528,549 research outputs found

    Securing The Root: A Proposal For Distributing Signing Authority

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    Management of the Domain Name System (DNS) root zone file is a uniquely global policy problem. For the Internet to connect everyone, the root must be coordinated and compatible. While authority over the legacy root zone file has been contentious and divisive at times, everyone agrees that the Internet should be made more secure. A newly standardized protocol, DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), would make the Internet's infrastructure more secure. In order to fully implement DNSSEC, the procedures for managing the DNS root must be revised. Therein lies an opportunity. In revising the root zone management procedures, we can develop a new solution that diminishes the impact of the legacy monopoly held by the U.S. government and avoids another contentious debate over unilateral U.S. control. In this paper we describe the outlines of a new system for the management of a DNSSEC-enabled root. Our proposal distributes authority over securing the root, unlike another recently suggested method, while avoiding the risks and pitfalls of an intergovernmental power sharing scheme

    Panel II: Public Appropriation of Private Rights: Pursuing Internet Copyright Violators

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    It seems to me that the story of music on the Internet over the past five or six years is the story of two fantasies colliding. The first fantasy is that information wants to be free, that with the Internet we can throwaway all the bottles and just have the wine and the free flow of data, which apparently was generated from somewhere and then circulated forever. So, there was that fantasy, that we would not need copyright anymore because everything would be available to everyone. The other fantasy is the record companies\u27 fantasy of perfect control, that there would be some way to control every use, every copy, of music that was digital

    Everybody loves surfing

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    A few months ago I was standing outside my local public library waiting for it to open. Within a few minutes a handful of people had joined me. When the doors opened we all filed in. Everyone else headed straight for the computers leaving me alone to browse the shelves. At first I was surprised by this—I never use the computers at the library—but then it occurred to me, I am one of the lucky ones who has a computer and access to the internet at home. This hasn’t always been the case though, and when I had no internet access at home where did I go to get online? The library of course

    Completing the Connection: Achieving Universal Service Through Municipal Wi-Fi

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    The federal universal service scheme is designed to ensure that everyone has affordable access to advanced telecommunications and information services. Despite the development of cost-effective technologies that drastically reduce the cost of telephone services vis-Ă -vis the Internet and Wi-Fi networks, federal regulations generally prevent municipalities or private companies from providing wireless Internet access with universal service funds. Federal regulations have replaced technology costs, lack of business incentives, and consumer affordability as the primary barrier to universal service. Competitive neutrality, the pro-competitive and technology-neutral approach to universal service funding, must be fully embraced in order to empower local communities with the choice of technologies that best suits their residents in providing universal and affordable access to advanced telecommunications and information services

    Correlation Between Fear of Missing Out and Internet Addiction in Students

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    Nowadays, technological advances continue to develop every year. The existence of technology makes it easy for everyone to access the internet anywhere and anytime; everyone can also use the internet at many sources, such as online games, chatting, YouTube, and many others. This research involved business administration students. The significance value (2 tailed) found was 0.000, 0.05, so there was a significant relationship between the fear of missing out (FoMO) variable and internet addiction. In addition, there was a positive correlation and a contribution between FoMO and internet addiction in business administration students with a significance of 0.000 0.05. It signifies that if FoMO increases, internet addiction will also increase. The contribution of internet addiction to the FoMO was 52.8%. The accepted hypothesis in this study revealed that FoMO is one of the factors influencing internet addiction in business administration students

    Some Peer-to-Peer, Democratically and Voluntarily Produced Thoughts About \u27The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom,\u27 by Yochai Benkler

