49 research outputs found

    The Gravitational Two-Loop Counterterm is Asymptotically Safe

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    Weinberg's asymptotic safety scenario provides an elegant mechanism to construct a quantum theory of gravity within the framework of quantum field theory based on a non-Gau{\ss}ian fixed point of the renormalization group flow. In this work we report novel evidence for the validity of this scenario, using functional renormalization group techniques to determine the renormalization group flow of the Einstein-Hilbert action supplemented by the two-loop counterterm found by Goroff and Sagnotti. The resulting system of beta functions comprises three scale-dependent coupling constants and exhibits a non-Gau{\ss}ian fixed point which constitutes the natural extension of the one found at the level of the Einstein-Hilbert action. The fixed point exhibits two ultraviolet attractive and one repulsive direction supporting a low-dimensional UV-critical hypersurface. Our result vanquishes the longstanding criticism that asymptotic safety will not survive once a "proper perturbative counterterm" is included in the projection space.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Rigid Supersymmetry from Conformal Supergravity in Five Dimensions

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    We study the rigid limit of 5d conformal supergravity with minimal supersymmetry on Riemannian manifolds. The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution is the existence of a conformal Killing vector. Whenever a certain SU(2)SU(2) curvature becomes abelian the backgrounds define a transversally holomorphic foliation. Subsequently we turn to the question under which circumstances these backgrounds admit a kinetic Yang-Mills term in the action of a vector multiplet. Here we find that the conformal Killing vector has to be Killing. We supplement the discussion with various appendices.Comment: 23 page

    Slow-roll inflation in f(R,T,RabTab)f\left(R, T, R_{ab}T^{ab}\right) gravity

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    In the framework of f(R,T,RabTab)f\left(R, T, R_{ab}T^{ab}\right) gravity theory, the slow-roll approximation of the cosmic inflation is investigated, where TT is the trace of the energy-momentum tensor TabT^{ab}, RR and RabR_{ab} are the Ricci scalar and tensor, respectively. After obtaining the equations of motion of the gravitational field from the action principle in the spatially flat FLRW metric, the fundamental equations of this theory are received by introducing the inflation scalar field as the matter and taking into account only the minimum curvature-inflation coupling term. Remarkably, after taking the slow-roll approximation, the identical equations as in f(R,T)f(R, T) gravity with a RTRT mixing term are derived. Several potentials of interest in different domains are evaluated individually, calculating the slow-roll parameter and the e-folding number NN. Finally, we analyze the behavior of the inflation scalar field under perturbation while ignoring the effect of metric perturbations. This research complements the slow-roll inflation in the modified theory of gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Four Point Functions of the Stress Tensor and Conserved Currents in AdS_4/CFT_3

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    We compute four point functions of the stress tensor and conserved currents in AdS_4/CFT_3 using bulk perturbation theory. We work at treel level in the bulk theory, which we take to be either pure gravity or Yang Mills theory in AdS. We bypass the tedious evaluation of Witten diagrams using recently developed recursion relations for these correlators. In this approach, the four point function is obtained as the sum of residues of a rational function at easily identifiable poles. We write down an explicit formula for the four point correlator with arbitrary external helicities and momenta. We verify that, precisely as conjectured in a companion paper, the Maximally Helicity Violating (MHV) amplitude of gravitons or gluons appears as the coefficient of a specified singularity in the MHV stress-tensor or current correlator. We comment on the remarkably simple analytic structure of our answers in momentum space.Comment: 44 pages. Zipped source includes a Mathematica notebook (v2) discussion section revise

    Lorentz symmetry is relevant

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    We set up a covariant renormalisation group equation on a foliated spacetime which preserves background diffeomorphism symmetry. As a first application of the new formalism, we study the effect of quantum fluctuations in Lorentz symmetry breaking theories of quantum gravity. It is found that once a small breaking is introduced e.g. at the Planck scale, quantum fluctuations enhance this breaking at low energies. A numerical analysis shows that the magnification is of order unity for trajectories compatible with a small cosmological constant. The immediate consequence is that the stringent observational constraints on Lorentz symmetry breaking are essentially scale-independent and must be met even at the Planck scale.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    xTras: a field-theory inspired xAct package for Mathematica

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    We present the tensor computer algebra package xTras, which provides functions and methods frequently needed when doing (classical) field theory. Amongst others, it can compute contractions, make Ans\"atze, and solve tensorial equations. It is built upon the tensor computer algebra system xAct, a collection of packages for Mathematica.Comment: 29 pages. The package can be downloaded from http://www.xact.es/xtras