5 research outputs found

    The possibility of the cyberspace impact on career decision-making progress

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    Nedostatak spremnosti uključivanja u proces odlučivanja smatra se jednom od najznačajnijih poteškoća u donošenju odluka o karijeri. U ovom radu govori se o mogućnosti uticaja sajber prostora na donošenje odluka o karijernom napredovanju, jer je on postao deo svakodnevnog životnog okruženja. Cilj rada jeste da se, na osnovu rezultata istraživanja opisanih u literaturi, utvrdi mogućnost izvođenja prijateljskih operacija uticaja iz sajber prostora, zasnovanih na psihološkim teorijama, radi uticaja na donošenje odluka o karijernom napredovanju. U radu je utvrđeno postojanje teorijskih osnova i rezultata praktičnih istraživanja koji ukazuju na moguće načine izvođenja operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora na donošenje odluke o karijernom napredovanju. Na osnovu toga, predložena je definicija prijateljske operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora. Ukazano je na značaj pojma sajber ličnost u procesu izbora ciljne grupe operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora i na njegovu ulogu u stvaranju uslova za izvođenje operacije uticaja iz sajber prostora za potrebe hibridnog ratovanja.Human resources play an important role in the life cycle of any organization and in its interaction with the external environment. The disadvantages and advantages of the internal environment are mainly manifested through the part of human resources that directly affects the behavior of the organization. Proper staff selection and career management directly affect the organization, its internal environment and position in the external environment. Employee career management also means creating an environment in which individuals make decisions about career advancement. Lack of willingness to engage in the decision-making process is considered one of the most significant difficulties in making career decisions. In the last ten years, the modern environment for living and working has inevitably encountered cyberspace. The most significant and influential forms of cyberspace in real life are the Internet, social networks and mobile phones. Mobile phones provide Internet access to customers anywhere and anytime, while the Internet provides access to social networks. The average cyberspace user has access to a large amount of data and information that can disrupt or slow him down in decision-making, and even in the career decision process. Social network users have the opportunity to be informed in real time about important events in the environment, as well as about the activities and reactions of important people that can influence their behavior. The subject of this paper is the possibility of the cyberspace influence on career decision because cyberspace has become a part of everyday living space. The aim of this paper was, based on the results of research described in the literature, to determine the possibility of performing friendly influence operations from cyberspace, based on psychological theories, in order to influence decision-making on career advancement. The paper confirms that cyberspace can be used to influence the career decision by performing friendly influence operations based on psychological theories of decision - making and influence. Friendly influence operations in cyberspace are defined as activities of individuals or organizations in cyberspace consciously aimed at trying to change the attitudes and behavior of individuals, small or large groups of people in order to achieve their or their well-being work and / or living environment. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been proposed as a theoretical basis for achieving a friendly influence operation. As the most appropriate ways of approaching the target group of the influence operation on career decision in cyberspace, e-mail is proposed in the paper for submitting personalized affirmative material on career advancement in electronic form, and sending informative and so-called social messages via social networks. The importance of the term cyber personality in the process of selecting the target group of cyberspace impact operations and its role in creating conditions for performing cyberspace impact operations for the needs of hybrid warfare is pointed out

    The Impact of University Level Sports Education on Social Media Addiction

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the effects of university level sport education on social media addiction. For this purpose, social media addiction scales filled in by 320 students from the faculty of Sports Sciences and 333 students from the faculty of Education were evaluated. T-test, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and LSD test were used in statistical procedures. In the study, occupation, mood modification, relapse and conflict scores were found to be statistically significantly different in terms of gender (p<0.05 and p<0.001). Statistically significant difference was also found in social media addiction total score in terms of the year of study (p<0.05 and p<0.001). Occupation, mood modification, relapse, conflict and social media addiction scale scores of faculty of sport sciences students were found to be lower than the scores of education faculty students (p<0.001). Conclusion: It was found that social media addiction level of students receiving sport education was lower when compared with students who were not receiving sport education and it was concluded that sport education could be effective in decreasing social media addiction. It can be recommended to provide opportunities to receive sport education and to do sport to university students who are not receiving sport education

    Personality traits and the use of the Internet as faktors in attitudes and career decisions in a military environment

