17,702 research outputs found

    Exploratory Study on Consumers’ Motive to Accept Mobile Marketing in the Emerging Market; Tanzania

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    The global communication revolution from traditional land line to mobile phone, has significantly give pace to the innovation of mobile marketing that reach large number of customers with less cost . The means that allow direct interaction and personalization to the target audience based on time and location, has been practiced in many countries as well as in Tanzania  in order to reach the target audience and increase efficiency in marketing strategies. The acceptance of the means is gradually low and not consistence to the countries practiced this form of advertising, due to the diverse motivating factors driving to the acceptance of this form of mobile marketing. To date there is scarce researches concerning the motivating factors of consumers’ willingness to acceptance and respond to the mobile marketing in Tanzania context, This exploratory study aim to fill this gap, focusing on investigating the driving factors for the acceptance of mobile marketing in this emerging market Tanzania, where this marketing communication channel is in its embryonic stage, and the success depend upon the acceptance of the consumer.  Theory of reasoned action (TRA) and Use and Gratification framework applied on examining the consumers’ behavioral intention to receive and use the SMS advertising. There were 336 valid responses analyzed via Liner Regression and Structural Equation Model in Amos version21. The results statistically confirms that social norms and attitude are the factors affecting behavioral intention, but social norms has much influence than attitude to influence behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Informative nature of the mobile marketing has strong influence on attitude toward the acceptance, perceived utility also is a significant driver on attitude. Incentive has weak motivation to attitude, but is a significant driver to behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Perceived risk and trust have insignificant relation to attitude. Shared content is a significant driver to behavioral intention through social norms. The effect of permission as the pre requisite in sending mobile advertisement, and cultural diversity within Tanzanian context has been ignored in this study. The study will provide insight to marketing practitioners in Tanzania on creating the SMS ads that characterized with motivating factors that will influence consumers’ behavioral intention to accept mobile marketing. Keywords: Mobile marketing: Attitude: SMS advertising: Behavior intentio

    Factors affecting consumer's attitudes toward mobile marketing

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    This study aims to investigate the "factors affecting Saudi consumer's attitudes toward acceptance of the mobile marketing". The researcher tries to develop and test a model to achieve the dissertation's objectives. The study focuses on four independent variables to achieve the objective of this study which are: Customer satisfaction for the content of the advertising message, Customer trust for the content of the advertising message, the Value  and the utility of the offers that are  provided by the advertising message,  brand of the products that are offered by the  advertising message.  Data were collected from a convenience sample using a questionnaire. The data are analyzed using several statistical techniques to test the stated hypotheses. Multiple regression analysis is used to find the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The result confirm that all the independent variables had a significant effect on Saudi consumer's attitudes toward acceptance mobile marketing. Recommendations for future research, marketing implications, and limitations of this study are proposed. Key words: mobile marketing, customer attitudes, SMS

    Influence of Customised Advertisements of High-End Smartphones in OTT Platforms on the Consumer Buying Intentions of Millennial & Generation Z

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    This study identifies and analyses the customizedadvertisements in different OTT platforms, productfeatures/attributes of high-end smartphones, anddemographic factors that influence consumer purchasedecisions, owing to personalized/targeted ads specific tothe city of Delhi. It discusses the existing knowledgepertaining to growing targeted ads by brands across OTTplatforms, and based on the literature review, and aconceptual framework is developed. India's favorabledemographic profile, the growing middle class, highdisposable income and young population have helped thebrands to witness tremendous growth through the OTTplatforms in the last 2-3 years. The study examines whatinfluences Indian consumers' purchase decisions amidstthis growth by considering all aspects of a personalizedadvertisement and analyzing how they differ based ondemographic variables such as gender, age, income,personality traits, and other factors. The study seeks tosegment Indian Millennial and Generation Z consumerson the basis of a model built on the major demographicdata identified. A questionnaire was administered to 246 respondents of Millennial and Generation Z within thecity of Delhi. The data obtained was analyzed usingFactor Analysis and One-way ANOVA in SPSS. It wasobserved that previous purchase behavior, visual appeal,and personalization are some of the major value factorsaffecting the purchase decisions of Indian Millennial andGeneration Z consumers. Age and income have asignificant impact on consumer buying decisions. Theresearch was conducted within the city of Delhi alone,which may not be generalized to the entire country

    An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Customers\u27 Acceptance Intention towards Online Behavioral Advertising

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    Big data mining and analysis technology greatly influence the development of the advertising industry. In order to capture large information on consumers\u27 online behaviour, cookie files and Hadoop are widely adopted by advertisers to reach targeted consumers, which leads to online behavioural advertising. Based on an empirical study, this research mainly analyzes the factors influencing customers\u27 acceptance intention towards OBA from developing a conceptual framework. By collecting data through questionnaires and using SPSS and AMOS for data analysis, the result indicates that the factors of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions have a positive relationship with customer acceptance intention. Moreover, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions have a positive relationship with attitudes towards OBA. However, attitudes do not positively impact customer acceptance intention and social influence has no significant relationship with attitudes, which could attribute to privacy concern and the rising of personality consciousness respectively. The result of this study is of great significance to the way of improving advertising effectiveness

    Impacts of WeChat on Millennials’ Perceptions and Consumption Behaviors in the Hotel Industry

