46 research outputs found


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    Uvažavajući napredak tehnologije, dostupnost različitih kanala prodaje i kupovine, te trendove u ponašanju potrošača glavna, svrha ovog rada je istražiti online kupovno ponašanje potrošača kroz stavove potrošača prema online kupovini. Tako je u fokusu istraživanja utjecaj odabranih čimbenika (percepcije cijene, potkrepljenja, značaja objava na društvenim mrežama i online recenzija) na stvaranje pozitivnih stavova prema online kupovini i njihov daljnji utjecaj na učestalost online kupovine. Stavovi prema online kupovini imaju posredničku, odnosno medijatornu ulogu, te se njihov značaj utvrđivao putem izravnih, neizravnih i ukupnih učinaka. Rezultati istraživanja, dobiveni regresijskom analizom, su pokazali da od istraživanih prediktora, neočekivano, samo čimbenik potkrepljenja pozitivno utječe na online kupovinu pri čemu je taj utjecaj izraženiji uz prisustvo pozitivnih stavova prema online kupovini. Dobiveni rezultati, osim znanstvenog doprinosa, imaju i marketinške implikacije za praksu. U radu se također daje uvid u ograničenja istraživanja, te smjernice za buduća istraživanja ove problematike

    Peran Mediasi Kepercayaan dan Kesadaran Merek pada Pengaruh antara Ulasan Pelanggan Online terhadap Niat Pembelian (Study pada Pengguna E-Commerce)

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    Online Customer Review merupakan inti dari strategi pemasaran kontemporer. Namun, hingga saat ini, hanya sedikit perhatian yang diberikan untuk mengembangkan ukuran ulasan online yang valid. Beberapa penelitian akademis telah menggunakan pendekatan untuk menjelaskan Online Customer Review, namun penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan hasil yang inkonsisten. Beberapa penelitian menyatakan bahwa Online Customer Review berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention, namun beberapa penelitian lainnya menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh dari online customer review terhadap purchase intention. oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menjelaskan perbedaan hasil penelitian dengan menempatkan kepercayaan dan brand awareness sebagai variabel mediasi. Berdasarkan pengendalian variabelnya penelitian ini merupakan pengendalian survei, Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna e-commerce yang ada diindonesia. Jumlah total responden pada penelitian ini adalah 304 orang. Alat analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan bantuan menggunakan perangkat lunak SmartPLS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh simpulan bahwa : (1) Contextual Image dan Numerical Rating menjadi faktor penentu penting dalam niat pembelian sebagai dimensi dari Online Customer Review, kecuali textual comment. (2) Kepercayaan memediasi dari pengaruh online customer review pada niat pembelian, kecuali pada dimensi Contextual image. (3) Brand awareness memediasi dari pengaruh online customer review terhadap niat pembelian. Rekomendasi kedepannya dapat memperluas sampel penelitian seperti perbedaan antar generasi dan pengelompokkan jenis produk tertentu untuk membandingkan peran online customer review terhadap niat pembelian

    Pengaruh Online Consumer Review terhadap Minat Beli melalui Virtual Hotel Operator

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    Budget hotel is predicted to be one of the largest market shares in South Asian Market’s hospitality sector, which leads to the birth of Virtual Hotel Operators (VHO), an online platform which specifically offers for budget hotels accommodation. As VHO becomes one of the platforms to be used to book budget hotels online, people are often finding previous comments consumer to consult. Therefore, this research aims to see the influence of Online Consumer Review Dimension towards Purchase Intention via one of VHOs in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive quantitative approach, the data is collected through questionnaire from google form, there were 107 respondents’ chosen using judgmental sampling. The hypothesis testing is done using multiple regressions, using Valence, Volume and Timeliness of Online Consumer Review as independent variable and Hotel Booking Intention as dependent variable. The result shows that Valence, Volume and Timeliness of Online Consumer Review simultaneously influence Hotel Booking Intention through VHO. Meanwhile, only Timeliness influences Hotel Booking Intention through VHO partially. To sum up, the Online Consumer Review is still used as reference before booking hotel online through VHO. Particularly, the Timeliness is quite important, since it could give the timely description about the hotels

    The Role of Web Design, E-WOM and City Branding on Re-Visit Behaviour

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    The increasing number of Internet users, especially in Indonesia, the parties who make strategic decisions in the domain of Tourism should focus their attention toward the testimony and the information that have been circulating around the social media, especially with regards to the domain of Tourism. By paying attention to the above factors, through the conduct of the study the researcher would like to focus on the influence of Web Design, E-WOM and City Branding on the Re-Visit Behaviour to a tourism destination. In conducting the study, the researcher adopted the TPB (Theory of Planned Behaviour) that serves as the basis in identifying the factors that influence the tourist to visit a tourism destination. In the same time, the researcher will also adopt the TRA (Theory of Reaction Action), which later associated to the underlying theory in confirming the factors that influence the tourist’s decision to visit a tourism destination. Moreover, in analysing the respondents’ characteristics within the study, the researcher had run by the SPSS software. This research used SEM PLS in analyzing the data. The research distributed questionnaires to the tourists who used to visit a tourism destination located in the Regency of Pandeglang, Indonesia. Finally, his research found that web design, e- wom and city branding have positive and significant impact on visit decision Keywords: Web Design, E-WOM, City Branding, Visit Decision, Theory of Planned Behaviour, Theory of Reaction Action DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-6-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    The Effectiveness of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication: A Literature Analysis

