337 research outputs found

    A review of aerial manipulation of small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems

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    Small-scale rotorcraft unmanned robotic systems (SRURSs) are a kind of unmanned rotorcraft with manipulating devices. This review aims to provide an overview on aerial manipulation of SRURSs nowadays and promote relative research in the future. In the past decade, aerial manipulation of SRURSs has attracted the interest of researchers globally. This paper provides a literature review of the last 10 years (2008–2017) on SRURSs, and details achievements and challenges. Firstly, the definition, current state, development, classification, and challenges of SRURSs are introduced. Then, related papers are organized into two topical categories: mechanical structure design, and modeling and control. Following this, research groups involved in SRURS research and their major achievements are summarized and classified in the form of tables. The research groups are introduced in detail from seven parts. Finally, trends and challenges are compiled and presented to serve as a resource for researchers interested in aerial manipulation of SRURSs. The problem, trends, and challenges are described from three aspects. Conclusions of the paper are presented, and the future of SRURSs is discussed to enable further research interests

    Shared control of an aerial cooperative transportation system with a cable-suspended payload

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    This paper presents a novel bilateral shared framework for a cooperative aerial transportation and manipulation system composed by a team of micro aerial vehicles with a cable-suspended payload. The human operator is in charge of steering the payload and he/she can also change online the desired shape of the formation of robots. At the same time, an obstacle avoidance algorithm is in charge of avoiding collisions with the static environment. The signals from the user and from the obstacle avoidance are blended together in the trajectory generation module, by means of a tracking controller and a filter called dynamic input boundary (DIB). The DIB filters out the directions of motions that would bring the system too close to singularities, according to a suitable metric. The loop with the user is finally closed with a force feedback that is informative of the mismatch between the operator’s commands and the trajectory of the payload. This feedback intuitively increases the user’s awareness of obstacles or configurations of the system that are close to singularities. The proposed framework is validated by means of realistic hardware-in-the-loop simulations with a person operating the system via a force-feedback haptic interface

    Dexterous Hexrotor UAV Platform

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    Mobile manipulation is a hot area of study in robotics as it unites the two classes of robots: locomotors and manipulators. An emerging niche in the field of mobile manipulation is aerial mobile manipulation. Although there has been a fair amount of study of free-flying satellites with graspers, the more recent trend has been to outfit UAVs with graspers to assist various manipulation tasks. While this recent work has yielded impressive results, it is hampered by a lack of appropriate testbeds for aerial mobile manipulation, similar to the state of ground-based mobile manipulation a decade ago. Typical helicopters or quadrotors cannot instantaneously resist or apply an arbitrary force in the plane perpendicular to the rotor axis, which makes them inadequate for complex mobile manipulation tasks. Based on the concept of force closure (a term from the dexterous manipulation community), this thesis introduces the new type of dexterous, 6-DoF UAV which provides the unique capability of being able to resist any applied wrench, or generalized force-torque. In this thesis, we describe the importance of force closure for mobile manipulation, explain why it is lacking in current UAV platforms, and describe how our hexrotor provides this important capability as well as exhibiting holonomic behavior

    Modeling and control of an overactuated aerial vehicle with four tiltable quadrotors attached by means of passive universal joints

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    We present a novel overactuated aerial vehicle based on four quadrotors connected to an airframe by means of passive universal joints. The proposed architecture allows to independently control the six degrees of freedom of the airframe without having fixed propellers at inefficient configurations or making use of dedicated rotor tilting actuators. After deriving the dynamic equations that describe its motion, we propose a linear control strategy that is able to successfully decouple rotation and translation, relying exclusively on on-board sensors. A prototype is built and preliminary experimental results demonstrate that the concept is feasible.Video: https://youtu.be/9ASP3FyhCJw.This research was supported by the ELKARTEK 2018 program of the Basque Government, grant agreement No. KK-2018/00082

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema

    Geometric Controls for a Tethered Quadrotor UAV

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    This paper deals with the dynamics and controls of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle that is connected to a fixed point on the ground via a tether. Tethered quadrotors have been envisaged for long-term aerial surveillance with high-speed communications. This paper presents an intrinsic form of the dynamic model of a tethered quadrotor including the coupling between deformations of the tether and the motion of the quadrotor, and it constructs geometric control systems to asymptotically stabilize the coupled dynamics of the quadrotor and the tether. The proposed global formulation of dynamics and control also avoids complexities and singularities associated with local coordinates. These are illustrated by numerical examples

