138 research outputs found

    Gaze+RST: Integrating Gaze and Multitouch for Remote Rotate-Scale-Translate Tasks

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    Our work investigates the use of gaze and multitouch to fluidly perform rotate-scale-translate (RST) tasks on large displays. The work specifically aims to understand if gaze can provide benefit in such a task, how task complexity affects performance, and how gaze and multitouch can be combined to create an integral input structure suited to the task of RST. We present four techniques that individually strike a different balance between gaze-based and touch-based translation while maintaining concurrent rotation and scaling operations. A 16 participant empirical evaluation revealed that three of our four techniques present viable options for this scenario, and that larger distances and rotation/scaling operations can significantly affect a gaze-based translation configuration. Furthermore we uncover new insights regarding multimodal integrality, finding that gaze and touch can be combined into configurations that pertain to integral or separable input structures

    Evaluation of Psychoacoustic Sound Parameters for Sonification

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    Sonification designers have little theory or experimental evidence to guide the design of data-to-sound mappings. Many mappings use acoustic representations of data values which do not correspond with the listener's perception of how that data value should sound during sonification. This research evaluates data-to-sound mappings that are based on psychoacoustic sensations, in an attempt to move towards using data-to-sound mappings that are aligned with the listener's perception of the data value's auditory connotations. Multiple psychoacoustic parameters were evaluated over two experiments, which were designed in the context of a domain-specific problem - detecting the level of focus of an astronomical image through auditory display. Recommendations for designing sonification systems with psychoacoustic sound parameters are presented based on our results

    Quadtree based mouse trajectory analysis for efficacy evaluation of voice-enabled CAD

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    Voice-enabled applications have caught considerable research interest in recent years. It is generally believed that voice based interactions can improve the working efficiencies and the overall productivities. Quantitative evaluations on the performance boost by using such Human-Computer interactions (HCI) are therefore necessary to justify the claimed efficacies and the usefulness of the HCI system. In this paper, a quadtree based approach is proposed to analyze the mouse movement distributions in the proposed Voice-enabled Computer-Aided Design (VeCAD) system. The mouse tracker keeps a record of all the mouse movement during the solid modeling process, and a quadtree based approach is applied to analyze the mouse trajectory distributions in both the traditional CAD and the VeCAD system. Our experiments show that the mouse movement is significantly reduced when voice is used to activate CAD modeling commands. ©2009 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurements Systems (VECIMS) 2009, Hong Kong, 11-13 May 2009. In Conference Proceedings, 2009, p. 196-20

    Virtual objects in electronic catalogs: A human-computer interface issue

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    Web interface design is an important aspect of electronic commerce (EC). However, apart from design frameworks and guidelines for Web-based EC, not much has been done by researchers or practitioners on how electronic catalogs (e-catalogs) influence the users' desirability and satisfaction as purchasers. In this correspondence, we investigate the form of media that represented the most efficient mode to present products to Web users by summarizing and evaluating various existing forms of e-catalogs and their respective responses from Web users. We conclude that a 3-D virtual object (VO) is the most efficient mode of electronic cataloging for Web interface due to a better sense of presence of users, a more attractive and enjoyable media of delivery of useful information to users, and a higher level of engagement of user's memory. A 3-D VO, as a result, generates the highest users' satisfaction, which leads to increased propensity to purchase. Further, we discuss the practical and theoretical research implications of these findings to e-catalogs. © 2007 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Enhanced device-based 3D object manipulation technique for handheld mobile augmented reality

