5 research outputs found

    Knowledge-Driven Semantic Segmentation for Waterway Scene Perception

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    Semantic segmentation as one of the most popular scene perception techniques has been studied for autonomous vehicles. However, deep learning-based solutions rely on the volume and quality of data and knowledge from specific scene might not be incorporated. A novel knowledge-driven semantic segmentation method is proposed for waterway scene perception. Based on the knowledge that water is irregular and dynamically changing, a Life Time of Feature (LToF) detector is designed to distinguish water region from surrounding scene. Using a Bayesian framework, the detector as the likelihood function is combined with U-Net based semantic segmentation to achieve an optimized solution. Finally, two public datasets and typical semantic segmentation networks, FlowNet, DeepLab and DVSNet are selected to evaluate the proposed method. Also, the sensitivity of these methods and ours to dataset is discussed

    Deep Learning-Based Maritime Environment Segmentation for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Using Superpixel Algorithms

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    Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are receiving increasing attention in recent years from both academia and industry. To make a high-level autonomy for USVs, the environment situational awareness is a key capability. However, due to the richness of the features in marine environments, as well as the complexity of the environment influenced by sun glare and sea fog, the development of a reliable situational awareness system remains a challenging problem that requires further studies. This paper, therefore, proposes a new deep semantic segmentation model together with a Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) algorithm, for an accurate perception for various maritime environments. More specifically, powered by the SLIC algorithm, the new segmentation model can achieve refined results around obstacle edges and improved accuracy for water surface obstacle segmentation. The overall structure of the new model employs an encoder–decoder layout, and a superpixel refinement is embedded before final outputs. Three publicly available maritime image datasets are used in this paper to train and validate the segmentation model. The final output demonstrates that the proposed model can provide accurate results for obstacle segmentation

    Assessing High Dynamic Range Imagery Performance for Object Detection in Maritime Environments

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    The field of autonomous robotics has benefited from the implementation of convolutional neural networks in vision-based situational awareness. These strategies help identify surface obstacles and nearby vessels. This study proposes the introduction of high dynamic range cameras on autonomous surface vessels because these cameras capture images at different levels of exposure revealing more detail than fixed exposure cameras. To see if this introduction will be beneficial for autonomous vessels this research will create a dataset of labeled high dynamic range images and single exposure images, then train object detection networks with these datasets to compare the performance of these networks. Faster-RCNN, SSD, and YOLOv5 were used to compare. Results determined Faster-RCNN and YOLOv5 networks trained on fixed exposure images outperformed their HDR counterparts while SSDs performed better when using HDR images. Better fixed exposure network performance is likely attributed to better feature extraction for fixed exposure images. Despite performance metrics, HDR images prove more beneficial in cases of extreme light exposure since features are not lost

    Image segmentation in marine environments using convolutional LSTM for temporal context

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    Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) carry a wealth of possible applications, many of which are limited by the vehicle's level of autonomy. The development of efficient and robust computer vision algorithms is a key factor in improving this, as they permit autonomous detection and thereby avoidance of obstacles. Recent developments in convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and the collection of increasingly diverse datasets, present opportunities for improved computer vision algorithms requiring less data and computational power. One area of potential improvement is the utilisation of temporal context from USV camera feeds in the form of sequential video frames to consistently identify obstacles in diverse marine environments under challenging conditions. This paper documents the implementation of this through long short-term memory (LSTM) cells in existing CNN structures and the exploration of parameters affecting their efficacy. It is found that LSTM cells are promising for achieving improved performance; however, there are weaknesses associated with network training procedures and datasets. Several novel network architectures are presented and compared using a state-of-the-art benchmarking method. It is shown that LSTM cells allow for better model performance with fewer training iterations, but that this advantage diminishes with additional training