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    U poslednjih trideset godina nije bilo istraživanja koja su se bavila problemom donošenja odluke o karijernom napredovanju u Vojsci Srbije, kao ni istraživanja koja su obuhvatala uticaj sajber prostora na pripadnike Vojske Srbije, iako je u tom periodu izvršena profesionalizacija vojne organizacije i značajno izmenjeno okruženje i uslovi u kojima postoji. Zbog toga je osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio da se na teorijskom nivou doprinese nadogradnji i obogaćivanju Teorije planiranog ponašanja, pruži određena empirijska podrška toj i sličnim teorijama, zatim da se analizira značaj osobina ličnosti i socijalnog uticaja na stav o profesionalnom napredovanju, kao i utvrđivanje relacija između osobina ličnosti i korišćenja informacija iz sajber prostora u vezi sa napredovanjem u karijeri. Utvrđivanje strukture stavova i odluke o profesionalnom napredovanju u vojnom okruženu i definisanje integralnog modela činioca koji utiču na proces odlučivanja o profesionalnom napredovanju u vojnom okruženju bio je praktični cilj istraživanja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 454 ispitanika oficirskog kadra Vojske Srbije, svih činova, osim ispitanika generalskog čina. U radu je korišćena deskriptivna Survey Research metoda (analitička varijanta). Radi prikupljanja podataka o sociodemografskim i statusnim obeležjima ispitanika i njihovih stavova o napredovanju u karijeri korišćen je upitnik konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja - UPITNIK o donošenju odluke o karijernom napredovanju u vojnoj profesiji, koji obuhvata 50 pitanja. Utvrđivanje osobina ličnosti vršeno je sledećim mernim instrumentima: 1) NEO FFI- Petofaktorski model ličnosti; 2) Skale faceta iz domena Savesnosti: C1 – kompetentnost i C4 – težnja za postignućem iz Upitnika NEO 30 FACETS; 2) Skala self-koncepta (GENSELF 40), 3) Skala MM1 za merenje makijavelizma i 4) Skale vrednosnih orijentacija – Opšti aktivizam i Društveni aktivizam. Matematičko razvrstavanje ispitivanih manifestnih varijabli u manji broj latentnih varijabli, kojima se objašnjava najveći deo zajedničke varijanse promenljivih, izvršeno je faktorskom analizom. Za ispitivanje značajnosti razlika u stavovima o napredovanju u karijeri između grupa koje su razvrstane prema sociodemografskim, statusnim i socioekonomskim obeležjima upotrebljena je kanonička diskriminaciona analiza. Utvrđivanje povezanosti između osobina ličnosti ispitanika, kao skupa nezavisnih varijabli, i latentnih varijabli stavova ispitanika o napredovanju u vojnoj karijeri, kao skupa zavisnih promenljivih, vršeno je pomoću kanoničke korelacione analize. Značajnost i veličine uticaja ispitivanih osobina ličnosti ispitanika na njihovo odlučivanje o profesionalnom napredovanju utvrđeno je regresionom analizom, dok je Hi-kvadrat test nezavisnosti dveju kategoričkih varijabli korišćen za ispitivanje povezanosti između dve kategoričke varijable iz skupa stavova o napredovanju u karijeri. Potvrđivanjem svih pet posebnih hipoteza disertacije dokazana je opšta hipoteza ovog istraživanja da se manifestni oblici stavova pripadnika Vojske Srbije mogu objasniti manjim grupama latentnih dimenzija (faktora), kao i da su oni statistički značajno povezani sa određenim sociodemografskim obeležjima i osobinama ličnosti ispitanika. Utvrđena je struktura stavova i odluke o profesionalnom napredovanju u vojnom okruženju i predložen je integralni model činioca koji utiču na proces odlučivanja o profesionalnom napredovanju u Vojsci Srbije (Model). Specifičnost predloženog Modela je u tome što konkretizuje faktore koji su značajni za donošenje odluke o profesionalnom napredovanju u vojnom okruženju, a to su: Objektivne okolnosti i lični stav, Porodični i sredinski činioci, Pogodnosti napredovanja u vojnoj službi i Sajber prostor. Poseban značaj Modela ogleda se u definisanju strukture stavova o profesionalnom napredovanju kao i strukture odluke o profesionalnom napredovanju, na osnovu čega je moguće preciznije izvršiti uticaj na stavove pripadnika Vojske Srbije o karijernom napredovaju i na donošenje pozitivne odluke o napredovanju. Predloženi Model definiše uslove za stvaranje okruženja u kojem će biti moguće usaglasiti potrebe vojne organizacije i potrebe njenih pripadnika, što je značajna razlika u odnosu na pristupe u razvoju zaposlenih, opisanih u savremenoj literaturi, koji se zasnivaju na „..1. Formalnom obrazovanju, 2. Proceni, 3. Radnom iskustvu i 4. Međuljudskim odnosima..” (Noe et al, 2005). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najznačajnija kognitivna, zatim konativna komponenta stava, kao determinante donošenja odluke o profesionalnom napredovanju, dok je emotivna komponenta najmanje značajna. Takođe, empirijski je utvrđeno postojanje mogućnosti uticaja sajber prostora na donošenje odluke o napredovanju u karijeri. Rezultati disertacije o određivanju strukture stavova vezanih za profesionalno napredovanje ukazuju da bi trebalo nastaviti istraživanje načina za uticanje na promenu ponašanja preko ostalih komponenti Ajzenove Teorije planiranog ponašanja. Takođe, istraživanje bi moglo biti nastavljeno s pripadnicima Vojske Srbije o njihovim očekivanjima u slučaju da donesu odluku o karijernom napredovanju, u kom slučaju bi istraživanjem trebalo da budu obuhvaćene i subjektivne norme, odnosno utvrđivanje strukture društvenog