17 research outputs found

    Stream-based perception for cognitive agents in mobile ecosystems

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    Cognitive agent abstractions can help to engineer intelligent systems across mobile devices. On smartphones, the data obtained from onboard sensors can give valuable insights into the user's current situation. Unfortunately, today's cognitive agent frameworks cannot cope well with the challenging characteristics of sensor data. Sensor data is located on a low abstraction level and the individual data elements are not meaningful when observed in isolation. In contrast, cognitive agents operate on high-level percepts and lack the means to effectively detect complex spatio-temporal patterns in sequences of multiple percepts. In this paper, we present a stream-based perception approach that enables the agents to perceive meaningful situations in low-level sensor data streams. We present a crowdshipping case study where autonomous, self-interested agents collaborate to deliver parcels to their destinations. We show how situations derived from smartphone sensor data can trigger and guide auctions, which the agents use to reach agreements. Experiments with real smartphone data demonstrate the benefits of stream-based agent perception

    Contributions to interoperability, scalability and formalization of personal health systems

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    The ageing of the world's population combined with unhealthy lifestyles are contributing to a major prevalence of chronic diseases. This scenario poses the challenge of providing good healthcare services to that people affected by chronic illnesses, but without increasing its costs. A prominent way to face this challenge is through pervasive healthcare. Research in pervasive healthcare tries to shift the current centralized healthcare delivery model focused on the doctors, to a more distributed model focused on the patients. In this context Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consists on approaching sampling technologies into the hands of the patients, without disturbing its activities of the daily life, to monitor patient's physiological parameters and providing feedback on their state. The use of PHSs involves the patients in the management of their illness and in their own well being too. The development of PHSs has to face technological issues in order to be accepted by our society. Within them it is important to ensure interoperability between different systems in order to make them work together. Scalability it is also a concern, as their performance must not decrease when increasing the number of users. Another issue is how to formalize the medical knowledge for each patient, as different patients may have different target goals. Security and privacy are a must feature because of the sensitive nature of medical data. Other issues involve the the integration with legacy systems, and the usability of graphical user interfaces in order to encourage old people with the use these technologies. The aim of this PhD thesis is to contribute into the state-of-the-art of PHSs by tackling together different of the above-mentioned challenges. First, to achieve interoperability we use the CDA standard as a format to encode and exchange health data and alerts related with the status of the patient. We show how these documents can be generated automatically through the use of XML templates. Second, we address the scalability by distributing the computations needed to monitor the patients over their devices, rather than performing them in a centralized server. In this context we develop the MAGPIE agent platform, which runs on Android devices, as a framework able to provide intelligence to PHSs, and generate alerts that can be of interest for the patients and the medical doctors. Third, we focus on the formalization of PHSs by providing a tool for the practitioners where they can define, in a graphical way, monitoring rules related with chronic diseases that are integrated with the MAGPIE agent platform. The thesis also explores different ways to share the data collected with PHSs in order to improve the outcomes obtained with the use of this technology. Data is shared between individuals following a Distributed Event-Based System (DEBS) approach, where different people can subscribe to the alerts produced by the patient. Data is also shared between institutions with a network protocol called MOSAIC, and we focus on the security aspects of this protocol. The research in this PhD focuses in the use case of Diabetes Mellitus; and it has been developed in the context of the projects MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 and TAMESIS.L'envelliment de la població mundial combinat amb uns estils de vida no saludables contribueixen a una major prevalença d'enfermetats cròniques. Aquest escenari presenta el repte de proporcionar uns bons serveis sanitaris a les persones afectades per aquestes enfermetats, sense incrementar-ne els costos. Una solució prometedora a aquest repte és mitjançant l'aplicació del que en anglès s'anomena "pervasive healthcare". L'investigació en aquesta camp tracta de canviar l'actual model centralitzat de serveis sanitaris enfocat en el personal sanitari, per un model de serveis distribuït enfocat en els pacients. En aquest context, els Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consisteixen en posar a l'abast dels pacients les tecnologies de monitorització, i proporcionar-los informació sobre el seu estat. L'ús de PHSs involucra els pacients en la gestió de la seva enfermetat i del seu propi benestar. L'acceptació dels PHSs per part de la societat implica certs reptes tecnològics en el seu desenvolupament. És important garantir la seva interoperabilitat per tal de que puguin treballar conjuntament. La seva escalabilitat també s'ha de tenir en compte, ja que el seu rendiment no s'ha de veure afectat al incrementar-ne el número d'usuaris. Un altre aspecte a considerar és com formalitzar el coneixement mèdic per cada pacient, ja que cada un d'ells pot tenir objectius diferents. La seguretat i privacitat són característiques desitjades degut a la naturalesa sensible de les dades mèdiques. Altres problemàtiques impliquen la integració amb sistemes heretats, i la usabilitat de les interfícies gràfiques per fomentar-ne el seu ús entre les persones grans. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'estat de l'art dels PHSs tractant de manera conjunta varis dels reptes mencionats. Per abordar l'interoperabilitat s'utilitza l'estàndard CDA com a format per codificar les dades mèdiques i alertes relacionades amb el pacient. A més es mostra com aquests documents poden generar-se de forma automàtica mitjançant l' ús de plantilles XML. Per tractar l'escalabilitat es distribueixen les computacions per monitoritzar els pacients entre els seus terminals mòbils, en comptes de realitzar-les en un servidor central. En aquest context es desenvolupa la plataforma d'agents MAGPIE com a framework per proporcionar intelligència als PHSs i generar alertes d'interès per al metge i el pacient. La formalització s'aborda mitjançant una eina que permet als metges definir de manera gràfica regles de monitorització relacionades amb enfermetats cròniques, que a més estan integrades amb la plataforma d'agents MAGPIE. La tesi també explora diferents maneres de compartir les dades recol·lectades amb un PHS, amb l'objectiu de millorar els resultats obtinguts amb aquesta tecnologia. Les dades es comparteixen entre individus seguint un enfoc de sistemes distribuïts basats en events (DEBS), on diferents usuaris poden subscriure's a les alertes produïdes per el pacient. Les dades també es comparteixen entre institucions mitjançant un protocol de xarxa anomenat MOSAIC. A la tesi es desenvolupen els aspectes de seguretat d'aquest protocol. La test es centra en la Diabetis Mellitus com a cas d'ús, i s'ha realitzat en el context dels projectes MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 i TAMESIS.El envejecimiento de la población mundial combinado con unos estilos de vida no saludables contribuyen a una mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas. Este escenario presenta el reto de proporcionar unos buenos servicios sanitarios a las personas afectadas por estas enfermedades, sin incrementar sus costes. Una solución prometedora a este reto es mediante la aplicación de lo que en inglés se denomina "pervasive healthcare". La investigación en este campo trata de cambiar el actual modelo centralizado de servicios sanitarios enfocado hacia el personal sanitario, por un modelo distribuido enfocado hacia los pacientes. En este contexto, los Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consisten en poner al alcance de los pacientes las tecnologías de monitorización, y proporcionarles información sobre su estado. El uso de PHSs involucra a los pacientes en la gestión de su enfermedad y en su propio bienestar. La aceptación de los PHSs por parte de la sociedad implica ciertos retos tecnológicos en su desarrollo. Es importante garantizar su interoperabilidad para que puedan trabajar conjuntamente. Su escalabilidad también se debe tener en cuenta, ya que su rendimiento no tiene que verse afectado al incrementar su número de usuarios. Otro aspecto a considerar es cómo formalizar el conocimiento médico para cada paciente, ya que cada uno puede tener objetivos distintos. La seguridad y privacidad son características deseadas debido a la naturaleza sensible de los datos médicos. Otras problemáticas implican la integración con sistemas heredados, y la usabilidad de las interfaces gráficas para fomentar su uso entre las personas mayores. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir al estado del arte de los PHSs tratando de manera conjunta varios de los retos mencionados. Para abordar la interoperabilidad se usa el estándar CDA como formato para codificar los datos médicos y alertas relacionados con el paciente. Además se muestra como estros documentos pueden generarse de forma automática mediante el uso de plantillas XML. Para tratar la escalabilidad se distribuye la computación para monitorizar a los pacientes en sus terminales móbiles, en lugar de realizarla en un servidor central. En este contexto se desarrolla la plataforma de agentes MAGPIE como framework para proporcionar inteligencia a los PHSs y generar alertas de interés para el médico y el paciente. La formalización se aborda mediante una herramienta que permite a los médicos definir de manera gráfica reglas de monitorización relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas, que ademas están integradas con la plataforma de agentes MAGPIE. La tesis también explora distintas formas de compartir los datos recolectados con un PHS, con el fin de mejorar los resultados obtenidos mediante esta tecnología. Los datos se comparten entre individuos siguiendo un enfoque de sistemas distribuidos basados en eventos (DEBS), donde distintos usuarios pueden suscribirse a las alertas producidas por el paciente. Los datos también se comparten entre instituciones mediante un protocolo dered llamado MOSAIC. En la tesis se desarrollan los aspectos de seguridad de este protocolo. La tesis se centra en la Diabetes Mellitus como caso de uso, y se ha realizado en el contexto de los proyectos MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 y TAMESIS.Postprint (published version

