11 research outputs found

    Revealing textual polarity patterns with a browser extension

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    We describe a new method to combine sentiment analysis and web augmentation into a browser-based platform enabling visualization of a web document's opinionated expressions and patterns of polarity. The Augmentator extension assists the reader recognizing keywords and paragraphs of polarity sentiment with the idea that by moving a part of the problem of text analysis from statistics and data mining into the realm of human vision and recognition, non-professionals can hopefully benefit more easily from powerful analysis and visualization tools.ye

    Automatic text filtering using limited supervision learning for epidemic intelligence

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    Specialised Languages and Multimedia. Linguistic and Cross-cultural Issues

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    none2noThis book collects academic works focusing on scientific and technical discourse and on the ways in which this type of discourse appears in or is shaped by multimedia products. The originality of this book is to be seen in the variety of approaches used and of the specialised languages investigated in relation to multimodal and multimedia genres. Contributions will particularly focus on new multimodal or multimedia forms of specialised discourse (in institutional, academic, technical, scientific, social or popular settings), linguistic features of specialised discourse in multimodal or multimedia genres, the popularisation of specialised knowledge in multimodal or multimedia genres, the impact of multimodality and multimediality on the construction of scientific and technical discourse, the impact of multimodality/multimediality in the practice and teaching of language, the impact of multimodality/multimediality in the practice and teaching of translation, new multimedia modes of knowledge dissemination, the translation/adaptation of scientific discourse in multimedia products. This volume contributes to the theory and practice of multimodal studies and translation, with a specific focus on specialized discourse.Rivista di Classe A - Volume specialeopenManca E., Bianchi F.Manca, E.; Bianchi, F

    HIPPO -- an adaptive open hyptertext system

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    The hypertext paradigm offers a powerful way of modelling complex knowledge structures. Information can be arranged into networks, and connected using hypertext links. This has led to the development of more open hypertext design, which allow hypertext services to be integrated seamlessly into the user's environment. Recent research has also seen the emergence of adaptive hypertext, which uses feedback from the user to modify objects in the hypertext. The research presented in this thesis describes the HIPPO hypertext model which combines many of the ideas in open hypertext research, with existing work on adaptive hypertext systems. The idea of fuzzy anchors are introduced which allow authors to express the uncertainty and vagueness which is inherent in a hypertext anchor. Fuzzy anchors use partial truth values which allow authors to define a "degree of membership" for anchors. Anchors no longer have fixed, discrete boundaries, but have more in common with contour lines used in map design. These fuzzy anchors are used as the basis for an adaptive model, so that anchors can be modified in response to user actions. The HIPPO linking model introduces linkbase trees which combine link collections into inheritance hierarchies. These are used to construct reusable inheritance trees, which allow authors to reuse and build on existing link collections. An adaptive model is also presented to modify these linkbase hierarchies. Finally, the HIPPO system is re-implemented using a widely distributed architecture. This distributed model implements a hypertext system as a collection of lightweight, distributed services. The benefits of this distributed hypertext model are discussed, and an adaptive model is then suggested

    HIPPO -- an adaptive open hyptertext system

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    The hypertext paradigm offers a powerful way of modelling complex knowledge structures. Information can be arranged into networks, and connected using hypertext links. This has led to the development of more open hypertext design, which allow hypertext services to be integrated seamlessly into the user's environment. Recent research has also seen the emergence of adaptive hypertext, which uses feedback from the user to modify objects in the hypertext. The research presented in this thesis describes the HIPPO hypertext model which combines many of the ideas in open hypertext research, with existing work on adaptive hypertext systems. The idea of fuzzy anchors are introduced which allow authors to express the uncertainty and vagueness which is inherent in a hypertext anchor. Fuzzy anchors use partial truth values which allow authors to define a "degree of membership" for anchors. Anchors no longer have fixed, discrete boundaries, but have more in common with contour lines used in map design. These fuzzy anchors are used as the basis for an adaptive model, so that anchors can be modified in response to user actions. The HIPPO linking model introduces linkbase trees which combine link collections into inheritance hierarchies. These are used to construct reusable inheritance trees, which allow authors to reuse and build on existing link collections. An adaptive model is also presented to modify these linkbase hierarchies. Finally, the HIPPO system is re-implemented using a widely distributed architecture. This distributed model implements a hypertext system as a collection of lightweight, distributed services. The benefits of this distributed hypertext model are discussed, and an adaptive model is then suggested

    Bedarfsgesteuerte Verteilung von Inhaltsobjekten in Rich Media Collaboration Applications

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    IP-basierte Konferenz- und Kollaborations-Systeme entwickeln sich mehr und mehr in Richtung Rich Media Collaboration, d.h. vereinigen Audio- und Videokonferenzfunktionalität mit Instant Messaging und kollaborativen Funktionen wie Presentation Sharing und Application Sharing. Dabei müssen neben den Live-Medienströmen auch Inhaltsobjekte wie Präsentationsfolien oder Dokumentseiten in Echtzeit innerhalb einer Session verteilt werden. Im Gegensatz zum klassischen 1:n-push-Schema wird dafür in der Arbeit ein Ansatz für wahlfreien Zugriff auf durch die Teilnehmer selbst gehostete Inhaltsobjekte - also n:m-pull-Verteilung - vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz hat in Anwendungsszenarien mit gleichberechtigten Teilnehmern, wie zum Beispiel virtuellen Meetings von Projektteams, signifikante Performance-Vorteile gegenüber den traditionellen Ansätzen. Mit dem Content Sharing Protocol (CSP) wurde eine Protokoll-Engine bestehend aus neun Mikroprotokollen entwickelt, implementiert und evaluiert. Sie beinhaltet neben der Kernfunktionalität der Inhaltsauslieferung auch Unterstützung für Caching, Prefetching und Datenadaption, sowie dynamische Priorisierung von Datentransfers und Interaktionsunterstützung

    Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of The Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within The Danube Region(preservation of rural values)

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    International Scientific Meeting „Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of The Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within The Danube Region“ (preservation of rural values), which be held in period 6-8th December 2012 on mountain Tara (Republic Serbia), through major number of presented papers provides an overwiew of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project „Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the danube region“. International Scientific Meeting „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION“ (preservation of rural values), gathered major number of scientific and experts researchers from about the countries. Besides the authors from Republic Serbia in papers are represented and authors from Romania, Bulgaria, Russian Federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Netherland and Macedonia, Poland. In frame of the Proceedings, is positively evaluated by the reviewer and presented on the Scientific Meeting 91 paper and it is published in the Proceeding. Publisher is Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, together with 38 eminent scientific and educational Institution from Serbia and foreing. In the Plenary section was presents three (3) papers which stand out with their contributions to our Scientific Meeting. Rest of the paper are systematized in three (3) sections. Represent and published papers are systematized in three (3) thematic section: I SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS A MODERN DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH IN PRESERVATION OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL VALUES (in this section represented 41 papers); II STRATEGIC PLANNING AND INSTITUTIONAL-POLITICAL DIMENSION OF AGRARIAN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (in this section represented 13 papers); III AGRIBUSINESS OF RURAL AREAS, DIVERSIFICATION AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES OF RURAL ECONOMY (in this section represented 34 papers)