pritiska i strukture socijalnog okruženja na sprovođenje određene vrste ponašanja.In the last thirty years, there have been no studies that dealt with deciding on career advancement in the Serbian Army, nor research that covered the impact of cyberspace on members of the Serbian Army. However, in that period, the military organization was professionalized, the environment and conditions in which it exists changed significantly. Therefore, this dissertation's main goal was to contribute on the theoretical level to upgrade and enrich the Theory of Planned Behavior, provide some empirical support to that and similar theories, then analyze the importance of personality traits and social influence on attitudes towards professional advancement between personality traits and the use of information from cyberspace regarding career advancement. Determining the structure of attitudes and decisions about professional advancement in the military environment and defining an integral model of factors influencing the decision-making process about professional advancement in the military environment was the research's practical goal. The research included 454 respondents of the Serbian Army Forces officers, of all ranks, except for respondents of the rank of general. The paper used a descriptive Survey Research method (analytical variant). To collect data on the respondents' socio-demographic and status characteristics and their views on career advancement, a questionnaire constructed for this research was used - QUESTIONNAIRE on decision-making on career advancement in the military profession, which includes 50 questions. Determining personality traits was performed with the following measuring instruments: 1) NEO FFI - Five-factor model of personality; 2) Facet scales from the domain of Conscientiousness: C1 - competence and C4 - striving for achievement from the NEO 30 FACETS Questionnaire; 2) Scale of self-concept (GENSELF 40), 3) Scale MM1 for measuring Machiavellianism and 4) Scales of value orientations - General activism and Social activism. Mathematical classification of the examined manifest variables into a smaller number of latent variables, which explain most of the common variance of variables, was performed by factor analysis discriminant analysis. Determining the relationship between respondents' personality traits, as a set of independent variables, and latent variables of respondents' attitudes towards military career progress, as a set of dependent variables, was performed using canonical correlation analysis. Professional advancement was determined by regression analysis, while the Chi-square of the test dependence of the two categorical variables was used to examine the correlation between the two categorical variables from the set of attitudes about career advancement. By confirming all five particular hypotheses of the dissertation, the general hypothesis of this research was proved that the manifest forms of attitudes of members of the Serbian Army can be explained by smaller groups of latent dimensions (factors) and that they are statistically significantly related to specific socio-demographic characteristics and personality traits. The structure of attitudes and decisions on professional advancement in the military environment has been determined, and an integral model of factors influencing the decision - making process on professional advancement in the Serbian Army Forces (Model) has been proposed. The specificity of the proposed Model is that it concretizes the crucial factors for deciding on professional advancement in the military environment: Objective circumstances and personal attitude, Family and environmental factors, Suitability of advancement in military service and Cyberspace. The special significance of the Model is reflected in defining the structure of attitudes about professional advancement as well as the structure of the decision on professional advancement, based on which it is possible to more precisely influence the attitudes of members of the Serbian Army Forces on career advancement and making a favorable decision on advancement. The proposed Model defines the conditions for creating an environment in which it will be possible to harmonize the needs of the military organization and the needs of its members, which is a significant difference from the approaches to employee development described in modern literature, based on ". Formal education, 2. Assessment, 3. Work experience and 4. Interpersonal relationships .. "(Noe et al., 2005). The research results showed that the most important is the cognitive, then the conative component of attitude, as determinants of decision-making on professional advancement, while the emotional component is the least important. Also, the possibility of cyberspace's influence on deciding on career advancement has been empirically determined. The dissertation results on determining the structure of attitudes related to professional advancement indicate that research should be continued influencing behavior change through other components of Eisen's Theory of Planned Behavior. The research could also be continued with Serbian Army Forces members about their expectations if they decide on career advancement. The research should include subjective norms, i.e., determining social pressure and the social environment structure to implement certain behaviors