    Proceedings of The Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (MALLOW 2010)

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/allproceedings.pdfInternational audienceMALLOW-2010 is a third edition of a series initiated in 2007 in Durham, and pursued in 2009 in Turin. The objective, as initially stated, is to "provide a venue where: the cost of participation was minimum; participants were able to attend various workshops, so fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization; there was a friendly atmosphere and plenty of time for networking, by maximizing the time participants spent together"

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    Model Driven Development of Agents for Ambient Intelligence

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    En esta tesis se define un proceso dirigido por modelos para el desarrollo de sistemas de Inteligencia Ambiental (AmI) basados en agentes auto-gestionados que pueden ser ejecutados en los dispositivos más usuales de los entornos AmI, teléfonos inteligentes o sensores. Nuestra solución está centrada en una arquitectura de MAS totalmente distribuida y descentralizada, gracias a la integración de los agentes en los dispositivos heterogéneos que suelen formar parte de un sistema AmI

    Integrazione Architetturale di Personal Assistant Agent basati su modello BDI con Servizi Cognitivi: Un Caso di Studio in Ambito Ospedaliero

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    L’ambito sanitario è oggetto di cambiamenti legati alla pervasiva adozione di tecnologie informatiche in grado di supportare i processi legati alla gestione della sanità. Su questa strada vanno le iniziative inerenti agli Smart Hospital, che prevedono una informatizzazione degli ospedali e dei sistemi per la loro gestione. Questa pionieristica visione prevede che vengano messe in campo le più disparate tecniche informatiche con l’obiettivo di supportare l’operato del personale sanitario, specialmente per quanto concerne il processo decisionale e la gestione del flusso di lavoro. La tesi si inserisce nel contesto di Trauma Tracker, un progetto di Smart Hospital nato dalla collaborazione tra il Trauma Center dell’ospedale Maurizio Bufalini e la facoltà di Ingegneria e Scienze Informatiche dell’Università di Bologna, sede di Cesena. Scopo del progetto è quello di sviluppare un Personal Assistant Agent in grado di supportare i medici durante la gestione dei traumi. Tra di queste è presente la generazione di avvisi e suggerimenti il cui obiettivo è quello di guidare l’operato del Trauma Team richiamandone l’attenzione qualora venissero individuate situazioni anomale oppure opportunità circa azioni che è possibile intraprendere. In Trauma Tracker è attualmente presente un sistema per la generazione di avvisi basata su regole. Questo presenta una espressività limitata per cui si intende ampliare le capacità di ragionamento dell’Assistant al fine di considerare informazioni storiche mantenute nell’archivio delle pratiche. Tra le tecniche considerate a tal fine figurano il Machine Learning e il Cognitive Computing. L'obiettivo della tesi è quello di identificare e sviluppare un'estensione architetturale del Trauma Assistant Agent (TAA) in modo che possa integrare la generazione di avvisi basati su regole definite dagli esperti del dominio con la generazione di suggerimenti elaborati e forniti in modo asincrono da servizi cognitivi in rete, in continua interazione con il TAA

    Intentional dialogues in multi-agent systems based on ontologies and argumentation

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    Some areas of application, for example, healthcare, are known to resist the replacement of human operators by fully autonomous systems. It is typically not transparent to users how artificial intelligence systems make decisions or obtain information, making it difficult for users to trust them. To address this issue, we investigate how argumentation theory and ontology techniques can be used together with reasoning about intentions to build complex natural language dialogues to support human decision-making. Based on such an investigation, we propose MAIDS, a framework for developing multi-agent intentional dialogue systems, which can be used in different domains. Our framework is modular so that it can be used in its entirety or just the modules that fulfil the requirements of each system to be developed. Our work also includes the formalisation of a novel dialogue-subdialogue structure with which we can address ontological or theory-of-mind issues and later return to the main subject. As a case study, we have developed a multi-agent system using the MAIDS framework to support healthcare professionals in making decisions on hospital bed allocations. Furthermore, we evaluated this multi-agent system with domain experts using real data from a hospital. The specialists who evaluated our system strongly agree or agree that the dialogues in which they participated fulfil Cohen’s desiderata for task-oriented dialogue systems. Our agents have the ability to explain to the user how they arrived at certain conclusions. Moreover, they have semantic representations as well as representations of the mental state of the dialogue participants, allowing the formulation of coherent justifications expressed in natural language, therefore, easy for human participants to understand. This indicates the potential of the framework introduced in this thesis for the practical development of explainable intelligent systems as well as systems supporting hybrid intelligence