9,088 research outputs found

    MP 2004-09

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    The behavior of carbon in northern ecosystems and effects related to warming are under study at the School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks

    The Roles of the Environment and Natural Resources in Economic Growth Analysis

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    The primary aim of this paper is pedagogical. We first present and discuss a “wiring diagram” framework in order to elucidate the general links between economic growth and "natural capital." After developing the general framework, we develop parallel frameworks applicable to several specific sectors of the economy (agriculture, forestry, and manufacturing). Two appendices provide a mathematical formulation of the economy-wide framework and a brief historical review of the role of natural resources and the environment in economic growth theory.economic growth, natural resources, sustainable development

    Emission of Climate-Relevant Gases in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems

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    In 81 commercial farms in Germany, emissions of the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O from crop production have been computed by model-based analyses. The considered influence factors comprise farm structure, mass and energy inputs as well as cultivation methods. A linear correlation was found between energy input and greenhouse gas potential. Due to lower N and energy inputs and also higher C sequestration as a result of humus restoration, the organic farms revealed area-related emissions (785 kg CO2 eq ha-1 a-1) that were 2.75 times lower than the emissions from conventional farms (2165 kg CO2 eq ha-1 a-1)

    Crystallographic Distinction between “Contact” and “Separated” Ion Pairs:  Structural Effects on Electronic/ESR Spectra of Alkali-Metal Nitrobenzenides

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    The classic nitrobenzene anion-radical (NB-• or nitrobenzenide) is isolated for the first time as pure crystalline alkali-metal salts. The deliberate use of the supporting ligands 18-crown-6 and [2.2.2]cryptand allows the selective formation of contact ion pairs designated as (crown)M+NB-•, where M+ = K+, Rb+, and Cs+, as well as the separated ion pair K(cryptand)+NB-•both series of which are structurally characterized by precise low-temperature X-ray crystallography, ESR analysis, and UV−vis spectroscopy. The unusually delocalized structure of NB-• in the separated ion pair follows from the drastically shortened N−C bond and marked quinonoidal distortion of the benzenoid ring to signify complete (95%) electronic conjugation with the nitro substituent. On the other hand, the formation of contact ion pairs results in the substantial decrease of electronic conjugation in inverse order with cation size (K+ \u3e Rb+) owing to increased localization of negative charge from partial (NO2) bonding to the alkali-metal cation. Such a loss in electronic conjugation (or reverse charge transfer) may be counterintuitive, but it is in agreement with the distribution of odd-electron spin electron density from the ESR data and with the hypsochromic shift of the characteristic absorption band in the electronic spectra. Most importantly, this crystallographic study underscores the importance of ion-pair structure on the intrinsic property (and thus reactivity) of the component ions - as focused here on the nitrobenzenide anion

    Early Prediction of Movie Box Office Success based on Wikipedia Activity Big Data

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    Use of socially generated "big data" to access information about collective states of the minds in human societies has become a new paradigm in the emerging field of computational social science. A natural application of this would be the prediction of the society's reaction to a new product in the sense of popularity and adoption rate. However, bridging the gap between "real time monitoring" and "early predicting" remains a big challenge. Here we report on an endeavor to build a minimalistic predictive model for the financial success of movies based on collective activity data of online users. We show that the popularity of a movie can be predicted much before its release by measuring and analyzing the activity level of editors and viewers of the corresponding entry to the movie in Wikipedia, the well-known online encyclopedia.Comment: 13 pages, Including Supporting Information, 7 Figures, Download the dataset from: http://wwm.phy.bme.hu/SupplementaryDataS1.zi

    Use of Corn Dried Distillers Grains (DDGS) in Feeding of Ruminants

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    Bioethanol is the product of fermentation of starch contained in renewable resources, such as corn, wheat, rye and rice. Depending on the technology used for its production, dried distillers decoction may exist in different forms: dried distillers grain (DDG); dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) and high-protein dried distillers grains (HPDDG), as well as wet distillers grain (WDG), wet distillers grain with solubles (WDGS), and high-protein wet distillers grains HPWDG). Research conducted in recent years has demonstrated the possibilities of corn DDG as feed for livestock due to its high content of valuable protein, high calorific value and bioelements. Distillers grain has been used as feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. In case of ruminants, it is important that distillers grain is foodstuff high in ruminal undegradable protein, with beneficial fibre content that does not cause rumen acidosis. DDGS has positive influence on milk yield and its fat and protein content. Research on rumen fermentation has proven that DDGS positively affecs processes in forestomachs: methanogenesis, ammonia emission and volatile fatty acids profile. Reprocessing of agri-food industry by-products may well be an alternative for traditional methods of feeding animals and utilizing valuable nutrients that they contain