239,542 research outputs found

    Fiscal federalism and bargaining over transfers

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    In this paper we provide a theoretical analysis of transfer sharing in a federalist economy by means of bargaining among regions and the federal government. The federal government could decide either to negotiate simultaneously with each region (bilateral negotiation), to negotiate with all regions together at the same table (multilateral negotiation), to negotiate under the pattern bargaining, or to negotiate under a sequential bargaining. Pattern bargaining is the most preferable bargaining way on the point of view of the federal government. However, with one-sided asymmetric spillover effects the federal government attains a higher payoff under multilateral bargaining.

    Patterns of negotiation of meaning routine in online forum discussion

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    This study examines a text-based, asynchronous online forum discussion among English language teacher trainers who were involved in a two-week online professional development course. It investigates the participants’ negotiation of meaning routine when they come across new content related item and describes the pattern of this negotiation of meaning routine. A textual analysis method, employing Smith’s (2003) expansion of Varonis and Gass Model (1985) for negotiation of meaning, was utilised to analyse the discussion threads. The analysis revealed that the participants did engage in negotiation of meaning and all the four negotiation of meaning steps (trigger, indicator, response and reply to response) were evident. It was also revealed that content triggers, local indicator, elaboration in responses and task appropriate response were frequently used. As the application of CMD for teaching and learning is increasing, findings of this study could inform educators about the kind of strategies that could enrich online interaction

    Classroom Discourse at the University Level: Negotiation Across Disciplines

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    This thesis analyzes classroom discourse at the university departments of English, mathematics and education in order to investigate the effect of power relationships and frames on the practice of negotiation. I examine the power relations and frames in discourse through the analysis of classes that consist solely of lecture or both lecture and whole class discussion, and identify three levels of frames in classroom discourse. Academic speech reflects the asymmetric power relations between instructor and students. In the analysis, I examine passages of transcripts that reveal alteration to the IRE (initiation, response, evaluation) pattern of classroom discourse and claim that the fight for control over the form and content of talk create alternative patterns of interaction. The conclusion suggests interdependence between power, frames and negotiation in classroom discourse

    Konsumsi Minuman Beralkohol dan Proses Negosiasi Pemakaian Kondom pada Pekerja Seks Perempuan dan Pelanggannya di Denpasar

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    Background: HIV/AIDS prevalence among female sex workers (FSWs) tend to increase, at 1% in 1999 to 17% in 2008. Meanwhile, previous surveys showed the existence of alcohol consumption behavior among FSWs and their clients, which possibly influence the condom negotiation process among them.Objective: To asses the role of alcohol consumption into condom negotiation process among FSWs and their clients.Methods: Design study was cross sectional, involving 190 FSWs from 22 randomly selected clusters in Denpasar. FSWs were interviewed in their workplace using structured questionnaire, on some variables: demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption pattern, partner/clients characters, and condom negotiation process. Alcohol consumption was defining as either FSWs or the client has consumed alcohol before sexual intercourse. Condom negotiation process were build from 6 items of proposition and 5 items of responses, and were divided into effective and poor process. Those variables were analyzed using Chi-square test, followed by Logistic Regression.Results and conclussions: Around 105 (55.3%) FSWs were consumming alcohol, 62.3% started 1 year, with three majority drinks were bir (95.2%), wine (34.3%), and arack (26.7%). More than half (54.8%) FSWs never drank >6 drinks and 41.3% has never been drunken with their clients. To new clients, alcohol consumption was proven to influence negotiation process scene 2 (PR 1.822, 95%CI 1.220-2.721), while to regular clients this role was potentially significant (PR 1.501, 95%CI 0.932-2.418). Multivariate analysis demonstrated consistent result among new clients, along with condom access but not with regular clients

    Negotiation of Muslim Worship during the Pandemic Covid-19: Lessons Learned for Post-Pandemic

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    The negotiation of Muslim worship during the pandemic Covid-19 is very important to reflect on as a lesson learned after the pandemic Covid-19. This study, in addition to provide a conceptual understanding of the pattern of negotiating Muslim worship during the pandemic Covid-19, reflected this negotiation contextually. This study used a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through an interview with Muslims who actively carried out worship activities in the congregation during the pandemic Covid-19 at the Kotagede Mataram Gede Mosque. The analysis was carried out through the process of reducing, describing, and inductively interpreting data to obtain a classification and conclusion regarding the pattern of negotiating Muslim worship during the pandemic Covid-19. This study found that the pattern of negotiating Muslim worship during the pandemic Covid-19 was not least carried out through three contexts, namely, a negotiation in a structural context, a negotiation in a cultural context, and a negotiation in a spiritual context. These three contexts were an effort of Muslim resilience in accommodating their worship activities during the pandemic Covid-19

    Accession Rules and Trade Agreements: The Case of the WTO

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    This paper models the accession process to the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a two stage game. In the first stage, member countries choose tariff rates to be applied on trade with each other. In the second stage a non-member country applies for membership in the agreement and negotiates with the member countries over the tariff rates to be applied. Based on the rules of the WTO accession process, we model this negotiation using the Nash bargaining solution. The analysis focuses on the question of how the pattern of trade between the acceding country and the member countries affects the distribution of gains from accession between the members and the acceding countries, given the rules of the WTO negotiation process. We consider two n good, n country trade models which highlight features of the WTO tariff negotiations. The first is a model in which each country imports one good from all of the other countries (competing supplier model). This model highlights the role of the MFN principle, since member countries are forced to extend the same tariff treatment to non-members when they join. We show that the non-member will free ride on tariff reductions among the member countries in this case, and that the non-member will gain a larger fraction of the gains from accession if transport costs are sufficiently low. The second model considers a case in which each country exports a single good to the other countries (principal supplier model). We show that in this case tariff reductions by the member countries reduce the welfare of the non-member country, and the member countries gain a larger share of the gains from accession.