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    In this review essay, Bartow concludes that The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom by Yochai Benkler is a book well worth reading, but that Benkler still has a bit more work to do before his Grand Unifying Theory of Life, The Internet, and Everything is satisfactorily complete. It isn\u27t enough to concede that the Internet won\u27t benefit everyone. He needs to more thoroughly consider the ways in which the lives of poor people actually worsen when previously accessible information, goods and services are rendered less convenient or completely unattainable by their migration online. Additionally, the Internet is easy enough to be optimistic enough as a technological achievement, but just as nuclear fission can be harnessed both for electrical power generation and annihilating destruction, the raw communicative capabilities can\u27t be qualitatively assessed without reference to specific content. Pornography and its symbiotic relationship to the Internet require thoughtful scrutiny. Astroturf and other targeted attempts to instrumentally distort democratic discourse need to be analyzed and possibly also rechanneled or contained. The impact of moving resources online upon people who substantially live in an offline, analog world, needs to be contemplated more fully

    5G and the Internet of everyone: motivation, enablers, and research agenda

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    As mobile broadband subscriptions grow twice as fast as the fixed ones and the Internet of Things comes forth, the 5G vision of the Internet of Everything (people, devices, and things), becomes a substantial and credible part of the near future. In this paper, we argue that the 5G vision is still missing a fundamental concept to realize its societal promise: the Internet of EveryOne (IoEO), i.e., means and principles to overcome the concerns that the current 5G perspective raises for the digital divide and the network neutrality principle. We discuss open-source software and hardware, Community Networks, mobile edge computing and blockchains as enablers of the IoEO and highlight open research challenges with respect to them. The ultimate objective of our paper is to stimulate research with a short-term, lasting impact also on that 50% (or more) of population that will not enjoy 5G anytime soon. Internet of EveryOne, community networks, 5G, mobile edge computing, network neutrality, community cloud computing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Online Casino Advertising: Testing the Limits of Commercial Speech

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    <span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;"><font face="TimesNewRoman"><p align="left">The advent of the Internet has revolutionized the daily lives of everyone by giving increased access to information and consumer transactions, while also adding change and further complexity to the law. Gambling has adapted to the arrival of the Internet with online sports books</p></font></span><p align="left"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">2 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">and online casino gambling,</span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">3 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">both developing a presence on the Internet. These new online casinos have begun to advertise both on the Internet and through more traditional broadcasting, like radio and television.</span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;"><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman; font-size: xx-small;">4 </span></span><span style="font-family: TimesNewRoman;">As a result, the Department of Justice has begun to crack down on online casino advertisers, primarily by threatening prosecution against advertisers through the Wire Act (18 U.S.C. &sect; 1084).</span></p

    Gender Differences in Computer Ethics among Business Administration Students

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    Because of the various benefits and advantages that computers and the Internet offer, these technologies have become an essential part of our daily life. The dependence on these technologies has been continuously and rapidly increasing. Computers and the Internet use also has become an important part for instructional purposes in academic environments. Even though the pervasive use of computers and the Internet has many benefits for almost everyone, but it has also increased the use of these technologies for illegal purposes or unethical activities such as spamming, making illegal copies of software, violations of privacy, hacking and computer viruses. The main purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in computer ethics among Business Administration students and examine their attitudes towards ethical use of computers. Results from 248 students in the Department of Business Administration at a public university in Turkey reveal that significant differences exist between male and female students’ attitudes towards ethical use of computers.computer ethics, gender differences, business administration

    An Overview of Broadband communication over Power Lines

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    Broadband over power lines are Systems for carrying data on conductors used for electric power transmission. Power line communication technologies can be used for different applications ranging from home automation to internet access. With the spread of broadband technologies in the last few years, there are yet significant areas in the world that do not have access to high speed internet, as compared with the few internet service providers in existence, the additive expenditures of laying cables and building necessary infrastructure to provide DSL in many areas most especially rural areas is too great. But if broadband is served through power lines considering the fact that it exist all over the country, there will be no need to build new infrastructure. Therefore, anywhere there is electricity, there could also be broadband. Broadband over Power line is designed to offer an alternative means to provide high speed internet access, voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) and other broadband services, using medium and low voltage lines to reach customers and businesses by combining the principle of wireless networking, modems and Radio. Researchers and developers have created ways to transmit data over power lines into homes at speeds between 500kilobits and 3 megabits per second which is equivalent to the cable DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and this is achieved by modifying the present power grids with specialized equipments. With this knowledge, the broadband power line developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity
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