100 research outputs found

    Исследование системы передачи разнотипной информации с буферизацией и вытисненнем низкоприоритетных заявок

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    Получены приближенные формулы для определения вероятностей блокировки разнотипных пакетов в системе передачи информации с буферизацией при использовании стратегии доступа и вытеснением из буфера низкоприоритетных пакетов. Решается задача нахождения верхних границ нагрузок разнотипных трафиков, при которых удовлетворяются предъявляемые ими требования к качеству обслуживания. Приводятся результаты численных экспериментов.Одержано наближені формули для визначення ймовірностей блокування різнотипових пакетів у системі передачі інформації з буферизацією із використанням стратегії доступу та витисненням з буфера пакетів, які мають низький пріоритет. Розв’язується задача знаходження верхньої межі навантаження різнотипових трафіків, за яких задовольняються їхні вимоги до якості обслуговування. Наведено результати чисельних експериментів.The approximate formulas for calculating the probability of blocking of packets of different types in store-and-forward systems were developed using access strategy and (pusing out) low priority packets. The problem of finding of upper load limit for traffics of different types which meet requirements to quality of service is solved. The results of numerical experiments are given

    Delays in IP routers, a Markov model

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    Delays in routers are an important component of end-to-end delay and therefore have a significant impact on quality of service. While the other component, the propagation time, is easy to predict as the distance divided by the speed of light inside the link, the queueing delays of packets inside routers depend on the current, usually dynamically changing congestion and on the stochastic features of the flows. We use a Markov model taking into account the distribution of the size of packets and self-similarity of incoming flows to investigate their impact on the queueing delays and their dynamics

    Approximation of the two-dimensional output process of a retrial queue with MMPP input

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    In this paper, we review a retrial queue with MMPP input and two-way communication. Incoming requests arriving at the server and finding it busy join the source of retrial calls and try to enter the server again after some exponentially distributed time. While idle, the server makes outgoing calls and serves them with another delay parameter. MMPP (Markov Modulated Poisson Process) is an input process in which control is driven by a continuous Markov chain. Changing its state entails a change in the intensity of the input process. For this model, we present an asymptotic approximation of the two-dimensional characteristic function under the condition of a long delay of requests in the source of retrial calls. For this approximation, we carried out a numerical experiment, where asymptotic results were compared to computations obtained via simulation

    Performance analysis of a threshold-based dynamic TXOP scheme for intra-AC QoS in wireless LANs

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    PublishedJournal ArticleThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.The IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol has been proposed for provisioning of differentiated Quality-of-Service (QoS) between various Access Categories (ACs), i.e., inter-AC QoS, in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). However, the EDCA lacks the support of the intra-AC QoS provisioning, which is indispensable in practical WLANs since the network loads are always asymmetric between traffic flows of ACs with the same priority. To address the intra-AC QoS issue, this paper proposes a Threshold-Based Dynamic Transmission Opportunity (TBD-TXOP) scheme which sets the TXOP limits adaptive to the current status of the transmission queue based on the pre-setting threshold. An analytical model is further developed to evaluate the QoS performance of this scheme in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay, and frame loss probability. NS-2 simulation experiments validate the accuracy of the proposed analytical model. The performance results demonstrate the efficacy of TBD-TXOP for the intra-AC QoS differentiation. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The pseudo-self-similar traffic model: application and validation

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    Since the early 1990¿s, a variety of studies has shown that network traffic, both for local- and wide-area networks, has self-similar properties. This led to new approaches in network traffic modelling because most traditional traffic approaches result in the underestimation of performance measures of interest. Instead of developing completely new traffic models, a number of researchers have proposed to adapt traditional traffic modelling approaches to incorporate aspects of self-similarity. The motivation for doing so is the hope to be able to reuse techniques and tools that have been developed in the past and with which experience has been gained. One such approach for a traffic model that incorporates aspects of self-similarity is the so-called pseudo self-similar traffic model. This model is appealing, as it is easy to understand and easily embedded in Markovian performance evaluation studies. In applying this model in a number of cases, we have perceived various problems which we initially thought were particular to these specific cases. However, we recently have been able to show that these problems are fundamental to the pseudo self-similar traffic model. In this paper we review the pseudo self-similar traffic model and discuss its fundamental shortcomings. As far as we know, this is the first paper that discusses these shortcomings formally. We also report on ongoing work to overcome some of these problems