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    Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has been one of the most exciting research areas of inquiry. There is an emerging attention on the effectiveness of eWOM communication. The scope of published studies on the impact of eWOM communication is rather broad and the studies appear relatively fragmented and inconclusive. In this study, we focused on the individual-level eWOM research. We conducted a systematic review of eWOM research and identified key factors that are specific to the context of eWOM communication. We believe that this literature analysis not only provides us with an overview of the current status of knowledge within the domain of eWOM communication, but also serves as a salient guideline for future research directions

    Reviewing the Relevance of SWOT Analysis Model on Social Media Marketing Strategy Design Framework

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    SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis has become a popular approach for strategy formulation in businesses. Today, social media networks are proving to be the most successful means of forming online communities and connecting with people across the globe. Social media can supply organizations with crucial decision-making data. In this dispensation, many people understand how to utilize social networks at a primitive level, but are eager to learn more concerning the concept of social media marketing strategies. This paper focuses on a how SWOT analysis can be used for the evaluation of social media marketing design framework. Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Social media, Online communities, Marketing strategies, Social media marketing design framework. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/81-04 Publication date:August 31st 2021

    Relationship between influencer marketing and purchase intention: focusing on Vietnamese gen Z consumers

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    The exploration of social media among Gen Z has promoted the development of influencer marketing in emerging markets. This study aims to determine how influencer marketing would impact Vietnamese Gen Z consumer’s purchase intention. This study employed quantitative research and used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to analyze the data. The data collection process is conducted online with a sample size of 250 Gen Z respondents. The respondents are aware of the impacts of influencer marketing on their purchase intention. The respondents are exposed to influencer marketing on social media and had experiences with online shopping. The study analyzes five factors that would influence Gen Z’s consumer purchase intention: perceived influencers’' credibility (CRE), the relevance between products and customers (RE), the entertainment value of influencers' content (ENT), perceived expertise of influencers (EXP) and peer’s review and recommendation (PEER). This study's findings concluded that 4 out of 5 factors had influenced Gen Z purchase intention: perceived influencers' credibility, the entertainment value of influencers' content, perceived expertise of influencers, and peer's review and recommendation. There is no statistical evidence to conclude that the relevance between products and customers (RE) impacts Vietnamese Gen Z’s consumer purchase intention. Remarkably, peer’s review and recommendation (PEER) is the most vital factor impacting Vietnamese Gen Z's consumer purchase intention. Managerial recommendations are provided to improve influencer marketing's effectiveness on purchase intention among Vietnamese Gen Z consumers

    Consumers’ Factors on eWOM Diffusion in Social Networking Services (SNS)

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    This present study seeks to uncover personal factors of social networking services (SNS) users’ on eWOM diffusion in SNS through review of previous studies. This paper also aims to build a conceptual theory based on these findings and create a path for further studies and empirical research in the future.  Literature from technology acceptance fields and social sciences were examined on eWOM diffusion via four levels of self-factors in individuals.  The issues of level of trust, personal eWom experience, and self-efficacy are discussed in the prediction of eWOM, while different personalities are predicted to have different outcomes in eWOM diffusion.  The insights of personal factors influence in eWOM would enhance consumers’ ability to understand further how to navigate positive and negative perspectives of personal factors and act to use this discovery to assist own decision making. Keywords: eWOM, SNS, self-efficacy, eWOM experience trust, personality

    The Effect of Online Review on Consumer’s attitude and Purchase Intention towards automotive products

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    This study was conducted to examine the effect of online reviews on consumer attitudes and buying interest in automotive products by adopting research by Sudirman (2018). Sudirman’s research examines the influence of online YouTube reviews about Toyota Rush on consumers buying interest mediated by consumer attitudes.The main construct of this study is electronic word of mouth variables in the form of online reviews of automotive products and consumers attitudes and buying interest. The objective of this research are: Firstly, whether there is a positive influence from electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) in the form of online reviews on social media platform: YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp on consumer attitudes towards automotive products. Secondly, whether there is a positive influence of consumer attitudes towards automotive products on buying interest in automotive products. And the thirdly, whether there is a positive influence of electronic word of mouth in the form of online reviews on social media platform: YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp on consumer buying interest in automotive products.To find out whether the goal is proven or not, hypothesis is used then tested empirically using regression with the help of SPSS Program.The result show that it is proven that there is a positive influence of e-WOM on consumer attitudes towards automotive products. This research also proves that there is a positive influence of consumer attitudes towards automotive products on the purchase intention of automotive products. This research does not prove that there is a positive effect of e-WOM on consumer interest in buying automotive products, but proves that the influence of e-WOM on buying interest in automotive products mediated by the variable of consumer attitudes towards automotive products