days (coefficient - 0.46, 95% CI -0.81, -0.11), requesting ≥ 48 hours 'pig-free time' from humans (coefficient -0.44, 95% CI -0.79, -0.10) and purchasing gilts (coefficient -0.61, 95% CI -0.92, -0.29). Conclusion: These patterns are consistent with PRRSV failing to persist indefinitely on some infected farms, with fadeout more likely in smaller herds with little/no reintroduction of infectious stock. Persistence of infection may be associated with large herds in pig-dense regions with repeated reintroduction

    Selection of an internet content filtering solution using the analytic hierarchy process

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    This talk describes the selection of an Internet Content Filtering solution suitable for the specific requirements of the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). Product data was collected from a variety of sources including: vendor product datasheets, industry benchmark tests, the experiences of other institutions and the academic literature. The available solutions were compared using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Saaty 1980), a multicriteria decision support tool, using the above data and priority weightings determined for each criterion

    A new approach for data acquisition at the JPL space simulators

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    In 1990, a personal computer based data acquisition system was put into service for the Space Simulators and Environmental Test Laboratory at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. The new system replaced an outdated minicomputer system which had been in use since 1980. This new data acquisition system was designed and built by JPL for the specific task of acquiring thermal test data in support of space simulation and thermal vacuum testing at JPL. The data acquisition system was designed using powerful personal computers and local-area-network (LAN) technology. Reliability, expandability, and maintainability were some of the most important criteria in the design of the data system and in the selection of hardware and software components. The data acquisition system is used to record both test chamber operational data and thermal data from the unit under test. Tests are conducted in numerous small thermal vacuum chambers and in the large solar simulator and range in size from individual components using only 2 or 3 thermocouples to entire planetary spacecraft requiring in excess of 1200 channels of test data. The system supports several of these tests running concurrently. The previous data system is described along with reasons for its replacement, the types of data acquired, the new data system, and the benefits obtained from the new system including information on tests performed to date

    Communique, 26 January 2004

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    Main story: "Netware? Beware!". Second story: "Web cache-'n'-carry shuts up shop". Item: "Basement jacks for self-service musicians...". Item: "No-strings-attached networking". Feature: "ISS-Windows98 relationship: the 5-year ditch?". Contact information: "Contacting Information Systems Services"

    Google Apps for Education: Valparaiso University\u27s Migration Experience

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    Many campuses are investigating cloud-based or hosted email solutions. This paper will cover Valparaiso University’s decision to move to the Google Apps for Education platform and our campus migration strategy. Google Apps offers significant savings in both cost of service and cost of support / maintenance while simultaneously offering functionality improvements to the campus experience over our previous system. Valparaiso University was using the GroupWise email and calendaring system and began the process of migrating all of campus to the Google Apps for Education platform in early 2011. Our process began with a student led evaluation team to select the new platform and started rolling out to new students beginning summer of 2011 with migration of existing students conducted from July 2011 through October 2011. Faculty / Staff migration began in December 2011 and were rolled out on a department by department basis throughout the spring 2012 Semester. Heavy promotion and utilization of multiple “Meet Google Apps” presentations greatly enhanced communication about the process and reduced migration anxiety. Apps were limited during migration process to those that reproduced existing system functionality to avoid over-taxing IT support resources. Valparaiso University’s migration process has been refined several times and overall feedback from students, faculty, and staff has been very positive throughout the process

    USA v. Lloyd

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    USDC for the District of New Jerse

    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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    Analisis Pola Pembelian Konsumen Pada Era Pandemi Dengan Algoritma Apriori Berbasis Web Service

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    Sejak kasus pertama di Indonesia diumumkan yaitu di awal tahun 2020, Covid-19 terus menyebar ke berbagai kota. Pandemi virus Covid-19 berdampak besar terhadap daya beli masyarakat dan jumlah transaksi penjualan di hampir semua komoditi, baik barang maupun jasa. Banyak pemilik usaha yang mengeluhkan turunnya target penjualan. Akan tetapi tidak semua sektor usaha mengalami penurunan, ada juga sektor usaha yang mengalami pertumbuhan cukup signifikan. Di masa pandemi ini semua orang melakukan usaha perlindungan diri agar terhindar dari penyebaran virus corona dengan rutin mengkonsumsi obat atau vitamin. Data konsumsi obat dapat dilihat pada data transaksi penjualan apotek. Data transaksi penjualan obat yang lebih dari 3 bulan pastilah tidak sedikit, sehingga dalam melakukan evaluasi terhadap data-data tersebut dibantu dengan algoritma data mining. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan algoritma Apriori untuk mengetahui pola pembelian konsumen pada Apotek Jingga di masa pandemi, proses pengolahan data dibagi dua yaitu asosiasi data sebelum pandemi, kemudian data di masa pandemi. Dari pola tersebut akan diketahui pola hubungan antar item produk, bahwa konsumen yang membeli obat X cenderung membeli obat Y. Hal ini akan mempermudah dalam proses perencanaan pengadaan obat, dan diharapkan dapat membantu manajemen untuk menganalisis setiap transaksi yang dilakukan oleh konsumen beserta kecenderungannya di masa pandemi. Hasil perbandingan berdasarkan tiga kali percobaan dengan parameter minimum support dan minimum confidence yang berbeda, jumlah aturan yang terbentuk selama pandemi lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan aturan sebelum pandemi

    Graph-based coevolutionary approach on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022, Tutores: Marta Ibañes, Camila Pontes, Victoria RuizAmino acids that coevolve can be indicative of functionality, so coevolution-based methods can be used to detect important amino acids in proteins, known as hotspots. Here, we apply a recently published method based on network metrics and coevolutionary information to detect functional hotspots in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. We found 275 potential hotspots withavailable experimental information in the literature for 4 of them, for example, position 614 (ASP), known to increment the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 towards human host cells. In addition, a hotspot enrichment analysis was performed, as well as a study of the relative solvent accessibility of hotspot versus non-hotspot positions for the receptor binding domain. The hotspots showed less surface area available when bound to the human receptor compared to when not bound, which does not occur for non-hotspot positions, indicating that the hotspots obtained may be important for the binding of the spike protein to the receptor of the host cel
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