136 research outputs found

    The Positive Influences Art Integration and Content Integration has on Students Learning Needs

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    This paper examines the role art integration and content integration has on students\u27 learning outcomes within the classroom. With the changing standards of New York State and the Common Core implications for teaching, art and content integration provides students with the potential to be successful both in and out of the classroom. Through the use of the literature review, exemplar lesson plans, my own personal experiences using integrated lesson plans, non-integrated and integrated lesson plan ideas, this paper provides a unique, supplemental resource for teachers to guide them to successful integrated lesson plans. By doing this both teachers and students will have greater success in and out of the classroom


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    Teaching English to young learners has played a pivotal role in building basic language competence. In the EYL classroom, teachers never teach pragmatically sensitive English in that they assume this is hard to teach young learners. Yet, they need it to get social practices. Though using nursery rhyme as a fun way of learning English has been discussed repeatedly in the EYL literature, English teachers rarely use them contextually. Thus, the presenter wishes to present how to teach English using playful nursery rhyme. The presentation begins addressing a conceptual framework of Teaching English for Young Learners pragmatically. In this section, the presenter will provide the attendees with the nature of Teaching English for Young Learners together with the rationale for implementing Pragmatics. In the second session, the presenter will flesh out steps for teaching students by using nursery rhyme as a booster of the students’ language development. The practical ideas of using nursery rhyme as social practices among students will be presented in this section. The presenter argues that nursery rhyme is able to build the social skills and promote personal development in today’s global world; thereby young learners can easily pragmatically sensitive English within the remit of their ability

    Feel and Touch: A Haptic Mobile Game to Assess Tactile Processing

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    Haptic interfaces have great potential for assessing the tactile processing of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), an area that has been under-explored due to the lack of tools to assess it. Until now, haptic interfaces for children have mostly been used as a teaching or therapeutic tool, so there are still open questions about how they could be used to assess tactile processing of children with ASD. This article presents the design process that led to the development of Feel and Touch, a mobile game augmented with vibrotactile stimuli to assess tactile processing. Our feasibility evaluation, with 5 children from 3 to 6 years old, shows that children accept vibrations and are able to use the proposed vibrotactile patterns. However, it is still necessary to work on the instructions to make the game dynamic clearer and rewards to keep the attention of children. We close this article by discussing future work and conclusions

    Assessing Displacement and Magnitude Effects on Relative Preferences of Edible and High-tech Leisure Items

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    Previous studies have shown when edible and leisure items (e.g., toys) are combined in multiple-stimulus-without-replacement (MSWO) preference assessments, edible items are often more preferred than leisure items by individuals with developmental disabilities (Bojak & Carr, 1999; DeLeon et al., 1997; Fahmie et al., 2015). However, how the inclusion of high-tech items (e.g., iPads ®, tablets, computers) affects preferences when compared to edible items is limited in this body of research. More recently, Conine and Vollmer (2019) demonstrated high-tech items might displace edible items; due to the recent influx of high-tech tangible items used as reinforcers in clinical settings, such as iPads, additional research is warranted. In the current evaluation, we compared the preferences for edible items and high-tech items in an assessment to determine if a displacement effect exists. Next, we manipulated the magnitude of both stimulus classes to assess how greater magnitude influences preference. Results showed high-tech leisure items were more preferred over edible items for 2 out of 3 subjects during the combined MSWO. However, regardless of the magnitude across stimuli, edible items were more likely to be selected during the magnitude assessment in the current study. Implications of the findings as well as future research ideas will be discussed in detail

    Developmental considerations in children’s song exposure: A commentary on Verosky (2022)

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    In this commentary, I discuss Verosky’s article, “Essen as a Corpus of Early Musical Experience” from my position as a developmental psychologist. I consider how Verosky’s findings connect to what is known about early cognitive development, discuss how the corpus fits into efforts to characterize early environments, and raise questions for future study

    Best Practices Technique in Teaching Intercultural Competence of English to Young Learners: Some Classroom Activities in Primary Schools

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    The topic of intercultural competence (so forth IC) is essential recently in young learners' teaching/learning context. IC requires learners to develop relevant knowledge and skills regarding the target language and their cultural awareness. Teaching/learning process generally includes the learning of how the language works in terms of social function, generic structure, and linguistic features; otherwise, they also need to know how to use these forms appropriately to communicate successfully in the target language. This process of learning is related to communicative competence. This paper focused on best practices technique in teaching IC of English to young learners context, which is hope to contribute to the development of learners communicative competence. This idea is to claim that in EFL teaching, the knowledge about target language culture is an essential contextual factor to achieve the successful target in learning English in a meaningful way [1]. Some best practices concerning the intercultural activities are presented in a set of teaching technique/instructions as supported by the theory of [2] that links to life and learners’ experiences. The techniques revealed from this present study are; describing and explaining the culture, dialogues, skits and mini-dramas, masks and puppets, role play, songs and dances, games, outdoor activity, craft and making a poster. Those best practices bring a new paradigm of EYL teaching techniques

    Language Arts Whole Language Program for Limited English Proficient Students in a Self-Contained First Grade

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    The purpose of this project was the development of a language arts program based on thematic units for limited English proficient students. Sample language activities are included for each unit. The contents of the project include: a review of literature related to the topics of using the whole language approach with limited English proficient students, procedures for the construction of thematic units, and an explanation of how to utilize the project. A summary with conclusions and recommendations is included

    Parent Workshops to Build Early Literacy in Preschoolers

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    The purpose of this project was to increase the literacy skills of preschoolers through family involvement activities. Research on the factors that contribute to early literacy and ways that parents can be involved in the literacy development of their child was examined. Two workshops were designed based on this research which suggests that the development of literacy is a gradual process which occurs long before the child enters school. Two workshops were designed to provide parents with ideas. The first was to show how to create a literacy rich environment in their home, the second, to show how parents can become involved with their child\u27s education by establishing a working relationship with the school. Ten take-home literacy activities were designed to further increase parent involvement in the literacy learning of their preschooler

    The importance of parental involvement in language acquisition and activities and techniques to enhance the home-school connection

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    This study discusses the importance of parental involvement in children’s language development, and the related project offers parents books and activities to assist them in developing their children’s linguistic skills
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