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    Social media, known as interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications, has deeply changed and reformed interpersonal communication and business operation with the wide spread of Internet and the development of technology. In the past few years, since mobile apps are becoming more and more popular, the access of social media is not limited to tablet computers only, but is also available for almost all kinds of smart phone devices, such as iPhone, Android, Symbian and so on. The function of social media is not confined to real- time message transmission or information sharing any more. It has expanded to a widely range of features, such as online purchase and payment, e-commerce business, and service for different types of social events. Social media plays an increasingly important role in daily personal life as well as in business activities. People are not merely considered as social media users, but also the component of social media itself. As a result, it is very crucial for people to realize the importance and impacts of social media, especially for those business operators. WeChat (Weixin in Chinses, literally “micro message”) is a cross-platform instant text and voice messaging communication service for multiple mobile devices, developed by Tecent in China, first released in the January of 2011. It is claimed to provide “the new way to connect” and create “a way of life”. It is free to download, install and register, and support all kinds of smart phone platforms with multiple language versions, such as Chinese, English, Japanese, French, and Spanish. WeChat provides its users different ways to communicate and interact with friends innovatively through instant text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, group messaging, lively video sharing, location sharing, money transferring, and contact information sharing. Among all the WeChat users, Millennials is the majority. With the growing-up of Millennials, they are becoming more and more powerful and important to the society and will be the next target segmentation for most of the industries in the very near future. Especially for the hotel industry, the industry that urges to attract Millennials patrons for further substantial development, how to attract Millennials is becoming a critical issue for those hotel operators


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    This study investigates the critical elements of viral marketing toward consumers' purchasing intention in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Five perceived viral marketing elements were identified and tested on their relationship to consumers' purchase intentions. The five key factors are perceived informativeness, entertainment, irritation, source credibility, and incentive. To gather and analyse the data related to this study, questionnaires were distributed through the online google platform to the consumers in Klang Valley. A total of 434 respondents contributed to the discussion and conclusion of this study. These respondents are frequent internet users who are familiar with viral marketing. Therefore, it increased the research's credibility. Findings obtained from this study indicated that four key elements of viral marketing, perceived informativeness, perceived entertainment, perceived source credibility, and perceived incentives, are significant and display a positive relationship to consumers' purchasing intention. In contrast, this study illustrated that perceived irritation is not significant for consumers' purchase intentions, indicating that the consumers in the Klang Valley, Malaysia, do not perceive the advertising messages targeted at them causes any annoyance but as helpful during their purchase intention.  Article visualizations

    Effects of social media advertisements on intention to purchase health and beauty products / Hasman Abdul Manan …[et al.]

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    Social media has become a necessity in nearly everyone's life today as it offers them the opportunity to keep in touch with family and friends. Social media is also acting as a medium for consumers to review or get an opinion on certain products before purchasing them. Even though purchasing online is convenient, yet it still creates skeptical opinions towards certain elements. Many companies do not realize the importance of preserving the integrity and truthfulness when it comes to advertising. Not all social media advertisements or posts are real. Therefore, this study aims to examine customers' perceptions of social media advertisements and their intention to purchase health and beauty products. A six-section questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale, from 1- strongly disagree to 5 -strongly agree, was created for the study. The snowball sampling was the preferred sampling method to acquire data from 180 respondents, and these data were analyzed using SPSS version 24. The analysis results indicated that all variables' items were between the range of 0.728 to 0.859, which denotes the existence of internal consistency. From the regression analysis findings, trust and affective have significant positive effects on purchase intention, whereas credibility and authenticity showed non-significant relationships. The study found trust and affective attitude have significant positive relationships with purchase intention of products on social media. Whereas, credibility and authenticity are found to have no significant relationship with purchase intention. Between trust and affective, trust is found to have strongest influence on consumer purchase intention

    How smartphone advertising influences consumers’ purchase intention

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    In the last decade, the use of smartphones has grown steadily. The way consumers interact with brands has changed owing to the accessibility of an internet connection on smartphones, and ubiquitous mobility. It is crucial to understand the factors that motivate consumers to interact with smartphone advertisements and therefore what stimulates their decision to purchase. To achieve this goal, we proposed a conceptual model that combines Ducoffe’s web advertising model and flow experience theory. Based on the data collected from 303 respondents, from a European country, we empirically tested the conceptual model using a partial least squares (PLS) estimation. The results showed that advertising value, flow experience, web design quality, and brand awareness explain purchase intention. The study provides results that allow marketers and advertisers to understand how smartphone advertisements contribute to consumer purchase intention

    An Exploratory Study on the Adoption of Mobile Advertising in China

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    With the development of mobile technology, mobile advertising has become popular worldwide. It seems that almost every user who owns a mobile device receives mobile advertisements from various service providers. However, most consumers hold negative attitude toward mobile advertising. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the factors which influence consumers’ adoption of mobile advertising. Based on literature review from previous research, a research model was proposed. This research model was empirically evaluated using survey data collected from 302 receivers of mobile advertising. According to the analytical results of our study, consumers’ attitude toward mobile advertising and incentives explain about 80% of consumers’ intention to receive mobile advertisements. Besides, entertainment, credibility, personalization and irritation all have direct effects on consumers’ toward mobile advertising, and the effect from entertainment is quite strong. Furthermore, both theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed

    Social Media Marketing: What factors affect consumers brand engagement towards social media marketing, and what is the effectiveness of the factors?

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    It has become increasingly more important for companies to implement social media marketing in the last decade, because of the increased social media use amongst the population. Companies also have to invest more in social media as it is crucial for companies to understand what factors affect the attitude of the consumers towards social media marketing to be successful. This study was performed to increase the knowledge of how different factors affect brand engagement. We did this by using quantitative research with a questionnaire, data analyses, and support from previous studies. The regression analysis results revealed that the independent variables motivation/intention and user behavior had a significant effect on brand engagement. The user characteristics of trust and word of mouth were also found to have a mediating effect. The result of our thesis gives an understanding of the factors that affect brand engagement. It can be used by marketers that aim to increase the effect and success of their social media marketing. The thesis also suggests areas for further research
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