123,879 research outputs found

    Future skills issues affecting industry sectors in Wales: electronics sector

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    An Examination of the Relationship Between Firm Size, Growth and Liquidity in the Neuer Markt

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    With the increasing competitive importance of scientific innovations associated with the new economy it has become critical to understand the dynamics of its' firm growth during this early and potentially critical stage of development. This study analyses the relationship between firm size and growth for Neuer Markt firms from its inception in 1997 until 2000 Evidence supports the hypothesis that smaller firms on the Neuer Markt grew faster than larger firms. Further, by using an alternative specification for growth, this study provides evidence that liquidity constraints impact firm growth, even when controlling for firm size and age. Results further indicate that while smaller firms grew faster in the new economy, larger firms grew faster in the old economy, supporting the notion that smaller German firms may be playing a larger role than previously in bringing new technologies to the market place. -- Angesichts der zunehmenden Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Innovationen , die mit der "neuen Ökonomie" in Verbindung stehen, ist es wichtig geworden, die Wachtumsdynamik dieser Firmen in einem frühen und möglicherweise entscheidenden Entwicklungsstadium zu verstehen. Dieses Papier untersucht für Firmen am Neuen Markt die Beziehung zwischen Größe und Wachstum in der Zeit von 1997 bis 2000. Es gibt Hinweise, dass kleinere Firmen am neuen Markt stärker wachsen als große Unternehmen.. Desweiteren gibt es nach dieser Studie Anzeichen, dass Liquiditätsbeschränkungen das Firmenwachstum beeinflussen, selbst wenn man für Größe und Alter kontrolliert. Weiterhin wird nahegelegt, dass kleine Firmen in der "neuen Ökonomie" schneller als große Firmen wuchsen, während in der "alten Ökonomie" das umgekehrte galt. Dies unterstützt die Vorstellung, dass kleinere deutsche Firmen heute möglicherweise eine größere Rolle als früher spielen, wenn es darum geht, neue Technologien auf den Markt zu bringen.

    The future of computing beyond Moore's Law.

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    Moore's Law is a techno-economic model that has enabled the information technology industry to double the performance and functionality of digital electronics roughly every 2 years within a fixed cost, power and area. Advances in silicon lithography have enabled this exponential miniaturization of electronics, but, as transistors reach atomic scale and fabrication costs continue to rise, the classical technological driver that has underpinned Moore's Law for 50 years is failing and is anticipated to flatten by 2025. This article provides an updated view of what a post-exascale system will look like and the challenges ahead, based on our most recent understanding of technology roadmaps. It also discusses the tapering of historical improvements, and how it affects options available to continue scaling of successors to the first exascale machine. Lastly, this article covers the many different opportunities and strategies available to continue computing performance improvements in the absence of historical technology drivers. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Numerical algorithms for high-performance computational science'

    The electronics industry in central and eastern Europe: an emerging production location in the alignment of networks perspective

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    This paper analyses the emergence of central Europe as a new location for the production of electronics. The main factors that drive integration in the region into global production networks are also analysed, as well as prospects for upgrading the industry by using network alignment perspectives. Foreign investment is the primary vehicle of integration of CEE electronics firms into global production networks, and Hungary has moved furthest along this path, positioning itself as a major low-cost supply base in the region. Czech and Polish electronics industries are connected, in smaller, but increasing, degrees to international electronics production networks. Networks that are being built in CEE in electronics are usually confined to subsidiaries with still limited local subcontracting; they are export-oriented and are expanding. Local subsidiaries have mastered production capabilities and several subsidiaries in Hungary are European mandate suppliers in their respective lines of business. EU demand is the main pull factor, which gives cohesion to the actions of MNCs as well as to the action of local and national governments in CEE. The layer of local firms is still very weak with very limited capabilities in core technologies. This is the key weakness which prevents further alignment of networks in CEE electronics. Local governments play an important role in working jointly with foreign investors in establishing industrial parks and new capacities

    The Economics of Electronics Industry: Competitive Dynamics and Industrial Organization

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    This entry highlights fundamental changes in the electronics industry that have transformed its competitive dynamics and industrial organization: a high and growing knowledge intensity; the rapid pace of change in technologies and markets; and extensive globalization. That explosive mixture of forces has created two inter-related puzzles. The first puzzle is that a high degree of globalization may well go hand in hand with high and increasing concentration. This runs counter to the dominant view, based on the assumption of neo-classical trade theory, that globalization will increase competition and hence will act as a powerful equalizer both among nations and among firms. Multinational corporations, after all, may not be such effective "spoilers of concentration", as claimed by Richard Caves (1982). The second related puzzle is that this industry fails to act like a stable global oligopoly, even when concentration is extremely high: a market positions are highly volatile, new entry is possible, and not even market leaders can count on a guaranteed survival.

    Entrepreneurial Impact: The Role of MIT

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    Presents an analysis of firms founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) alumni -- revenues, employees, spending on marketing and research and development, and type of firm -- by state to quantify MIT's entrepreneurial impact

    Ghent University Technology Park : from a local initiative towards an essential component of the Ghent knowledge innovation ecosystem

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    Using the case of the Ghent University and its Technology Park, we will illustrate how changing policies and practices at the level of the university concerning research valorization have an impact on our science park. We will also demonstrate how the evolving nature of our science park has a clear impact on the university, as the science park becomes more and more an integral part of the university knowledge eco-system. We will also highlight the involvement of Ghent University in the Korea Songdo Global University Campus Project

    Productivity and Financial Structure: Evidence from Indian High-Tech Firms

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    The paper utilizes data on high-tech Indian firms for 1996-2007 to explain the association between leverage and productivity. Accordingly, firm-level productivity measures are regressed on a set of control variables, which includes leverage among the regressors. The findings suggest that low leveraged firms tend to be more productive, on average. Robustness tests support the results.productivity; financial structure, leverage; India