    Absorption of the structural funds in Romania

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    The European structural policy was directed towards consolidating the specific objectives of narrowing the regional disparities, an ample process of negotiation for the allocation of the structural funds to the new member states, Romania included. In Romania there is a need to disseminate the positive practices of EU member states in implementing the structural policies, and an urge to evaluate the progress in absorbing the structural funds and to identify the adequate measures to remedy the deficiencies noticed in the operational programs. This study gives an overall image of the allocation of structural funds for the new EU member states, Romania included, describes the absorption of the structural funds in Romania in 2009 and reviews the blockages and the solutions proposed for the absorption of these funds. The standard pattern of analysis which we used is a radiography of the actual situation, but further investigations are needed in order to identify the optimal solutions to accomplishing better results in the absorption of structural funds in Romania.European Union, absorption capacity, structural funds, administrative capacity, Romania

    Merging in the Shadow of the Law: The Case for Consistent Judicial Efficiency Analysis

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    This Article examines current judicial interpretation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act through the lens of negotiation theory. The research exposes a gap between how courts state they are analyzing efficiency claims in Section 7 Clayton Act enforcement actions and what they are actually doing. During periods of lax antitrust enforcement, this pattern is not readily visible, since almost all proposed merger and acquisition ( M&A ) deals are approved. With a shift to more aggressive antitrust policy, however, it is critical that merger review include appropriate weighing of transaction-generated efficiencies-something missing from courts\u27 current antitrust analysis. Although only a small number of Section 7 cases are litigated each year, corporate negotiators assess thousands of potential M&A deals annually. For decades, scholars have applied microeconomic models to analyze antitrust policy. This Article applies analytical frameworks from the negotiation literature to demonstrate how, in an environment of increased enforcement, current judicial efficiency analysis would discourage corporate negotiators from pursuing efficient deals, thereby hurting the competitiveness of U.S. companies and markets

    Negotiation of Meaning in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom Interaction

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    Studi ini difokuskan pada negosiasi makna di dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai interaksi kelas bahasa asing. Dua pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah: 1) Tipe-tipe transaksi, pertukaran,perpindahan dan tindakan apakah yang terjadi pada negosiasi makna dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai sebuah Interaksi Kelas Bahasa Asing antara dosen dan mahasiswa? 2) Sampai padatingkatan apakah dosen dan mahasiswa memerankan peranan di dalam proses negosiasi makna dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai sebuah Interaksi Kelas Bahasa Asing? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif. Subjek studi ini adalah dosen dan mahasiswa semester enam padaProgram Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada kelas Metodologi Penelitian. Analisis ini pada dasarnya didasarkan pada analisis wacana kelas yang diajukan oleh Sinclair dan Coultharddengan sistem yang disebut: transaksi, pertukaran, perpindahan, dan tindakan. Hasil dari studiini menunjukkan bahwa (a) tiga tipe transaksi pokok yang terjadi pada wacana kelas EFL adalah; 1) melaporkan transaksi sebanyak 44 kali (45,36%), 2) memunculkan transaksisebanyak 35 kali (35.05 %), dan 3) mengarahkan transaksi sebanyak 19 kali (19.59 %). (b) Tipe-tipe pertukaran yang terjadi pada wacana kelas EFL meliputi 14 jenis pertukaran, yangterjadi sebanyak 128 kali, tetapi yang paling sering terjadi adalah membatasi (boundary), yaitu sebanyak 51 kali (39.84 %) dari keseluruhan kejadian pertukaran, sedangkan memperkuat (reinforce) dan menerima (accept) menempati posisi terendah, yaitu satu kali (0.78 %) dari keseluruhan kejadian pertukaran. (c) Tipe-tipe perpindahan yang terjadi pada wacana kelas EFL di dalam kelas Metode Penelitian adalah: 1) Perpindahan Awal (pembukaan) terjadi sebanyak 36 kali (37.5 %), 2) Perpindahan Respon (memberikan jawaban) terjadi sebanyak 34 kali (35.42 %), dan Perpindahan Umpan-Balik (tindak lanjut) terjadis sebanyak 26 kali (27.08 %).(d) Pada tipe-tipe tindakan yang terjadi pada wacana kelas EFL, terdapat 22 jenis tindakan yang terjadi, sebanyak 1.106 kali, tetapi yang paling sering terjadi adalah yang membenarkan(acknowledge), yaitu sebanyak 238 kali (21.52 %) dari seluruh kejadian tindakan, sementara memeriksa (check) menempati posisi terendah yaitu 3 kali (0.27 %) dari seluruh kejadiantindakan. Peran dosen dan mahasiswa di dalam proses negosiasi makna antara lain: 1) proses ritual yang dilakukan oleh dosen, sebanyak 8 kali (53.33 %), proses ritual yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa, sebanyak 7 kali (46.67 %); sementara ritual negosiasi yang dilakukan sebanyak 12kali dibagi ke dalam Data I sebanyak 6 kali atau 50 % dan Data II sebanyak 6 kali atau 50 % pula. Diharapkan bahwa hasil dari studi ini akan memberikan informasi kepada para dosenbahsa Inggris di Indonesia sebagai konteks EFL mengenai beberapa strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan makna negosiasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa di dalam wacana kelas. Partisipasi mahasiswa di dalam wacana kelas EFL tergantung kepada bagaimana dosen menciptakan situasi, dengan menggunakan metode-metode yang tepat, karakteristik mahasiswa, serta alat-alat instruksi pilihan serta tidak didominasi oleh dosen