15 research outputs found

    The isomorphism problem for tree-automatic ordinals with addition

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    This paper studies tree-automatic ordinals (or equivalently, well-founded linearly ordered sets) together with the ordinal addition operation +. Informally, these are ordinals such that their elements are coded by finite trees for which the linear order relation of the ordinal and the ordinal addition operation can be determined by tree automata. We describe an algorithm that, given two tree-automatic ordinals with the ordinal addition operation, decides if the ordinals are isomorphic

    Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders

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    We prove that the isomorphism of scattered tree automatic linear orders as well as the existence of automorphisms of scattered word automatic linear orders are undecidable. For the existence of automatic automorphisms of word automatic linear orders, we determine the exact level of undecidability in the arithmetical hierarchy

    The strength of Ramsey Theorem for coloring relatively large sets

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    We characterize the computational content and the proof-theoretic strength of a Ramsey-type theorem for bi-colorings of so-called {\em exactly large} sets. An {\it exactly large} set is a set X\subset\Nat such that \card(X)=\min(X)+1. The theorem we analyze is as follows. For every infinite subset MM of \Nat, for every coloring CC of the exactly large subsets of MM in two colors, there exists and infinite subset LL of MM such that CC is constant on all exactly large subsets of LL. This theorem is essentially due to Pudl\`ak and R\"odl and independently to Farmaki. We prove that --- over Computable Mathematics --- this theorem is equivalent to closure under the ω\omega Turing jump (i.e., under arithmetical truth). Natural combinatorial theorems at this level of complexity are rare. Our results give a complete characterization of the theorem from the point of view of Computable Mathematics and of the Proof Theory of Arithmetic. This nicely extends the current knowledge about the strength of Ramsey Theorem. We also show that analogous results hold for a related principle based on the Regressive Ramsey Theorem. In addition we give a further characterization in terms of truth predicates over Peano Arithmetic. We conjecture that analogous results hold for larger ordinals

    Complexity of equivalence relations and preorders from computability theory

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    We study the relative complexity of equivalence relations and preorders from computability theory and complexity theory. Given binary relations R,SR, S, a componentwise reducibility is defined by R\le S \iff \ex f \, \forall x, y \, [xRy \lra f(x) Sf(y)]. Here ff is taken from a suitable class of effective functions. For us the relations will be on natural numbers, and ff must be computable. We show that there is a Π1\Pi_1-complete equivalence relation, but no Πk\Pi k-complete for k≥2k \ge 2. We show that Σk\Sigma k preorders arising naturally in the above-mentioned areas are Σk\Sigma k-complete. This includes polynomial time mm-reducibility on exponential time sets, which is Σ2\Sigma 2, almost inclusion on r.e.\ sets, which is Σ3\Sigma 3, and Turing reducibility on r.e.\ sets, which is Σ4\Sigma 4.Comment: To appear in J. Symb. Logi

    Tree-Automatic Well-Founded Trees

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    We investigate tree-automatic well-founded trees. Using Delhomme's decomposition technique for tree-automatic structures, we show that the (ordinal) rank of a tree-automatic well-founded tree is strictly below omega^omega. Moreover, we make a step towards proving that the ranks of tree-automatic well-founded partial orders are bounded by omega^omega^omega: we prove this bound for what we call upwards linear partial orders. As an application of our result, we show that the isomorphism problem for tree-automatic well-founded trees is complete for level Delta^0_{omega^omega} of the hyperarithmetical hierarchy with respect to Turing-reductions.Comment: Will appear in Logical Methods of Computer Scienc

    A Hierarchy of Tree-Automatic Structures

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    We consider ωn\omega^n-automatic structures which are relational structures whose domain and relations are accepted by automata reading ordinal words of length ωn\omega^n for some integer n≥1n\geq 1. We show that all these structures are ω\omega-tree-automatic structures presentable by Muller or Rabin tree automata. We prove that the isomorphism relation for ω2\omega^2-automatic (resp. ωn\omega^n-automatic for n>2n>2) boolean algebras (respectively, partial orders, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups) is not determined by the axiomatic system ZFC. We infer from the proof of the above result that the isomorphism problem for ωn\omega^n-automatic boolean algebras, n>1n > 1, (respectively, rings, commutative rings, non commutative rings, non commutative groups) is neither a Σ21\Sigma_2^1-set nor a Π21\Pi_2^1-set. We obtain that there exist infinitely many ωn\omega^n-automatic, hence also ω\omega-tree-automatic, atomless boolean algebras BnB_n, n≥1n\geq 1, which are pairwise isomorphic under the continuum hypothesis CH and pairwise non isomorphic under an alternate axiom AT, strengthening a result of [FT10].Comment: To appear in The Journal of Symbolic Logic. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1007.082