6 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Computer Science Research Productivity and Impact in Nigeria: A Bibliometric Evidence

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    Computer science is a burgeoning research field and has the potential to accelerate the rate of industrialisation and subsequently, economic development. Using bibliometric data obtained from Scopus, this study employed a 15-year bibliometric analysis to highlight Nigeria’s productivity and impact trends in the computer science research landscape. Our findings are summarised as follows: First, Nigeria’s computer science research contribution and citations are meager in comparison to the global output. Secondly, international collaboration is generally weak as most collaborations are national in scope. Third, Nigeria’s computer science-related research is published in low-quality outlets, as Scopus has discontinued the indexing of most of the outlets. Although the publication growth trend is encouraging, the volume and impact of computer science-related research can improve significantly with the conduct of more quality researches that facilitated by strong international collaborations, and published in very high-quality outlets

    Evaluating Research Output using Scientometric and Social Network Analysis: A Case of Alagappa University, India

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    This study analyzed the research productivity of Alagappa University (AU), India, in terms of scientometric and social network analysis measures. The primary aim of this study is to construct two types of networks, co-authorship, and citation, with three levels of network measures to divulge the social and intellectual structure of AU and to identify their research hubs, social interactions, the knowledge diffusion pattern, which will help to strengthen their research areas, fund allocation and to formulate appropriate policy strategies. It revealed that AU produced 99.45 % of research articles in collaboration, particularly 88.41% of the articles were the outcome of international scientific collaboration, remaining 11.04% of them have collaborated domestically. It found that the main path of the most cited publications constituted the mainstream of development of the Department of Bio-Technology, AU.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.2.20.

    Analysis of the impact of international collaboration in business studies area

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    Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías y medios de colaboración, nos estamos adentrando en una nueva etapa en el ámbito científico en el que los académicos buscan aprovechar las ventajas que la colaboración internacional ofrece. Una de esas ventajas es el aumento del impacto, medido en forma del número de citas, de aquellos trabajos realizados en conjunto por más de un país. En este trabajo se pretende demostrar que también ocurre en el ámbito de los estudios empresariales realizado en España. Para ello, se ha medido el número medio de citas y el índice h de todos los artículos publicados en este campo por autores españoles en distintos niveles de colaboración: local (los autores pertenecen a la misma afiliación), nacional (los autores pertenecen a más de una afiliación, todas de España) e internacional (al menos uno de los autores es de un país extranjero). Los resultados demuestran que el mayor número medio de citas y el mayor índice h se obtiene en el nivel de colaboración internacional. Además, se ha realizado una comparación de las distintas universidades españolas, mostrando que existen diferencias entre ellas respecto al grado de colaboración internacional. Este estudio pretende ser la base para que los agentes interesados en mejorar las políticas científicas de este campo en España obtengan una visión global del estado de colaboración internacional y puedan profundizar en el futuro para mejorar sus políticas

    Factors Affecting Computer Science Research Productivity and Impact in Nigeria: A Bibliometric Evidence

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    Computer science is a burgeoning research field and has the potential to accelerate the rate of industrialisation and subsequently, economic development. Using bibliometric data obtained from Scopus, this study employed a 15-year bibliometric analysis to highlight Nigeria’s productivity and impact trends in the computer science research landscape. Our findings are summarised as follows: First, Nigeria’s computer science research contribution and citations are meager in comparison to the global output. Secondly, international collaboration is generally weak as most collaborations are national in scope. Third, Nigeria’s computer science-related research is published in low-quality outlets, as Scopus has discontinued the indexing of most of the outlets. Although, the publication growth trend is encouraging, the volume and impact of computer science-related research can improve significantly with the conduct of more quality researches that facilitated by strong international collaborations, and published in very high-quality outlets

    The Impact of International Research Collaboration Network Evolution on Chinese Business School Research Quality

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    The University of Texas at Dallas has proposed 24 top journals (UTD24) covering all areas related to management. UTD24 are currently the most authoritative management journals. Institutions or research scholars who have published papers in these journals are considered to have a high academic level. This study uses the paper quality published by an institution in the UTD24 journals to indicate the research quality of this institution and takes the papers published by Chinese Business School in the UTD24 journals from 2000 to 2018 as the research object. By analyzing the staged evolution process and the research hotspot of international research collaboration network (IRC network) of Chinese Business School, this paper summarizes and analyzes the factors that influence the quality of papers published by Chinese Business School in UTD24 journals: degree centrality of an institution, betweenness centrality of an institution, the degree of attention of an institution, the degree of novelty of an institution, and the number of countries cooperating with the institution. This paper divides paper quality into two parts: the total number of papers and citations per paper of an institution. Among them, degree centrality and betweenness centrality of the institution have a significant positive impact on the total number of papers of the institution. The degree of attention and the number of countries cooperating with the institution have a significant positive impact on citations per paper, and the degree of novelty has a significant negative impact on citations per paper