    On the Existence of Static Equilibria of a Cable-Suspended Load with Non-stopping Flying Carriers

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    This work answers positively the question whether non-stop flights are possible for maintaining constant the pose of cable-suspended objects. Such a counterintuitive answer paves the way for a paradigm shift where energetically efficient fixed-wing flying carriers can replace the inefficient multirotor carriers that have been used so far in precise cooperative cable-suspended aerial manipulation.First, we show that one or two flying carriers alone cannot perform non-stop flights while maintaining a constant pose of the suspended object. Instead, we prove that three flying carriers can achieve this task provided that the orientation of the load at the equilibrium is such that the components of the cable forces that balance the external force (typically gravity) do not belong to the plane of the cable anchoring points on the load. Numerical tests are presented in support of the analytical results

    Mobile Formation Coordination and Tracking Control for Multiple Non-holonomic Vehicles

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    This paper addresses forward motion control for trajectory tracking and mobile formation coordination for a group of non-holonomic vehicles on SE(2). Firstly, by constructing an intermediate attitude variable which involves vehicles' position information and desired attitude, the translational and rotational control inputs are designed in two stages to solve the trajectory tracking problem. Secondly, the coordination relationships of relative positions and headings are explored thoroughly for a group of non-holonomic vehicles to maintain a mobile formation with rigid body motion constraints. We prove that, except for the cases of parallel formation and translational straight line formation, a mobile formation with strict rigid-body motion can be achieved if and only if the ratios of linear speed to angular speed for each individual vehicle are constants. Motion properties for mobile formation with weak rigid-body motion are also demonstrated. Thereafter, based on the proposed trajectory tracking approach, a distributed mobile formation control law is designed under a directed tree graph. The performance of the proposed controllers is validated by both numerical simulations and experiments

    Automatic control of a multirotor

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    Objective of this thesis is to describe the design and realisation phases of a multirotor to be used for low risk and cost aerial observation. Starting point of this activity was a wide literature study related to the technological evolution of multirotors design and to the state of the art. Firstly the most common multirotor configurations were defined and, according to a size and performance based evaluation, the most suitable one was chosen. A detailed computer aided design model was drawn as basis for the realisation of two prototypes. The realised multirotors were “X-shaped” octorotors with eight coaxially coupled motors. The mathematical model of the multirotor dynamics was studied. “Proportional Integral Derivative” and “Linear Quadratic” algorithms were chosen as techniques to regulate the attitude dynamics of the multirotor. These methods were tested with a nonlinear model simulation developed in the Matlab Simulink environment. In the meanwhile the Arduino board was selected as the best compromise between costs and performance and the above mentioned algorithms were implemented using this platform thanks to its main characteristic of being completely “open source”. Indeed the multirotor was conceived to be a serviceable tool for the public utility and, at the same time, to be an accessible device for research and studies. The behaviour of the physical multirotor was evaluated with a test bench designed to isolate the rotation about one single body axis at a time. The data of the experimental tests were gathered in real time using a custom Matlab code and several indoor tests allowed the “fine tuning” of the controllers gains. Afterwards a portable “ground station” was conceived and realised in adherence with the real scenarios users needs. Several outdoor experimental flights were executed with successful results and the data gathered during the outdoor tests were used to evaluate some key performance indicators as the endurance and the maximum allowable payload mass. Then the fault tolerance of the control system was evaluated simulating and experimenting the loss of one motor; even in this critical condition the system exhibited an acceptable behaviour. The reached project readiness allowed to meet some potential users as the “Turin Fire Department” and to cooperate with them in a simulated emergency. During this event the multirotor was used to gather and transmit real time aerial images for an improved “situation awareness”. Finally the study was extended to more innovative control techniques like the neural networks based ones. Simulations results demonstrated their effectiveness; nevertheless the inherent complexity and the unreliability outside the training ranges could have a catastrophic impact on the airworthiness. This is a factor that cannot be neglected especially in the applications related to flying platforms. Summarising, this research work was addressed mainly to the operating procedures for implementing automatic control algorithms to real platforms. All the design aspects, from the preliminary multirotor configuration choice to the tests in possible real scenarios, were covered obtaining performances comparable with other commercial of-the-shelf platforms