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    3D object manipulation is one of the most important tasks for handheld mobile Augmented Reality (AR) towards its practical potential, especially for realworld assembly support. In this context, techniques used to manipulate 3D object is an important research area. Therefore, this study developed an improved device based interaction technique within handheld mobile AR interfaces to solve the large range 3D object rotation problem as well as issues related to 3D object position and orientation deviations in manipulating 3D object. The research firstly enhanced the existing device-based 3D object rotation technique with an innovative control structure that utilizes the handheld mobile device tilting and skewing amplitudes to determine the rotation axes and directions of the 3D object. Whenever the device is tilted or skewed exceeding the threshold values of the amplitudes, the 3D object rotation will start continuously with a pre-defined angular speed per second to prevent over-rotation of the handheld mobile device. This over-rotation is a common occurrence when using the existing technique to perform large-range 3D object rotations. The problem of over-rotation of the handheld mobile device needs to be solved since it causes a 3D object registration error and a 3D object display issue where the 3D object does not appear consistent within the user’s range of view. Secondly, restructuring the existing device-based 3D object manipulation technique was done by separating the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the 3D object translation and rotation to prevent the 3D object position and orientation deviations caused by the DOF integration that utilizes the same control structure for both tasks. Next, an improved device-based interaction technique, with better performance on task completion time for 3D object rotation unilaterally and 3D object manipulation comprehensively within handheld mobile AR interfaces was developed. A pilot test was carried out before other main tests to determine several pre-defined values designed in the control structure of the proposed 3D object rotation technique. A series of 3D object rotation and manipulation tasks was designed and developed as separate experimental tasks to benchmark both the proposed 3D object rotation and manipulation techniques with existing ones on task completion time (s). Two different groups of participants aged 19-24 years old were selected for both experiments, with each group consisting sixteen participants. Each participant had to complete twelve trials, which came to a total 192 trials per experiment for all the participants. Repeated measure analysis was used to analyze the data. The results obtained have statistically proven that the developed 3D object rotation technique markedly outpaced existing technique with significant shorter task completion times of 2.04s shorter on easy tasks and 3.09s shorter on hard tasks after comparing the mean times upon all successful trials. On the other hand, for the failed trials, the 3D object rotation technique was 4.99% more accurate on easy tasks and 1.78% more accurate on hard tasks in comparison to the existing technique. Similar results were also extended to 3D object manipulation tasks with an overall 9.529s significant shorter task completion time of the proposed manipulation technique as compared to the existing technique. Based on the findings, an improved device-based interaction technique has been successfully developed to address the insufficient functionalities of the current technique

    Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects 2015

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    These are the Proceedings of the 4th IUI Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects. Objects that we use in our everyday life are expanding their restricted interaction capabilities and provide functionalities that go far beyond their original functionality. They feature computing capabilities and are thus able to capture information, process and store it and interact with their environments, turning them into smart objects

    An Inertial Device-based User Interaction with Occlusion-free Object Handling in a Handheld Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology used to merge virtual objects with real environments in real-time. In AR, the interaction which occurs between the end-user and the AR system has always been the frequently discussed topic. In addition, handheld AR is a new approach in which it delivers enriched 3D virtual objects when a user looks through the device’s video camera. One of the most accepted handheld devices nowadays is the smartphones which are equipped with powerful processors and cameras for capturing still images and video with a range of sensors capable of tracking location, orientation and motion of the user. These modern smartphones offer a sophisticated platform for implementing handheld AR applications. However, handheld display provides interface with the interaction metaphors which are developed with head-mounted display attached along and it might restrict with hardware which is inappropriate for handheld. Therefore, this paper will discuss a proposed real-time inertial device-based interaction technique for 3D object manipulation. It also explains the methods used such for selection, holding, translation and rotation. It aims to improve the limitation in 3D object manipulation when a user can hold the device with both hands without requiring the need to stretch out one hand to manipulate the 3D object. This paper will also recap of previous works in the field of AR and handheld AR. Finally, the paper provides the experimental results to offer new metaphors to manipulate the 3D objects using handheld devices

    Movement and gesture recognition using deep learning and wearable-sensor technology

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    Pattern recognition of time-series signals for movement and gesture analysis plays an important role in many fields as diverse as healthcare, astronomy, industry and entertainment. As a new technique in recent years, Deep Learning (DL) has made tremendous progress in computer vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP), but largely unexplored on its performance for movement and gesture recognition from noisy multi-channel sensor signals. To tackle this problem, this study was undertaken to classify diverse movements and gestures using four developed DL models: a 1-D Convolutional neural network (1-D CNN), a Recurrent neural network model with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), a basic hybrid model containing one convolutional layer and one recurrent layer (C-RNN), and an advanced hybrid model containing three convolutional layers and three recurrent layers (3+3 C-RNN). The models will be applied on three different databases (DB) where the performances of models were compared. DB1 is the HCL dataset which includes 6 human daily activities of 30 subjects based on accelerometer and gyroscope signals. DB2 and DB3 are both based on the surface electromyography (sEMG) signal for 17 diverse movements. The evaluation and discussion for the improvements and limitations of the models were made according to the result
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